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Loud & Clear

October 2024

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Welcome New Members!

Sally Barker

Carole Boller

Rosanne Ellis

Chris Grant

Loretta Harris

Jennifer Lake

Miriam Levin

Christine Lyss

Virginia McDonald

Elaine Miller

Michelle Taylor

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Up Next

Attainable Housing Task Force Meeting, Tues., Oct. 8

Project 2025: What It Is and Why It Matters

Thurs., Oct. 10

Get Out the Vote Postcard Party, Tues., Oct. 15

Lunch & Learn-MetroLink Extension & Jeff-Vander-Lou’s Fight to Preserve Its Community & History

Wed., Oct. 16

Join WV members at Mary Meachum Freedom Crossing Celebration 

Sat., Oct. 19

Election Protection Training, Sun., Oct. 20

Criminal Legal System Reform Task Force Meeting, Wed., Oct. 23

WVR & George B. Vashon Museum Tour

Thur., Oct. 24

Advocacy Committee Meeting, Mon., Oct. 28

Words from Our Vice-President

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Greetings members, supporters and friends of Women’s Voices Raised!

It’s autumn and our thoughts are turning to pumpkins, apple cider, falling leaves and educating ourselves in preparation for the election on November 5! To that end, Women’s Voices will host an in-person program on Project 2025: What It Is & Why It Matters on October 10. While Project 2025 has been frequently cited in the media, few of us fully understand its contents and implications. This program will inform us and allow our questions to be answered.

The speakers from our September program, Vote Smart: Navigating the November Ballot, were very enthusiastic and informative about protecting voting rights, promoting reproductive health care, and providing a living wage and rights for workers. The following links will provide more information about issues which are on the November ballot:


Amendment 3: Right to Reproductive Freedom 

Amendment 7: Election Restrictions 

Proposition A: Increase Minimum Wage and Workers’ Rights

In honor of the 30th anniversary of LGBT History Month, the Missouri History Museum is presenting “Global Pride History: Thursday Nights at the Museum” each week in October. This celebration of the history and many contributions of the LGBTQ+ community was begun by a Missouri high school history teacher, Rodney Wilson, and is now commemorated in more than 20 countries. Mr. Wilson and representatives from around the world kick off the program on Thursday, October 3, from 5-8 p.m. Also, the Missouri History Museum’s Gateway to Pride exhibit, which is a large collection of artifacts and historical documents about the struggles and successes of the LGBTQ+ community will continue until July, 2025. Read more about LGBT History Month at

October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To Increase awareness of this issue, the Administration for Children and Families is funding the #1Thng DVAM Campaign. "Think of the #1Thing you can do to get involved, take action and make a difference for those affected by domestic violence." More information, tools, and materials about the National Resource Center of Domestic Violence's Domestic Violence Awareness Project can be accessed on their website.

If you wish to contact me, my email address is Thank you for your participation and support of Women’s Voices!

Jean Calandrino

WVR October Program-Project 2025: What It Is and Why It Matters

Thursday, October 10, 7 p.m.

Center of Clayton

50 Gay Ave.

Saint Louis, MO 63105

Read more and register here.

You’ve undoubtedly heard about Project 2025. It’s a well-funded effort by the Heritage Foundation and 100+ partner organizations to attack overtime pay and student loan programs, dismantle the social safety net, decimate reproductive rights, undermine our economy and reshape the way our society operates. It would roll back civil rights protections on multiple fronts, eliminating DEI programs and slashing LGBTQ+ rights in health care, education, and workplaces.

To combat the threats posed by Project 2025, we need to understand them. Join us for a broad overview, a deeper dive into some of the platforms and a resource list of materials to help you continue your education in the vital work of protecting our democracy and citizens. 

Speaker: Kirill Kondratyuk Kirill Kondratyuk is a student who immigrated with his family from Ukraine following the Russian occupation of Crimea. Kondratyuk is committed to using his voice and experiences to contribute to positive change and he looks forward to this opportunity to engage with important social and political issues and their relationships to his personal background.


Last Day to Register is October 7

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Check your registration at

Visit our “how to” voting guide for detailed information and answers to FAQs.

Opportunities to Get Involved!

