Day out of Time - July 25 2015


The Art of Living and Loving


"May your life be like a wildflower growing freely in the beauty and joy of each day." - Native American Proverb



July 25th 2015


Wildflower Portal




What is the Day out of Time?


In the Dreamspell System, the Day out Of Time happens  every July 25th. It marks the day in between the 13th and last Moon of the Dreamspell year (ending on July 24th)  and the New Year that begins every July 26th with Moon 1, Bat Moon of Purpose.


The Galactic (Dreamspell/13 Moon) Mayan calendar measures the year in 13 even Lunar months of 28 days each; a perpetual calendar of 52 perfect weeks, making a total of 364 days.  When considered within the Gregorian Solar Calendar as we know it. there is an extra day. JULY 25th, the 365th day of the year on this 13-Moon Calendar.

 On July 25th, Sirius (the dog star) rises with the sun too.


The Day Out Of Time has been celebrated worldwide since 1992. It is seen by those who observe this system as a day of the Celebration of "Time is Art" and an International Peace through Culture Day. Public Celebrations and Gatherings take place in a variety of locations all over the globe where themes of Peace, Forgiveness, Collective Unity and the Art of Living are a Focus.


Dr. Masaro Emoto, who did extensive work with the effects of words, emotions, music on water set a date of July 25th as "World day of Love and Thanks to Water"  to coincide with the Day out of Time. The Spirit of his work brings attention and consciousness to the Power of Love and Gratitude made Visible in all ways. He died in 2014, yet his work lives on, Please visit his website by clicking on his name above that includes a link.


True Peace begins within, and so I also look at the Day Out of Time as a Day of Sacred Pause. In this Timeless space we have energetic support for and an opportunity to deeply and super consciously touch the larger story of our lives in ways that ripple outward throughout the year.


For many of us it could be life as usual whatever that might be. Or, we might choose how to spend our day be that in quiet refection, prayer, solitude, in larger community, creating art, at a specific related celebratory function, with a beloved partner, or in a small group of cherished friends and/or family.


However this day unfolds for each of us, may we remember to consciously connect with our innate inner divinity and creative spark and to the larger etheric web that connects us all - in a moment of Sacred Pause. May we feel deeply and express authentically the JOY that is our birthright and share that JOY with others. May we BE Love made visible wherever we might be.




Sacred Spirals:

Dreamspell and Longcount Calendars


The Quiche Count Mayan calendar (Longcount/New Earth Resonance) does not honor the Day out of Time and thus continues to march forward symbolically. The Day out of Time of the 13 Moon (Dreamspell Calendar) feels to create an opening for the Internal Spiral as the Ancient Calendar Spirals onward and outward.  This inner and outer spiraling feels parallel to the phenonmena of the Precession of the Equinoxes where as Humanity moves forward in linear time (progressing through the years),  the Ages we are living through move in reverse (Movement from the age of Pisces, 12th Zodiac sign to the Age of Aquarius, 11th sign)


This inner and outer spiraling seems to form the beginning basis of the significance of the Trinity of Kin that I first wrote publicly about in the very First Edition of Loominosity on last Day Out of Time (July 25 2014) . You'll also find resources for further exploration in that issue and at Loominosity


Embracing the outward spiral and its more subtle inner counterpoint is embracing wholeness, yin and yang, the being and doing of our lives and it feels to have great evolutionary potential and significance that can be more tangibly noted each leap year on March 1st when linear time marches forward for the Quiche Count/Longcount calendar that observes leap day, and does not march forward on Leap Day in the Dreamspell System.


 Leap Day in the Dreamspell system is considered a day of Timeless Time. From the Foundation for the Law of Time:

Note: February 29/Leap Day is known as 0.0.Hunab Ku - a day of pure timelessness. For Feb 29 Birthdays: If you were born on February 29 before noon local time, use February 28. If you were born after noon local time, use March 1 to find your galactic signature


 There is no Kin or count that day. It is at this point every 4 years on March 1st that the rotating Kin (Dreamspell and Longcount/New Earth Resonance) for a four year cycle will change.  Please read more about this phenomena at Loominosity by hovering over the header Dreamspell then clicking on Seed Cycles of Yellow Hueman


The third point in the Trinity, a synthesis of Dreamspell  and Longcount/New Earth Resonance seems to assist in energetically creating a unified field where both aspects potentially meet in Harmony and in the Realm of Infinite Possibility.


The Trinity of Kin might be considered as:


Dreamspell: Crown Chakra and SoulStar, Imaginal Realm, Inspiration, Wave of the Quantum Theory, Galactic Heart


New Earth Resonance/Longcount: Root Chakra and Earth Star , Phenomenal Realm. Particle of the Quantum Theory,

Earth Heart


Heart Bridge: Heart Chakra, Ecstatic Realm, Harmonizer, Unified Field/Theory, Your/Our Heart


Venus Stations Retrograde

on the Day Out Of Time 


This year in Particular underscores the Sacred Pause as Venus, in the process of completing a 584 day Synodic Cycle, stations retrograde in her Evening Star phase on July 25th, the Day Out of Time, at 00 Virgo, after having entered the 8th gate of her Ascent, Life by Intent, on July 18.


A planet in retrograde motion has slowed down so much that it appears to be moving backward relative to our view on earth. Although this is an optical illusion, its impact upon our Psyches is very real. The energy of a retrograde planet is directed inward rather than out and is experienced much more subjectively.


