Success Story
Katy* came to Becky’s Place in July of 2020 after completing an inpatient rehabilitation program. Katy had called Becky’s Place for months before deciding to complete the intake and become a Becky’s Place resident. Katy had been homeless for her entire adult life, spending 7 years sleeping in a car, crashing on someone’s couch, or sleeping outside. Katy brought her 3-year-old son with her and was learning how to be a stable parent.  

Katy continued her addiction recovery programs at Becky’s Place. She found employment and signed her son up for daycare. She started saving her money and was eventually able to purchase her own car. With help from her father, she was able to purchase a mobile home and put it on his property. Katy put in a lot of work for the camper to be livable including digging ditches, replacing flooring, and making repairs to the heater. 

Katy was able to move into her own home on December 1, 2020 and end her 7-year struggle with homelessness. She is extremely proud of herself for learning parenting skills, how to budget and save, and owning her own home. She thanked the staff at Becky’s Place for assisting her on her journey and teaching her the skills to live independently.

*Name changed for privacy
Twelve women and nine children stayed with us this Christmas. Thank you for sharing the spirit of Christmas with them by providing “room at the inn.”

We continue to follow CDC safety guidelines regarding COVID-19 as our case managers work with our residents to secure and sustain stable employment and housing. We are pleased to report that 10 of our 12 residents have jobs. Please let us know if you are interested in employing our residents: 812-275-5773.
Run for Hope Results

Thank you to all those that participated in our Virtual Run for Hope this year. There were over 75 people that supported homeless women and children during the month of November.
Christmas Open House Recap
Becky’s Place held a virtual Christmas Open House on Tuesday, December 1st. Program Director Corrina Hayes provided a tour of the shelter and visited with residents. There were also interviews with Council President Melissa Rowe and former Program Director Cami Pritchett. You can watch the full Open House on our Facebook page.
Save the Date!
Spring Shelterbration 
Date: Thursday, March 11th, 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Virtual
Details: Join us for our virtual Shelterbration featuring resident’s success stories, silent auction and the Becky’s Place awards. To sponsor this event click here. To donate an auction item or for more information about sponsoring contact Development Director Cheri Bush at [email protected].

Becky’s Place Monthly Volunteer Meeting
UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, We are not holding in person volunteer meetings. 
If you would like to find out about volunteer opportunities, please call the shelter at (812)275-5773
Two Easy Ways to Fight Homelessness