A Contemplation as we move through Moon 8,
the Galactic Hawk Moon
and into Moon 9, the Solar Jaguar Moon of Intention on March 7 
Nested in the Starry Medicine Bowl
Venus as Morning and Evening Star
For 8 days in the 13 Moon Cycles between its appearance as evening and then morning Star, Venus disappears from sight and is said to go into the great Medicine Bowl of the sky to be reborn. Venus then visits the Sacred Spiral of the 8 directional powers East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest, North and Northeast living for 1 day in each learning the necessary lessons for her transformation and re-emergence into a new life cycle and set of experiences. Her disappearance is a crucial time for evaluating, planning, review, preparation, balancing and completion before beginning anew. Its complete orbit traces a 5 pointed Star in the sky.
According to Jamie Sams, the Venus cycle shows the "infinite possibilities found in the number 8. When humankind develops the understanding of how the Spirit World and the tangible world form two Medicine Wheels, they will find that the two are really one infinite set of lessons" and that "the Earth Tribe could be assured of a bright future by balancing both sides of their natures with the Spiritual Essence that connects them to their infinite capacity to create tomorrow by living in Harmony today"
The following is an excerpt from the
13 Original Clanmothers by Jamie Sams
in the story of the 9th Clanmother,
Setting Sun Woman
"Wata-jis (Evening Star), when you go through the Sacred Spiral, what happens to you?"
"I reconnect to my Orenda (Spirit) and let go of the past by being grateful for all I have learned. I see the spiral around me because I am in the center of my Sacred Space, but I also see the steps formed by each of the directions of the spiral inside myself. In the night sky I am living the feminine side of my nature. In the void of the spiral, I am all and nothing - pure spirit. After eight days, as the Morning Star, I live the masculine, demonstrative side of my nature. The directions of the Eight Powers inside the spiral teach me that I am both masculine and feminine. When I ride the night sky, I go within and seek the truth of my free will and my will to show my gifts to the world. As the morning Star I bring all those personal truths to light, sharing what I am with all those who seek the breaking dawn."
- Venus rose as Evening Star on December 4 2014 at 22 Sagittarius
- She begins her retrograde phase in the evening sky July 25 2015 at 00 Virgo
- on the Dreamspell Day Out Of Time
- Venus is retrograde for 40 days, disappearing from the Night Sky on
- Aug 9 2015 at 27 Leo.
- She then travels with the Sun for the 7 to 8 day cycle of entering the Great Medicine Bowl, meeting with the Sun in conjunction on August 15 2015 at 23 Leo
- Venus emerges as Morning Star on August 21 at 19 Leo as a whole new archetype of the feminine
In the coming months and throughout the Moons ending this Red Solar Moon Year, we will be learning more about planning and Becoming our Visions , Perfecting what we do, and manifesting Purpose with Heart in the World as we move into the White Planetary Wizard Year beginning on July 26 2015.
All may not be what we think it is now or dream it will be - remain open to possibility and flexible in the dance of life - dream and be open to the most expanded outcomes yet without attachment to those outcomes - Stand as torchbearer for the larger vision that emanates from the wisdom of the heart
Earth and Sky Way: Weaving Rainbows
I am a Vessel opening myself
so that Creation may lovingly
express itself through me