Shir Hadash


Shacharit Sunday - Friday at 8:15 AM, followed by Daf Yomi


Candles 6:23 PM

Mincha 6:48 PM

Followed by Kabalat Shabbat & Maariv

Shacharit 8:45 AM

Reservations Required; Reserve here

Mincha 6:45 PM
Shiur 7:05 PM 
Maariv 7:30 PM

Shabbat Ends 7:34 PM
Weekly Classes

PARSHAT HASHAVUA this week is Friday morning at 10 AM with Chaya Passow.  E-mail for the Zoom link, or visit our Facebook group.

DAF YOMI meets Sunday - Friday morning at 9 AM, and can be accessed in person at shul, on our Facebook Group or on 

Beginning Next Week!

SUNDAYS 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Parsha Plus: a head-start on the weekly Torah parsha plus insights into the rhythm of the year and the week in Jewish history.

MONDAYS 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Great Jewish Ideas: the key themes in Jewish thought and life, where and when they arose and the great personalities who expounded them.

Both of the above are with Peta Pellach.  To participate via zoom, or to learn more about either class, e-mail Peta at

Also available on our Facebook Group


Rabbi Chaim Brovender's weekly parsha shiur - previously in person at Shir Hadash - can be accessed live via the WebYeshiva Facebook Page.


Archived classes can be found on our website

and our YOUTUBE channel.
Shabbat Schedule Additions

As we return to a 'new' normal, we will be offering the following Shabbat tephilla options:

1) NEW: Friday night Mincha, Kabalat Shabbat and Maariv.  Please register here.

2) CONTINUING: Shabbat morning. Our current limit is 40 people, and most of these spaces are already reserved. If you are currently registered but do not plan on attending, please visit the link here to remove your name and make your space available. If you are interested in joining, please review the list here and place your name on it only if an empty space is available.

King David in Book of Samuel

3) NEW: Shabbat afternoon, including Mincha, a shiur on the Book of Samuel by R. Pear and Maariv.  Please register here.  

PLEASE NOTE: Children are now permitted to attend services as well, and do not count as 'participants' if they remain exclusively in the playground area.  They do, however, count towards the maximum limit if they come into any of the  tephilla areas (inside or outside) and therefore must register like anyone else.
To insure the safety of some of our older participants, we request that parents strictly enforce the following rules for their children: 1) Children 5 and older wear masks at all times, including on the playground; 2) Children should not enter the building itself except for the restrooms; 3) Children, like all participants, must maintain social distance from fellow attendees.

ALL VISITORS, adult and child alike, must not have a fever nor feel ill in ANY way.  Further, we require you download the Health Ministry's application HaMagen to insure you have not been in the presence of a confirmed Corona patient.
Rosh Hashana Tephillot
Given the current Health Guidelines, Shir Hadash is able to safely and comfortably offer the following three options for Rosh Hashana Tephilla:
  • MINYAN 1, our Main (Early) Minyan - with approximately 60 seats available (in different capsules) both inside and outside.  This service would run from 7:30 - 10 AM, and include the Shacharit, Torah, Shofar and Musaf Services (Psukei D'zimra should be dovened at home).  This service would be led by the always inspiring Naftali and - new for this year - Shlomo Abramson. 
  • MINYAN 2, our Late Minyan, which will follow the conclusion of the first minyan.  This tephilla, similar to the main minyan, offers 
  • approximately 60 seats inside and outside in different capsules, and will also be led by the amazing Abramson brothers.  Unlike the main minyan, this later minyan will start immediately with Torah reading, and then include Shofar (when relevant) and Musaf (Psukei d'zimra and Shacharit should be dovened at home).  The scheduled time is 10:30 AM - 12 PM.    
  • MINYAN 3, an exclusively outdoor Minyan, designed in particular for families with young children (but open to all), to take place in the Chorshat Ha'Yare'ach, the forest nearby our building.  This minyan would run from 9 - 11 AM and be led by members of our local community.  

Members have already been offered the ability to reserve seats in these various minyans and seats are filling up.  If you have not yet done so and would like to, here are the two easy steps to register:

2) Afterwards, follow this link to select which minyan you prefer and how many seats you need.
New Classes 

In addition to our weekly classes already announced (see WEEKLY CLASSES column), Shir Hadash has added the following new learning opportunities:

1) The Moshe ben Shmuel (Martin K. Pear), z"l, Yahrzeit Shiur.  This annual lecture is offered by our Rabbi in commemoration of the yahrzeit of his father.  This year the class will explore the differing 
views onCorruption in Public Life held by US Constitutional, Israeli and Jewish Law.  The class will be offered in person at the shul (outside) - as well as on Zoom and our Facebook Group - at 8 PM Israel Time (10 AM Pacific Time, 1 PM East Coast Time). 

2) Pre Rosh Hashana Yom Iyun, on Tuesday September 15th, from 10:15 AM - 12 PM.  Following a brief introduction by Rabbi Pear, 30 minutes classes on such topics as The Great Awakening, The Two Worlds of the Shofar and Getting Our Priorities Straight will be offered.

3) Following Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Pear will offer two new weekly classes: The first, as part of Shir Hadash's Foundations Program, will be an in-depth lunchtime class of Pirkei Avot.  This class will take place Wednesdays at 12 PM.  The second will be the re-launching of his Mitzvot in Meaning Class (previously taught as part of the OU Israel Center Program); this more advanced class will meet on Thursdays at 8 PM.