Weekly News and Thank-Yews from the Pews

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Worship & Fellowship Info

We are open for in-person attendance


You Tube Live-Stream broadcast

this Sunday,

October 23rd at 9:00am

The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Readings for Sunday

If the readings don't appear on your screen, try looking in your downloads folder.

In order to attend this service online:

Please visit our website at www.trinitysonoma.org

Select Join Our Online Worship

Relax and enjoy!

After the Sunday service, please join together through Zoom! for a virtual coffee hour - click here to gain access!

Trinity Mission Statement
We at Trinity Church are committed to be an expression of God’s love through Jesus Christ, teaching and nurturing one another
in our journeys in faith, equipping one another for service, and
witnessing that love to our community and the world.

In This Issue:

  • Greater Good Happiness Calendar - October
  • Evangelism Newsletter - Madeleine L'Engle
  • Social Event of the Year!
  • Not Losing Heart
  • Coffee Hour!
  • Saturday Art Class
  • Taize Service
  • Racial Healing
  • Communication Class
  • Advent Retreats at Bishop's Ranch
  • Diocesan Resolution: Climate Change
  • Prayers for Laurell, Georgia and more
  • Article: How to Make Sure You Keep Growing and Learning
  • Mental Health Moment
  • Closing Smiles
Autumn Color

Episcopal Evangelism Newsletter, October 2022

October 17, 2022

Evangelism Initiatives

This month we continue exploring our Episcopal Evangelism challenge for 2022: Creating authentic communities of friends within our churches to live out our baptismal promises and the church’s mission—to restore and be restored in unity with God and each other, in Christ. 

“Our story is never written in isolation. We do not act in a one-man play. We can do nothing that does not affect other people, no matter how loudly we say, ‘It’s my own business.’”
Madeleine L’Engle

Our guest Evangelism Catalyst this month is Rowan Larson, who writes about receiving mail intended for one of her favorite writers. We are thrilled to invite you to read and pray along with the following essay and meditate over these verses. 

“…Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another…”(I Peter 5:5)

 “…Pray for each other.” (James 5:16)

I spent my first summer of seminary in the mailroom at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. I hung out with the peacocks, Phil, Jim, and Harry, and experienced the cathedral closely from behind the scenes, spooky tunnels, passageways, and all. 

One of the more unexpected things that summer was getting mail for Madeleine L’Engle almost a decade after her death. As the one-time librarian for the cathedral library now named in her honor... Please read more


A Great Turnout!

Friends-New and Old!

What a wonderful event!

What a great idea!


To Barbara Feduska for "imagineering" this potluck into reality, with great efforts in planning and organization.

To Jane Moehrke and Patsy Gralow - The Hostesses with the Mostesses - who made the feast beautiful and bountiful, distributed leftovers, and did major clean up, to boot!

To all of our talented chefs and bakers, and generous folks in the congregation who came forward with delicious and plentiful food to share.

And not leastly, to all the good souls who stuck around a little longer to help put away and clean up when the party was over.

We are so fortunate to have such a generous and helpful Trinity Family!

Not Losing Heart

Perseverance in prayer – persisting and not losing heart – is fundamental to Christian pilgrimage. It is not easy, and Jesus knew that from his own experience both on the mountain and in Gethsemane.  But he knew, and we must know, that “the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.”   (James 5:16).

We need to remember the wise word of Archbishop William Temple:

“When we pray, coincidences happen; when we cease praying, coincidences cease.”

– The Rev. Peter Rodgers

Coffee Hour ...

Please Join in!

Let's socialize more!

We are looking for a rotating crew to make Coffee Hours a more regular occurrence after service on Sundays!

We're keeping it easy:

One pot regular, one pot decaf (And Fr. Jim makes the coffee!), cream/sugar, no food to put out. Clean up and put away. That's it!

You, or other parishioners, may bring goodies -- which is wonderful! -- but is not your obligation as the coffee host.

If you are interested in helping out, please contact Wendy in the office.

Thank You! Thank You!



in Dallas Library at Trinity!

Beginners to Experts

ALL are welcome!

Draw ~ Paint ~ Sculpt ~ Doodle ~ Color

Kibbitz ~ Drink Coffee ~Make friends!

You will experience success in a supportive, friendly atmosphere!

***No Charge ~ some supplies are provided or bring your own!***

Come Join the Fun!

Diocesan & Beyond News

An easy way to keep abreast of the news around the Episcopal Diocese of July 1 Northern California is to subscribe to its newsletter, the Diocesan e-News, which is delivered to your inbox on most Tuesday afternoons. Click HERE to be directed to their signup page. They take your privacy seriously and do not share their lists with anyone; to unsubscribe, simply click on the unsubscribe link that is at the end of each newsletter and you will be taken off the list immediately.

Taize Service, Friday,October 21st

Ecumenical Taize in Sonoma Valley celebrates DIA DE MUERTOS on Friday, October 21st at Congregational Church at 252 West Spain Street from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. Those who attend are asked to bring pictures of their deceased loved ones to be placed on the altar during the service.


Ecumenical Taize happens each month of the year here in the Valley on the third Friday, 4:00-5:00 PM at the Congregational Church. 

Trinity Cathedral welcomes--

Dr. Catherine Meeks

Founder and Executive Director of the Absolom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing

“Joy comes in the morning!” 

Psalm 30 v. 5

The tensions that exist around race have been a long dark night for the soul of the United States of America from slavery, through the civil war, Jim Crow and the struggle for civil rights. Dr Catherine Meeks, a leader in the area of Racial Healing in the Episcopal Church and beyond believes that we can look forward to joy once the new day dawns. She is just not sure which day it will be. 

