Edition 14 - The Planetary Wizard Year


"Only those who truly love and who are truly strong can sustain their lives as a dream. You dwell in your own enchantment. Life throws stones at you, but your love and your dream change those stones into the flowers of discovery.

 Even if you lose, or are defeated by things, your triumph will always be exemplary. And if no one knows it, then there are places that do. People like you enrich the dreams of the worlds, and it is dreams that create history. People like you are unknowing transformers of things, protected by your own fairy-tale, by love."

~Ben Okri 


Welcome to  

 The Dreamspell Planetary Wizard Year:

July 26, 2015 - July 24 2016


Keywords and Phrases for White Wizard include:

Enchants, Timelessness, Receptivity


Sun-Runner, Torch Bearer of the Larger Vision, Magician, Shaman, Night-Seer, Jaguar Priest/Priestess

Deep Heart Knowing, Heart-Wisdom, Authenticity, Transparency, Spontaneity, Allowing,

Wearer of the Rainbow Colors Cloak,

Weaver of Rainbow Dreams, Enchanter/Enchantress



White Wizard


White Wizard Hand Drawn by Aurora

purchase the entire set here




This is A Year to Focus On:


 Embodying and Manifesting Essence

aka Being Who You Really Are


The Wisdom of the Heart


Releasing the Past and Living in the Moment


Delighting in what we can bring to the Earth and each other and Enjoying all that Earth has to offer us all


Receptivity to our own internal timing within the

unfolding of Natural Cycles. Access to Timeless Spaces


Being A Torch-Bearer for Ourselves and Others



Trust in ourselves and in the Source of Divine Nurturance;

Dancing in the Mystery


Re-Enchanting the World through sharing our

own special brands of magic


Empowerment that is based in Self-Acceptance, Integrity, and Commitment to our Evolution


Transparency and Spontaneity


Being a Conduit for the work of Spirit


Hands as extensions of the Heart:

Love in ALL we Do and Create


Alignment with Divine Will


Sacred Ceremony


The ART of Living and Loving


Dreaming Wide Awake


Surfing the Zuvuya


True Colors

a video with song by Eva Cassidy




When you let go, is when you start freeing yourself. It is totally up to you, to unleash the enchantment and grace of your magic and even more so, to believe in it.


~author unknown





 Taking the Leap is Sweet


White Wizards Affirmation: Through Heart Knowing I am in natural alignment with Divine Will


Innocence and Transparency allows magic to come though you rather than you needing to create it


"As a wise instrument for the Divine, I set myself free of the past and walk into the future now. With integrity, I stand in the light, in alignment with Divine Will. I know whatever serves the larger vision also serves me, and I act in alignment with that knowing. I understand that all things are possible, and from that knowledge springs my magician-ship. In humility, my clear presence magnifies to include all abilities that appear magical to limited consciousness. I am complete. All of myself dances around the center of my being in alignment with cosmic consciousness. I stand in unmarred correspondence with the original condition of the light"


~Ariel Spilsbury, the Mayan Oracle






Ix Chel: Honoring the Ancient, Creating Anew


A Visionary is a Dream-Weaver of Rainbow Light who Believes in herself and in her Looks-Far Vision. She exists in the Timeless Realm of Limitless Possibility and as she Stirs her Creative Cauldron Confidently, She knows Deep in her Heart that Everyday is the Perfect Day to Dream.

Her Crystalline Form, Aligned and Attuned, acts to Birth Color-Filled Landscapes in an Interplay with Spirit. What Colors Do You Choose?

Today I Honor and Embrace the Visionary in You, in Me...




The Trinity of Kin that begin
this White Planetary Wizard Year
Through Trusting the Wisdom of the Heart We access our Magician-ship, opening into new dimensions of Being and Doing within the Timeless spaces of Great Mystery.
As Conduits of Spirit, We offer our Magic to the World, Giving Voice to Ancient Sacred-Future Ways .
Nomadic Souls and Eternal Spirits ALL,
We Re-Enchant the Earth

The Trinity of Kin might be considered as:

(one lens through which to view)


Dreamspell: Crown Chakra and SoulStar, Imaginal Realm, Inspiration, Wave of the Quantum Theory, Galactic Heart


New Earth Resonance/Longcount: Root Chakra and Earth Star , Phenomenal Realm. Particle of the Quantum Theory,

Earth Heart


Heart Bridge: Heart Chakra, Incarnational Star, Ecstatic Realm, Harmonizer, Unified Field/Theory, Your/Our Heart


 For more keywords and information about all 3 Mayan Archetypes and Tones above, visit Loominosity and hover over the Dreamspell Header to find related pages.




