Dreamspell Moon 4: The Self-Existing Owl Moon of Form 
"In alignment with natural cycles, may the Sacred take form in
Great Mystery revealed through you.

~Ariel Spilsbury, The Mayan Oracle 

 "There is a lot more to form than its content. Your continued interaction with the form ignites a wild wisdom, and this emerges in the gap between your intent and the form. It emerges spontaneously, surprisingly and it brings with it great rewards"
~Richard Rudd~

Greetings, Fellow Travelers!
   Welcome to
 The 28 day
Self-Existing Owl Moon of Form
4th Moon in the Dreamspell System of 13 Moons
in this
White Planetary Wizard Year of
Refining our Essence Selves and Re-Enchanting the World
  October 18 - November 14, 2015

This Self-Existing Owl Moon
Invites the Questions and Contemplations:
Am I open to the new and to the possibility of change?
How do I channel my creativity in meaningful and
productive ways? Am I able to give my passion and inspiration discipline and form without being trapped by the form?
Do I feel the validity of my dreams, visions and feelings and the symbolic language of psychic impressions and can I use this information to ever more clearly 'see the truth' of the Now ?
Do I believe that all possibilities exist in the Now?
What form will my spiritual journey take?
What form will my service take?

"Use structures but don't be a victim of them.
Then you are free"
Reflect on what feels most important
 and, listening deeply, open to the
many ways in which an insight could be revealed.....
The Window Rocks

"I am one who holds the key to integrating ancient soul songs and the biological heartbeat. NorthEast, SouthWest, I dance and drum accessing the place where spirit and matter vibrate as one. Although I cannot see clearly ahead, I trust my centering self." 

"I am moving into the Light of New Possibilities"
This Self-Existing Owl Moon began on Day 3 of the 13 day Dreamspell Yellow Warrior Wavespell  of Courage, Grace, Trust, Intelligence, Mystic Transmission, Cosmic Consciousness,  contains the entire 13 day Red Moon Wavespell of Awakened Awareness, Self-Remembrance, Divine Guidance, and Cosmic Communication, and ends on Day 4 of the White Wind Wavespell of Inspiration, Presence, Breath of Spirit and Integrating Polarity

White Mirror (Etznab), also known as Yogini, is a Focalizer this Moon, Appearing as the DREAMSPELL galactic signature on the First day of the Moon (October 18) and as NEW EARTH RESONANCE on the last day of the Moon (November 14).  Please find additional information about the Trinity of Kin at Loominosity by clicking on the link and hovering over the Header Dreamspell

Trinity of Kin for the
Opening and Closing Days of Moon 3
White Mirror aka Yogi/Yogini
Affirmation for White Mirror from The Mayan Oracle
by Ariel Spilsbury:
"I am the Truth beyond Mirrors. I now step through the Mirror into the Greater Reality"
Day 1, Owl Moon - October 18 2015
Last Day, Owl Moon - November 14, 2015
Keynote this Moon: Opportunity for Greater Clarity through deep reflection on form and our interaction with it. Does it support our continuing evolution? Our ever-evolving selves are eager to tap the depth and breadth of the living Mystery fully Present through daily devotion and connective magical practice.
May we keep that as fresh and new as it needs to be while honoring ancient wisdom and foundation and our dreams and vision and our own Sacred Path. May we transcend each structure when time and move out to share and to weave on the larger loom of reality. May we always hold our structures lightly.
White Mirror and the Owl Moon of Form

The Power of Wise Vision
The Essence of White Mirror is a process that moves through many cycles of refinement always clarifying and cutting away that which is no longer "truthful" in the present current context
White Mirror encourages reflection upon how our perceptions color and create our reality. It is an opportunity to polish the mirror of our mind so as to see from the deepest clarity that we are capable of.
Keywords and phrases for White Mirror include Endlessness, Discrimination, Spiritual Warriorship, Sword of Truth, Facing Shadow, Integration of Paradox, Reflects, Order
Neptune is the planetary Association for White Mirror in the Dreamspell System and White Mirror is linked with the Solar Plexus Chakra.
As we grow and change so does our truth grow and change as do the structures and vehicles that support our lives and our continuing growth and change - May our 'life containers' be those that allow for free flow as well as containment

"So the Gift of Realism is about being able to take advantage of structures. And it also has a twinkle in its eye because it knows that a structure is a means to an end. So the Gift of realism is a rare gift - this is a Gift that holds the balance between the forms and structures of the world and the Mystery that moves through them - the evolutionary current"
Richard Rudd, the Gene Keys

"I am Truth and my purpose is to enlighten the world.  But you,  Love - -  only you can change the world"
passage from the Story of Love and Truth by Terah Cox
The Story of Love and Truth is a beautiful Gift to the World.
I hope you'll consider exploring the Link above
and  possibly be inspired to read this Timeless Tale