Come and listen to Dr. Meeks, founder and Executive Director of the Absolom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing, expound her vision of racial healing at Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento on October 28 – 30.

We are privileged to have this national leader, and 2022 Presidential Award Lifetime Achievement Honoree with us for a whole weekend at Trinity Cathedral.

Friday, October 28, 7:00pm: Joy Comes in the Morning! Psalm 30 v 5

A talk by Dr. Meeks, with questions to follow and a reception.

Donations of $20 are welcome.

Please register for this event on Realm, you can fulfill the suggested donation through Realm of $20. 


Saturday, October 29, 10:00 am-12:00 pm: A workshop on racial healing.

Sunday October 30, 11:00am: Dr. Meeks will preach at the Eucharist to conclude her weekend with us.

Watch a VLOG post with Cathedral Dean Matthew Woodward and Dr. Meeks here:


Communication Workshop

Talking Through Political Divisions: Having Hard Conversations

With Compassion

Facilitated by the Rev. Alex Leach

Saturday, November 5 | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm | On Zoom

Email [email protected] or register at https://forms.gle/D6Q2tENHrqz6wo6F8

Advent Retreats at The Ranch

Registration for Advent Retreats is


Quiet Days in Advent

December 8-11, 2022

3 nights/9 meals (Friday dinner-Sunday lunch)

$425 double occupancy

$625 single occupancy


Join us for our annual contemplative Advent retreat amidst the beauty, peace, and hospitality of The Bishop’s Ranch. This year’s Advent retreat will be curated and overseen by our Chaplain, Fr. Brendan E. Williams, CMR, who is also a monastic Prior, professional spiritual director, theologian, and experienced teacher of contemplative practices. Fr. Brendan will be joined by Fr. John Kirkley—a parish priest, retreat leader, and teacher of centering prayer—as well as other clergy and lay leaders who will collaboratively offer teaching, guided meditations, spiritual direction, and communal Liturgy, including a daily Mass. As in years past, Anne Blanton will once again offer prayerful movement sessions throughout the retreat. Some resources for private prayer will be provided to each retreatant.

Our retreat theme for this year will be:

Meeting obstacles as an integral part of the path.

Whether you are long experienced with the practice of quiet, contemplative retreat or exploring a new experience, we invite you to nourish your soul in the depth and contemplative quietude of Advent at the Ranch.

A Diocesan Resolution Addressing Climate Change

By Matt Weiser

When church leaders meet in Redding on Oct. 21-22 for the Diocesan Convention, they will be asked to consider adopting a resolution dealing with nothing less than the fate of our planet: A climate change resolution.

The resolution calls on individual Episcopal churches and other diocesan organizations to strive for carbon-neutral status in their operations by 2030.

It sounds like a lot to ask, especially for small churches with limited resources. But the resolution has been carefully crafted to ensure success.

Why carbon neutral?

Climate change is caused by carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels used by industry... Read More

Pastoral Care Corner

Your prayers are requested -

When you, members of your family or loved one find yourself in need of extra support and prayers from our faith community, please let us know.  Please email Linda Dowd at [email protected] If you have a particular prayer request.  
Prayer requests will be added to The Prayers of the People during our Sunday worship each week.

Dear Georgia, and Laurell, and all the

People on the Trinity Prayer List:

O God of heavenly powers, by the might of your command you drive away from our bodies all sickness and all infirmity: Be present in your goodness with your servants, that their weakness may be banished and their strength restored; and that, his health being renewed, he may bless your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

How to Make Sure You Keep

Growing and Learning

Small, everyday experiments can help us reach our goals and get better at the skills that are important to us.

By Susan J. Ashford | September 28, 2022

Leaders who are widely viewed as effective and highly successful in their organizations will tell you that 70% of the learning that got them there was through their experiences, 20% was through other people, and 10% was through courses, books, and other types of education.

 (Harper Business, 2021, 304 pages).


Adam Bryant, who interviewed CEOs weekly for a New York Times column, also observed the importance of learning from experiences among the CEOs he interviewed. In a talk he gave, he concluded that there is no one path to the top—but that successful CEOs make the most out of the experiences they have. Whatever they are doing, they wring meaning and learn from it.But most of us are not good at “wringing meaning.” We often don’t learn from experiences because we’re not even truly in our experiences. We’re thinking about where we’re going or where we’ve been; we’re multitasking; we’re conversing with others by rote, without paying much attention.

In my book The Power of Flexing: How to Use Small Daily Experiments to Create Big Life-Changing Growth, I aim to help readers extract all the learning they can from the experiences they have—to wring meaning, particularly meaning about themselves, their effectiveness, and their impact on others. Here are four practices from the book to help you turn your experiences into generators for growth. Please Read More...

 Mental Health Moment 

Love These Critters!




This Sunday, October 23, 2022

9:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II

Masks = Hospitality, and to do your part to live out the Bible’s commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself."

This service is also live-streamed

10:30am Coffee Hour

in the Breezeway

10:30am Virtual Coffee Hour

Click on Zoom! to join the fun!

 Closing smiles... 

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You Tube Channel?
We are asking all parishioners to subscribe to Trinity's YouTube Channel. Our goal is to achieve 100 Subscribers which will provide us increased visibility and enhanced options on YouTube. Click here to find the "Subscribe" button. Thank you for subscribing!
Stay in touch with others, we are in this together!
Here endeth the newsletter... See you next week!