News from today's MBMTE Meeting
One Tier - CEs - Renewals
Wednesday May 27, 2020

Hi Members,

I saw many of your names as attendees on the Maryland Board of Massage Therapy Examiners' monthly meeting this morning.

Below is a summary of what was discussed and voted on this morning. There are update for the LMT return to work guidance and requirements to do so along with info on CEs and other matters.

The BIG NEWS is that the Board has voted to move to a ONE TIER SYSTEM - this will take a long time to accomplish. AMTA-MD is a part of the Stakeholder's Group that is making recommendations for the process. Nothing will change for renewal this year.

Read on for many more details!

Take good care,

Amelia Mitchell, LMT, LLCC, BCTMB
Board Member and Government Relations Committee Chair
David Madon, Mark Hamilton, and Chelsea Adams-Cook
Your AMTA-Maryland Chapter Board
MBMTE May 27th Meeting Highlights
Introduction to the Board Chair Paula Jilanis discussed what the MBMTE can and cannot do, as many have been frustrated and have asked for more than is in the board's power.
  • Job – protect the public
  • Tools – statutes and regulations
  • Complaint Driven – will investigate complaints
  • The Board's power is limited, while the Governor and Secretary of Health can close and open our businesses
Reduction of Renewal Fee – board will be about $50,000 short this year, it looks like they may not be able to reduce the renewal fees. Exectuive Director Sharon Oliver will update at the next meeting. Why the funds will be short was not discussed, however there is a complete hold on testing and parts of people's education, so the board is not able to grant any new licenses or registrations.

Advisory Committee
One Tier System - the board voted to accept the Advisory Committee recommendation that they move to a single tier (LMT) licensing. Absolutely nothing is decided, it is estimated that this will be a multi-year process from today through full implementation. What it means for RMPs, education, and other requirements is completely unknown.

Amelia from AMTA-MD and Christine from AMTA National have been participating in the Stakeholder meetings and will continue to do so. In addition to us and the three member Advisory Board there are representatives from FSMTB, ABMP, a community college and a trade school. The next meeting is June 15th and the board will announce the details if you want to watch/listen in. Only stakeholders may speak during the meeting. We will ask membership more about their thoughts and opinions in a separate email.

Telehealth has been moved to law quickly to help healthcare manage the pandemic. The Advisory Committee will begin to draft massage specific telehealth regulations for LMTs.

Licensing Committee
With the reduction of required CEs in this renewal period the Licensing Committee has been asked to determine whether additional CEs earned by Licensees and Registrants could carryover to the 2022 renewal cycle. The committee is seeking some additional information and did not have a recommendation on this today. They will have an update for the June meeting.

The committee clarified a path that RMPs who wish to elevate to LMT status may use with advanced level CE credits. The committee will accept board approved advanced CEs for the 360 hours needed to become an LMT. That is a lot of continuing education, and we know many of you have it. Contact the board directly to learn how you can petition for this change and how you need to provide the information.

Also - CPR remains a requirement for licensure, so be sure yours is up to date. There are many very effective online options.

Reopening Rules and Requirements
LMTs returning to work as Health Care Providers must provide a certification that they have met the requirements of the Secretary of Health. This certification must be sent to the Secretary and posting in a prominent place in their offices. Here is a link to the form you must use to certify, it is also on the Board website.

LMTs in Health Care Settings - Important Reminder Counties and cities can slow the governor's orders on reopening and a number of them have not allowed LMTs to return to work. At this time massage remains closed in Montgomery, Prince George's, Anne Arundel, and Howard County no matter what your licensure. We are seeking information from Baltimore County and Baltimore City and other jurisdictions, it is the LMT's responsibility to confirm with their locality that they may return to work.