Putting our Insides Outside 


Since March 1st, 2012, (in the Trinity of Kin premise and way of figuring) We've had energetically supported opportunities to Align Heart and Head and the Being and Doing of Life as the DREAMSPELL Galactic Signature on the FIRST DAY of Each Moon has been Reflected in the NEW EARTH RESONANCE signature on the LAST DAY of each Moon. (the Same Solar Tribe - see Trinity of Kin Diagrams Above - White Mirror as this Energetic Focalizer)


We've been stepping out and trying on our "putting our Insides Outside" shoes, Deeping our Relationship with Essence,  and realizing such shoes and ways of Dancing are Essential to a Truly Meaningful Life. The Beginning of the White Wizard Year (July 26, 2015) began a vibration shift in the Colors showing up on the First and Last days of each Moon.


From July 26 2015 - March 1 2016 - there has been,  is and will be an Emphasis on the color Pale Violet for the FIRST and LAST days of each Moon, a Super Focus on Transformation, Transmutation and Being a Creative Catalyst at the Point of Choice for Ourselves and in the World.


(See the Trinity of Kin diagrams above where each has 1 Blue, 1 Red and 1 White Solar tribe in the threesome creating composite Pale violet. Blue+Red+White=Pale Violet)


According to the Aura-Soma Color Care System, this color is linked with Ascended Master St Germain and the Violet Flame and Corresponds to Bottle B56. If called to you may wish to incorporate the energy of St Germain and/or associated color and vibration into your life.


Ariel Spilsbury, in the Mayan Oracle, links the color pale Violet with Blue Eagle:  Keywords and phrases are commitment, compassionate service, global consciousness, dreams and visions, belief in oneself,  Creates, Vision, Mind. Blue Eagle soars above and also connects with the Earth.


"With Vision and Hope I dance and Sing here for the One Heart"


Affirmation  for Blue Eagle


What does the color Pale Violet mean to you and what does it evoke? If so inspired, how might you use this color creatively in your our life and utilize it in meaningful and supportive ways? What color/s might you combine it with?



May we all be inspired to bring our unique and heart-felt best into this New Galactic Year of White Planetary Wizard as we Dream a New Earth into Being, Dance like no one is Watching and Love like we've never been Hurt. And, as Venus in Leo might decree -
lets have some FUN along the BEAUTY WAY!
Enjoy times of solitude and meaningful connection, giving and receiving, laughing and loving, tend to your garden, tangible and metaphorical. delight in Nature, all with Deep Devotion to the
Spirit of the One Heart that Permeates All


Week 1: October 18 - 24  Red Week to INITIATE
Week 2: Oct 25 - 31 - White Week to REFINE
Week 3: November 1 -7 - Blue Week to TRANSFORM
Week 4: Nov 8  - 14 - Yellow Week to RIPEN and ready for Moon 5 - The Overtone Peacock Moon of Radiance
New Moon in Scorpio (20 degrees) - November 11th - Beginning the Dreamspell Red Moon Wavespell  of
Awakened Awareness, Self-Remembrance, Divine Guidance, and Cosmic Communication
Sabian Symbol 20 Scorpio: A woman draws away two dark curtains closing the entrance to a Sacred Pathway
Keynote: The revelations to the human consciousness of what lies beyond dualistic knowledge

Dreamspell Wavespells:

October 16 - 28 Yellow Warrior Wavespell of Courage, Intelligence, Trust, Inner Knowing, Mystic Transmission, Cosmic Consciousness
October 29 - November 10- Red Moon Wavespell of Awakened Awareness, Self-Remembrance, Divine Guidance, and Cosmic Communication
November 11 - 23  - White Wind Wavespell - of Inspiration, Presence, Breath of Spirit and Integrating Polarity ending Moon 4 and carrying into Moon 5






Are you interested in learning more about Mayan Cosmology and how you can utilize it to enrich your life?


Are you interested in connecting with others who are working with the symbols and archetypes on this magical work and play ground?


There is an ongoing small Study Group in process that meets fairly regularly. Those participating have studied fundamentals, and we have worked personally with what calls to us about the process.


We are all interested in learning, sharing and growing together. Besides the Cosmology we use image and color to deepen understanding.


If interested please contact me, Sarah Gallant, at [email protected]  for details. I am willing to work with anyone interested, providing insights and study materials as a 'catch-up' so that you can join in the study group and create your own journey path of growth and discovery. If you have already begun your study and are ready to join us we'd welcome you!




~ Magic Butterfly Dreams ~


 Archangel Sandalphon, Gentle Guardian

of our Kingdom on Earth, assist us in actualizing our best gifts to share with Joy and Gratitude.

Envelop us in your Love



I welcome your comments and questions as well the possibility of your contributions  - you can reach me at


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with Love and Appreciation

In Lak'ech

Sarah Gallant



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