 We are asked to reflect upon and more deeply explore/consider just exactly what our "Life by Intent" , the Art of our Lives will be. How will we channel and express all that is inside in the context of our everyday lives? How will we show up to Live and to Love?


Venus is linked with the energy of Divine Feminine, Goddess, with Love, Beauty, Art, What we Value and our Values, with all types of Relating and Relationships including with ourselves. Venus can also be linked with possessions, inner and outer, to Timeless Time and, it is said by the practitioners of esoteric/soul-centered astrology:: "Venus is to the Earth what the Soul is to the Personality"


Venus will rise again as a brand new archetype of the Divine Feminine and to begin another 584 day Synodic Cycle on August 21st at 19 Leo.


[Touching just into Virgo by July 25, Venus will move back through Leo until reaching the halfway point when she will turn direct again on September 7th at 15 Leo]


It feels as though this upcoming Venus Cycle will focus upon finding the Joy in Life, Radiance, tapping into our Personal Brilliance, Creativity, Courage and Spontaneity and bringing Joy to others through Hearts overflowing with Love. This process includes radical forgiveness and the release of all that might prevent a Deep Heart Healing Overhaul that will be personal to each one of us within this collective theme unfolding.


What a beautiful energetic possibility to Pause with, to reflect on, and to begin the White Planetary Wizard Year on July 26.



Hummingbird Courage and Creative Inspiration for New Life


Breathing in the silence to energize creativity, I/we ground to Earth energies, allowing creativity to flow in the sacred spaces of my/our being.  Earth and Heaven nourish us.  

Our bodys become Prayer Sticks for the world.


Going directly to the Heart of things I/we explore deeply to find the Sweetness, delighting in bringing beauty to others in myriad forms and delighting in Beauty itself. Spaciousness is our friend and ally


Building on ancient gifts, I/we express them in new ways and as World-Changer's Transforming Bridge, we collectively are Heart Healers,  beginning first with our own. Seeing color from Red to ultra violet, the full rainbow spectrum and beyond, our JOY comes from a sense of POSSIBILITY for indeed we know what true MAGIC is.


I/we dare to Dream and to show up transparently and creatively for whatever Life is unfolding...  Our Life is a great adventure of growth, trust and discovery that We love to experience and to share!


Enduring to Enjoyment-Bound, We Thrive. We Love...


...Walking the Beauty Way in whatever we do, the Love in our Lives Grows.


Trinity of Kin for the Day Out of Time 




World Changers Transforming Bridge:


Creating New Story and New Adventure

through conscious transmutation, I/we embrace with gratitude the opportunity to be a pillar of the temple of "Heaven on Earth" for they are one within me/us


Manifesting, Flowing with, the Essence of Freedom




White Planetary Wizard Year


On July 26th we enter a new Dreamspell Year, year of White Planetary Wizard. Throughout this year there will be a focus on personal and collective Transformation, Transmutation and Transfiguration and upon being a CATALYST at the point of choice for ourselves and for others by becoming ever more transparent and tapping into the wisdom that emanates from the Heart.


How will we choose to show up for Life and Love and share our unique brand of Magic with the world??


The color Pale Violet will create Sacred Space Bookends for the first and last days of Moons 1-7. 


On March 1st, 2016 (a leap year), the Trinity of Kin patterning will change as will the colors particularly supportive of this cycle of unfolding.


Another Edition of Loominosity will be published soon to focus upon the White Planetary Wizard Year!





as a Totem for this Venus Cycle
Does it have Resonance for You?


Hummingbird has been showing up quite alot in my life for awhile now - From the ruby throated beauties that sip nectar from the Mexican Sunflowers in my back yard, to magazine images, to vision and dreamscapes, to collage cards and a deeply felt resonance with further discovering and sharing Good News and the Sweetness of Life.


As I explored symbols for 19 Degrees of Leo where Venus rises as Morning Star in her new Cycle, my heart leapt with Joy (as it does when I see a Hummingbird) when reading the Chandra Symbol connected with this Degree found in the Book Inside Degrees : Developing Your Soul Biography Using the Chandra Symbols by Elias Lonsdale. I share part of the passage below and invite you to consider Hummingbird and what its significance may be for you through reflection, inner inquiry, research...


19 Leo: A Hummingbird feeding from a Trumpet Vine


,,,The Blessings. the grace, the hearts wonder are super-full. As this way of being ripens and matures, it becomes even better. Then you begin to draw out from others the same kind of marvels and wonders and to make it possible for the vibrancies to spread and grow. With a wildfire capacity to spread good news and bring affirmative realizations wherever they are needed in generous profusion, you work with ever more effortless capacity to bring this world alive.





Are you interested in learning more about Mayan Cosmology and how you can utilize it to enrich your life?


Are you interested in connecting with others who are working with the symbols and archetypes on this magical work and play ground?


There is an ongoing small Study Group in process that meets fairly regularly. Those participating have studied fundamentals, and we have worked personally with what calls to us about the process.


We are all interested in learning, sharing and growing together. Besides the Cosmology we use image and color to deepen understanding.


If interested please contact me, Sarah Gallant, at [email protected]  for details. I am willing to work with anyone interested, providing insights and study materials as a 'catch-up' so that you can join in the study group and create your own journey path of growth and discovery. If you have already begun your study and are ready to join us we'd welcome you!





~ Magic Butterfly Dreams ~

 Archangel Sandalphon, Gentle Guardian

of our Kingdom on Earth, assist us in actualizing our best gifts to share with Joy and Gratitude.

Envelop us in your Love




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with Love and Appreciation

In Lak'ech

Sarah Gallant



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