Losing Our Humanity

by Father Casey

It is difficult to watch the news from the Land of the Holy One. Even as we continue to grieve the murder and mayhem perpetrated by Hamas upon Israelis two weeks ago, now we grieve the military reprisals that have killed thousands and laid waste to whole communities. Pain has quickly multiplied into more pain, death into more death, and we have not yet seen the worst. 

On Tuesday, as we were in the midst of a Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace in solidarity with the Christians of the region, we learned of the destruction of the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza City. This hospital has been operated by the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem for decades, serving the overwhelmingly Muslim population of Gaza. Hospitals should be safe havens, and indeed, Ahli Hospital was hosting hundreds of displaced people from northern Gaza who hoped for protection in its enclave. But in a split second, it was destroyed. 

Though I’ve never been to Ahli Hospital in person, I feel a strong tie to it. Transfiguration has sent donations to it for years through the Good Friday Offering and the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, and every time violence breaks out in the region, I pray for the medical staff, knowing how vital they are to all the innocent people trapped in a warzone. Ahli Hospital is a ministry of our church, an expression of the love of Christ to that long-troubled place and people. Only hours before the fateful bombing, the children who sought safe shelter at the hospital had gathered in the hospital’s courtyard to sing for peace (“Salaam”) in a moving moment of hope. Most of the people in the video are now ...

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In this E-news:

  • 2024 Stewardship Update
  • DOK Rosary Workshop
  • SWANs Meeting
  • Remembering the Departed
  • Stephen Ministers Available for Prayer
  • Second Half Lunch Bunch
  • Fellowship of the Fig Halloween
  • FigFest is October 29
  • Advent Festival November 12
  • Kirking of the Tartans November 19
  • Stocking Collection - Our Friend's Place

This Weekend

2024 Stewardship Update

This fall the Stewardship Committee urges us to reflect on Matthew 6:19-21, considering Where Our Heart Is.

To keep on seeking and serving Christ in all the beautiful ways we do, we need your support.

If you were not able to attend a service last week, you should receive a stewardship packet in the mail shortly. When you are ready to make a pledge, we ask that you please pledge online, using the link below, or complete and return the pledge card included in your packet. By doing so, you help us plan our budget and ministries for the coming year.

You may pledge online by clicking here!

Help us reach our Stewardship Goal of $2.1M

If you have questions about payment methods or making financial gifts, message Cathleen Dolt, Parish Administrator using the button below

- or call (972)233-1898 ext.230

Email Cathleen Dolt

Rosary Workshop Saturday

Our Chapter of the Daughters of the King will be offering a workshop tomorrow, October 21 from 10:00am to 12:00pm, for anyone interested in learning about DOK and the art of making an Anglican Rosary. This workshop is limited to 12 participants and there is a $10 per person fee for materials so register early.

Register Now

SWANs Gather Saturday

The Single Women Alone Network will meet tomorrow, October 21 at 4:00pm in the Parlor. All single women who live alone, regardless of age, are invited to participate for support and fellowship.

If you have questions or need additional information, contact Pastor Nancy.

Remembering the Departed

In anticipation of All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days, when the Church remembers the great cloud of witnesses who have gone ahead of us in death, you are invited to share the names of those you know who’ve died in the past year for inclusion in the Book of Remembrance.

The Book of Remembrance will be available in the Gathering Space this weekend and will be placed before the Altar on All Souls’ Day.

Stephen Minister Available for Prayer

Stephen Ministers are members of our church who have dedicated themselves to walking with another in times of stress, difficulty, illness and loss. They are extensively trained to do this work.


Our Stephen Ministry members will be available at the altar rail after each service this weekend to pray with you about concerns that are on your heart and mind. 

To pray with a Stephen Minister, come forward during the postlude. If someone is ahead of you please allow space so that each prayer may be confidential. You may share with the Stephen Minister what you are praying for or simply ask for prayers. 

Second Half Lunch Bunch Sunday

Join Second Half for a delicious lunch and some great company this Sunday, October 22 after the 11:15am Eucharist.

The group will meet at Cafe de France located at 17370 Preston Rd at 12:30pm. Register below so we know to expect you.

Register Here

It's That Time of Year Again

Fellowship of the Fig Halloween

Get ready for spooktacular fun with our Young Adult Ministry! Join our Halloween potluck & fun at the church Youth Center, Friday, October 27 from 7:00pm to 10:00pm. Dress up, feast, and enjoy a hauntingly good time! Event is BYOB for those 21 and older, but we will have non-alcoholic options, as well.

Come Celebrate With Us

You’re invited to our annual celebration, next Sunday, October 29, as we commemorate the end of our stewardship campaign, and the many gifts of this congregation.

This ingathering will be an opportunity to bring your stewardship pledge cards, reconnect with friends, and have fun!

Meet us on the Church Lawn for:

• Children’s Costume Parade*

• Cornhole

• Food Stations

• Beer & Wine Garden (with seating to watch the Cowboys play.)

• Chili Cook-off judged by Chili Savant, George Bienfang.

* Occurring from 10:30-11:15am.

Mark Your Calendar

Encounter Angels in Advent

Advent Festival comes early this year. On Sunday, November 12, we will hold our annual celebration in Roper Hall and kick off a new formation season designed to open our imaginations to some of God’s most mysterious creatures: Angels. Save the date and stay tuned for more details.

Kirking of the Tartans

On Sunday, November 19 during our 11:15 Eucharist, we will remember and give thanks for Scotland, the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the profound impact it made on the Episcopal Church. You are invited to wear your family tartans to church for a blessing that day. This Kirking of the Tartans tradition will be celebrated with a bagpiper and reception following the service in Roper Hall.

Stocking Collection for Our Friend's Place

Help us fill Christmas stockings for Our Friend's Place.


Our Friends Place is a not-for-profit organization that provides supportive and transitional living resources for young women, ages 18-24, in the Dallas area who are struggling to find stability due to neglect, abuse, poverty or homelessness. 


This year at our Advent Festival (November 12) we will be stuffing Christmas stockings filled with items we hope to collect for the young girls living at Our Friends Place. Please help us collect the following items by sending them with your child to class on Sundays or by dropping items off in the box located in the gathering space between now and November 12


Suggested list of items that would be wonderful to have in the stockings. 


  • Fluffy/Fuzzy Socks 
  • Lip balm 
  • Shower Steamers
  • Make-up remover Wipes
  • Purse size 1st Aid kits 
  • FaceMasks (Beauty Masks)
  • Hand lotion/cream 
  • Keychain Flashlight
  • Candy

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