Come and have your spirit refreshed
Oh, the promise of spring,
for the colours and bird songs it will bring!

Our mission as a spirituality centre continues to be
"To encourage individuals and groups to explore and restore
the energies needed for personal, communal, and world transformation."
Breakfasts Wednesdays 8am-9:30am 
& April 19 Good Friday.
Simple breakfast, 
a reflection, and a time of prayer and sharing. Donation to Georgina Food Pantry welcomed. No registration necessary.
Equinox Wednesday 7pm.
Ready, set, plant! Celebrate the beginning of spring by planting seeds for the summer. Bring your own, or enjoy ours. Snack provided. No registration necessary.
Facilitator: Brenda Peddigrew rsm. Come explore deepening of the soul presence through the link between body & soul. This retreat includes a Sat. morning workshop on Science Wellness + Energy Medicine by Dr. Joan Weir.
Take time in the beauty of this sacred space on the shores of Lake Simcoe to receive the gifts of silence waiting for you...
home-cooked meals, and spiritual direction are offered as part of these days.

Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ) is a national organization of members inspired by faith to act for justice in Canadian public policy. 
CPJ is a voice for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy, focusing on poverty in Canada, ecological justice, and refugee rights. 
There is so much we can all do to save the earth.

Come spend time in this sacred space. Rest, reflect and re-focus in an atmosphere of beauty, peace and solitude.
Corporate, staff and organization groups are welcome for weekday retreats of envisioning, reflection & planning.
Individuals may book time throughout the year. Spiritual direction available upon request.
G uest Comments
"I came with an open heart. I had a wonderful experience of just being, listening, observing, quieting down.
I leave with an amazing sense of peace, joy, and connection to spirit.
I am most thankful for this experience."

"Even in the depths of winter, there is so much serenity and beauty."

Find your centre at our Centre ... Come and see ...
"Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars. "
Serbian proverb

"Nature does not hurry.
Yet everything is accomplished."
Lao Tzu
Coming soon...
Tel. 905.476.4013
© Loretto Maryholme Spirituality Centre 2019
Office Hours:
Weekdays 9am-noon
Afternoons by chance