Friday, December 2, 1-3 p.m.
Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion (7401 Delmar Blvd., 63130)

A leading cause of premature death across the lifespan, suicide claims the lives of over 1,00 Missourians each year, nearly 25% residing in the greater St. Louis area. Research and practice indicate that suicide is one of, if not the, most preventable manners of death.
Elizabeth Makulec, executive director of Kids Under Twenty One (KUTO), will train attendees to learn basic steps to identify, talk with, and encourage the safety of someone who may be experiencing thoughts of suicide or may be planning a potential attempt to end their life. Question, Persuade, Refer - QPR - Suicide Prevention training is a gatekeeper training appropriate for anyone who cares about the people they work, plan and/or live with.