Edition 7 - Resonant Monkey Moon of Attunement


Standing in simple self-acceptance, craft a light body from the column of light in your spine. Open your lotus to the world. You are the gift. Use your Center to synchronize with cosmic force, connecting its mystical power to the crystalline core of the earth and the stars. Step into the synchronous web and consciously participate in the relooming of reality. Awaken to the awareness of the one family, the one life, dreaming the new myth awake"


~Ariel Spilsbury, the Mayan Oracle





January 10th  2015 - February 6, 2015


Dreamspell Kin #177 (Red Galactic Earth) - Kin #204 (Yellow Solar Seed)


 Greetings Fellow Travelers! 


Welcome to the 28 day cycle of the Resonant Monkey Moon

of Attunement


 7th Moon in the Dreamspell System of 13 Moons


This Resonant Monkey Moon invites the Questions:

  • How do I stand in the Light of my full Mystical Power?
  • Am I in touch with my Essence Self and do I nurture and attune to that Self? Am I aware of my direct connection to Source,  and experience this Oneness?
  • How can I best attune myself to others?
  • Am I gentle with myself? With others?
  • Do I love unconditionally?
  • How do I incorporate respect, trust and intimacy into relationship?
  • How do I become more aware of my emotions and thoughts and the power they have in creating my experience and my reality?
  • Do I treat every act in my physical life as Sacred ?
  • Do I hear with the ears of my heart?
  • How do I best become a technician of the Sacred, Walk my Talk and live a Harmonious Life inside and out?
  • How do I bring a deeper Harmony into all circumstances in which I find myself and join with others in awakening the dream of a kinder gentler world?


                      Reflect on the questions that feel most important

to you and,  listening for an answer, open to the

many ways an insight could be revealed.....

The Power of Light and Unconditional Love


This Resonant Monkey Moon begins with Dreamspell Kin 177, Red Galactic Earth in the White Dog Wavespell and Ends with Kin 204, Yellow Solar Seed in the Yellow Warrior Wavespell. Red Earth and Yellow Seed have a very special connection with each other in the Dreamspell system being what is called Hidden or Occult powers for each other - a natural line of force if tapped into.

Yellow Seed  encourages simple receptiveness and being present with dreams, visions, hearts desires and gently nurturing them. Yellow Seed (Kan) is also known as the Innocent. Red Earth encourages synchronizing self with earth and cosmic forces and becoming centered in the realm of all possibility. Red Earth (Caban) is also known as Navigator. Use the knowledge that you contain all that you need to flower into completion and organic wholeness supported by your ability to attune yourself to both the earth and cosmic forces - being a clear channel for your/our holographic unfolding...

In order to be a clear and resonant channel and connect with our essence selves its important to become ever more aware of our thoughts and emotions and how these shape our experience and our reality and our energy body.

This has become ever more crystal clear to me in the past year. When I find myself slipping into a negative mode of thinking or emotional reacting, I acknowledge it and as quickly as I can shift the pattern. My intention also is to be gentle with myself (and others) through this process with the awareness that often these patterns are hardwired into our makeup. Becoming more aware as layer after layer is peeled away is part of the healing process that we all are individually and collectively going through. Let us love ourselves the way we are and love ourselves and others into wholeness. 

Allowing ourselves our feelings keeps us in touch with and attuned to Heart Knowing. Sitting in Negative emotions and thoughts blocks our connection to Source.

We are Lovingly Supported at this Time to go the healing distance...

 I am committed to continue shifting as the opportunities present themselves and to be guided by my feeling nature, my hearts compass... For much more powerful than any pattern is my Hearts desire for Ultimate Freedom from anything that would block attunement to my own unique channel and any contributions that I have come to make.

  Also, paying attention to environments and situations that do and do not resonate with our core essence is key.

The two Trinity of Kin, one for the beginning and another for the closing of this 28 day cycle are pictured below with a Trinity Phrase and an Image that I feel expresses a facet of the combined energies

(if interested, read about this Trinity of Kin way of viewing by visiting Loominosity. Hover over the header Dreamspell to access the link "Weaving Dreamspell and Longcount" .  Its here you will find further information on the process. You will also find more information on Tones and about the individual Solar Tribes at Loominosity and can access many resources on the links page. The way the webpage is set up sometimes prevents direct links)


 Cosmic Dancer's Synergistic Path of Heart...

Trinity of Kin for January 10, 2015 - begins the cycle


  I am the faithful arrow that flies into destiny's dawning, the power of Love found in realizing Oneness and Unity and the Gentle Guidance of the Beauty Way. My rainbow arc transcends past and future to experience harmony in nature and in the realm of all possibility, the ever-present now...the world of magic and synchronicity. I give voice to Sacred Ancient/Future Ways.


...That signals Seeds of Possibility Erupting and begins the Birth and the Flowering of A New Time, a New Earth


Trinity of Kin for February 6, 2014 - ends the cyc




Releasing the Prayerful and Powerful Essence

of the Magical Seed 



A Moon of Radiance Collective Prayer that Extends through the Resonant Monkey Moon

We are the Physical Manifestation of Earth Power coupled with the Wisdom of Cosmic Intelligence. We hold these two apparent contradictions easily in a Sacred Creative Cauldron.

Reconciling oppositional forces through the all-encompassing power of Love, Our Bodies become  Prayer Sticks for the World.

We understand that the true gateway to Life is through the Womb of the Heart. Our Hearts are Open and Radiant with Colors True. It is from our Centers that we move on Rainbow's Frequency. Our Purpose is to BE Love, Radiating our Frequency of Light in Joyous Freedom.

In communion with the White Butterfly of Spirit, we hear the Call to lead others into the New World and from our own Cocoons, Fly Free.

The time is NOW to BE the LOVE; to acknowledge our Power and to Celebrate the Journey of Life that has brought us such great Strength. The time is NOW to share our Gifts, giving Form to Divine Intention: and we DO.


May we sing beautiful crystalline songs of love and peace, each and together, that form a joy-filled, magical, and resonant world reflective of our Inner Divinity


With Love and In Lak'ech



Week 1: January 10 -16 2015- Red Week to INITIATE

Week 2:January 17 - 23 - White Week to REFINE

Week 3: January 24 - 30 - Blue Week to TRANSFORM

Week 4: January 31 - Feb 6 - Yellow Week to RIPEN and ready for Moon 8






I love and feel called to share about and to weave SoulCollage� with Color, Dreamspell, and other systems and practices and do so working with individuals as well as groups. If you are interested contact me for more information at [email protected] 



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with Love and Appreciation

In Lak'ech

Sarah Gallant



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