The Dreamspell New Year Always Begins with Moon 1

The Magnetic Bat Moon of Purpose


In this issue I am choosing to focus upon a tone for the entire year rather than on a specific Moon. The New year in the Dreamspell system always begins with Moon 1, the Bat Moon of Purpose which does indeed set the tone for the Moon as well as the year to come. It may be interesting to explore the significance of Bat and how or if this creature has significance for you personally.


Also up for exploration could be Jaguar, a totem for White Wizard, Deer a totem for Blue Hand  and Dragon a totem for Red Dragon. Add to these add the Magical Hummingbird, a totem for the Venus cycle that we will be entering on July 21 when she rises as a Morning Star at 19 Leo. If you haven't already please refer to the Day out of Time Edition


Venus turning retrograde on the day out of time (July 25th), the day before the New Year began on July 26, and that she begins a whole new 584 day Synodic Cycle on August 21st brings a real Venusian flavor to this coming year. Accompanied by White Planetary (10th tone) Wizard and the integrating of the Previous Venus Cycle with Overtone Capricorn (10th zodiac sign) our New Beginning  feels like a call to heal the timeline, releasing ourselves from all past and future beliefs about obligation and contracts and karma, and to fully Embody the wisdom gleaned from our journeys across all Space and Time.



As a collective we are coming from a time of many changes (some chosen and others that have happened/been imposed in our lives), of integrating these changes, and of trusting enough to take leaps of Faith into this New Year of showing up authentically for life and love .


Each of us has a different journey and frame of reference we are working within, What remains the same are the 'collective themes larger framework' and our connection to each other as we live, work, and play our parts.


When viewing the Trinity of Kin for this Years beginning (or for any day), one may pop out as more significant than the other - and there may indicate a more 'in the moment' intensive focus - or perhaps even a call to balance.


The Focuses for the Year listed above are collective ones. And within those we may have our own that are much more specific. Not all of the focuses will resonate for everyone, yet most likely there will be some that will.


May we all be inspired to bring our unique and heart-felt best into this New Galactic Year of White Planetary Wizard as we Dream a New Earth into Being, Dance like no one is Watching and Love like we've never been Hurt.  And, as Venus in Leo might decree - lets have some FUN along the BEAUTY WAY!


A White Wizard tool is the Wand. A fun project might be to create a magic wand for yourself inspired by your unique brand of magic.  It could be an ongoing project with elements added as you go.


As I write I am deciding to create a Magic Wand - if you decide to create one too I'd love to see it, and if you'd care to share more publicly, I'll create a page just for these magical expressions.




Week 1: July 26 - August 1 Red Week to INITIATE

Week 2: August 2  - 8 - White Week to REFINE

Week 3: August 9 - 15 - Blue Week to TRANSFORM

Week 4: August 16  - 22 - Yellow Week to RIPEN and ready for Moon 2, the Lunar Scorpion Moon of Challenge and Gifts


Venus will rise as a new Archetype of the Divine Feminine at 19 Leo on August 21st







Are you interested in learning more about Mayan Cosmology and how you can utilize it to enrich your life?


Are you interested in connecting with others who are working with the symbols and archetypes on this magical work and play ground?


There is an ongoing small Study Group in process that meets fairly regularly. Those participating have studied fundamentals, and we have worked personally with what calls to us about the process.


We are all interested in learning, sharing and growing together. Besides the Cosmology we use image and color to deepen understanding.


If interested please contact me, Sarah Gallant, at [email protected]  for details. I am willing to work with anyone interested, providing insights and study materials as a 'catch-up' so that you can join in the study group and create your own journey path of growth and discovery. If you have already begun your study and are ready to join us we'd welcome you!






~ Magic Butterfly Dreams ~


 Archangel Sandalphon, Gentle Guardian

of our Kingdom on Earth, assist us in actualizing our best gifts to share with Joy and Gratitude.

Envelop us in your Love





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with Love and Appreciation

In Lak'ech

Sarah Gallant



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