February 16,

No. 38

AMS Weekly Newsletter
Supporting the development of the future stewards of U.S.-China relations
From all of us here at AMS, wish you all the very best for the Year of the Sheep! 阳光灿烂,羊年大吉!

Weekly Readings
On February 10, former propaganda chief and head of the party's secretariat Deng Liqun (邓力群) passed away. He was a pugnacious and unapologetic member of the party's left. In 1936, he dropped out of Beijing University to join the party in Yan'an. From there, he would assist in the pacification of Xinjiang, serve as mishu to Liu Shaoqi, and edit Red Flag before being purged as a counter-revolutionary during the Cultural Revolution. Although Deng would be rehabilitated and return to party politics, he fought a losing battle against Deng Xiaoping's market reforms despite his role in ousting Hu Yaobang. Deng did not earn promotion to the Politburo in 1987, but continued to write and agitate in Chinese politics. Since he left all official government positions, Deng wrote more than dozens of essays on policy and party history. He was the driving force behind the creation in 1990 of the Institute of Contemporary China Studies, now under the China Academy of Social Sciences. Below are a few examples of Deng's writing, including Deng's description of his fights with Hu Yaobang and meeting with Deng Xiaoping, that AMS members might find interesting.

Some of Deng Liqun's articles:

Weibo Watch

Hunan TV anchor He Jiong (@何炅) shared a photo of a sanitation worker couple with a message for youngsters: light fewer fireworks and let us go home early to celebrate the new year. He's followers are divided on this request. Many feel sorry for the couple and agree that they deserve a break. Fewer fireworks also mean less air pollution, says @大米饭饭丶. But what is the new year without fireworks? Tradition is hard to shake. Besides, "What will the old men who sell fireworks do?" wonders @翟振羽同学i. Follow the conversation here:  http://weibo.com/1195230310/C2N2yk7pG
俗语 in Xi Jinping's  Speeches


qiān t�u w�n x�

Explanation: Xi Jinping is on a symbolically important tour of Shaanxi, the place where he joined the Party decades ago. He met with the Party chiefs of 24 counties and cities from Shaanxi, Ningxia, and Gansu. In his remarks he uses 千头万绪, which means thousands of strands and loose ends. He was describing the complicated nature of a county leader's job. Additionally, in the Xinhua text below you also get another good 成语: 语重心长. 

Original: 总书记还语重心长地说,一个县工作千头万绪,方方面面要摆布好、协调好,县委书记很关键。要加强学习、加强实践、加强思考,不断提高知识水平,练就造福一方的本领和才干。要发扬当年陕甘宁革命老区党员、干部吃苦在前、享受在后的高尚精神,做到一身正气、清正廉洁,兢兢业业把老区各项事业发展好。
Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-02/16/c_1114394435.htm
Documentary of the Week

This week's documentary examines the life and criminal activities of Liu Han, a billionare mining and energy magnate who built a multinational business empire from Sichuan. Although Liu was prosecuted for running a mafia-like enterprise involved in kidnapping and murder, his deep ties to former Sichuan Party Secretary Zhou Yongkang may have been the driving factor in his prosecution for criminality and corruption. On Monday, the state executed Liu after the Supreme People's Court reportedly upheld his death sentence. 

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