Get Out the Vote Postcard Party

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Tuesday, October 15, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Congregation Shaare Emeth

1645 Ladue Rd

St. Louis, MO 63141

Park on north lot.

Register here.

Drop in anytime to write “get out the vote” postcards.

Postcards supplied; bring your own stamps.

Feel free to bring your own lunch. Please no pork or shellfish.

Election Protection Training

with Denise Lieberman

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Sunday, October 20, 9:30-11 a.m.

Congregation Shaare Emeth

1645 Ladue Rd.

St. Louis, MO 63141

Park on north lot.

Register here.

Denise Lieberman, director and general counsel at Missouri Voter Protection Coalition, will provide training for those who would like to volunteer as poll monitors with Election Protection.

Volunteer for Election Protection

Volunteer as an Election Protection poll monitor on Election Day and help ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot. Sign up at

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Upcoming Racial Justice Committee-Sponsored Event

Lunch & Learn-MetroLink Extension & Jeff-Vander-Lou’s Fight to Preserve Its Community & History

Wednesday, October 16, noon

Virtual event

Read more and register here.

Mrs. Carla Alexander, co-president of the Jeff-Vander-Lou (JVL) Neighborhood Association, will briefly discuss the history of JVL and describe the association’s current fight to protect the majority-Black JVL neighborhood and historic district. 

Bi-State Development and the East-West Gateway Council of Governments are proposing a $1.1 billion MetroLink extension along the Jefferson Corridor to serve the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. As part of this plan, a less than one-mile extension of the line is proposed across the Jeff-Vander-Lou neighborhood that will significantly impact the community and its historical legacy. Join us to learn how this proposal will affect this historically Black neighborhood and why the community’s residents are opposing this expansion. We will also learn ways that St. Louis City and County residents can support the JVL Neighborhood Association in this struggle.

Join WV members for the 22nd Annual Mary Meachum Celebration 

Saturday, October 19, 1-4 p.m.

carpool will leave at 12:30 p.m.

Let us know you’re coming here.

Join other Women’s Voices members and supporters to attend the 22nd Annual Mary Meachum Celebration to learn about this amazing story of the underground railroad in St. Louis.

Join Women’s Voices for a tour of the George B. Vashon Museum

Thursday, October 24, 1 p.m.

George B. Vashon Museum

223 St. Louis Ave.

Saint Louis, MO 63106

Read more and register here.

Join us for a private tour of the George C. Vashon Museum. Founder and executive director, Calvin Riley will guide us through the museum’s unique and comprehensive collection of artifacts and treasures that span 250 years of African American history in St. Louis.

Contact Racial Justice committee co-chairs, Anne Litwin and Liz Sondhaus at for more information about these events or to get involved.

Recent Activities

September Program Provides Guidance in Navigating the November Ballot

With critical elected offices and amendments on the November ballot, Missouri voters will have the opportunity to impact the lives of state residents for years to come. 

At the September program, representatives from the Missouri Voter Protection Coalition, Missourians for Constitutional Freedom, and Missourians for Health Families and Fair Wages spoke about protecting our voting rights, clarified questions regarding important ballot measures and provided updates on the status of current court challenges.

Read more here.

Lunch & Learn Provides Tips to Advocate for a better-informed American

At the September 16 lunch and learn, Milo Vassallo, executive director of the Media and Democracy Project (MAD) discussed concrete actions to hold Fox/The Murdochs accountable for 2020 election lies, such as advocacy for and support of local journalism, demanding better pro-democracy media coverage, and efforts to hold media accountable for 2020 election lies. 

Read more and link to recorded program here.

Volunteer With Lock It for Love

Cardinals Care recently awarded Lock It for Love grant funding to cover some of the program's costs. Now, WE NEED YOU to continue our successful efforts to reduce gun violence in the St. Louis area. More partnership opportunities exist, but we currently don't have enough volunteers. What talents can you donate? We need more concerned adults able to assist at local community events, make follow-up phone calls, bundle locks, and write promotional information for newsletters. You get the idea - whatever time you can give us - we will use it wisely!

Sign up to be a Lock It for Love volunteer here!

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Lock It for Love volunteers Nicki Stonich and Melissa Green attended a Parent Resource Fair at the Central Branch of the St. Louis Public Library on September 7 to distribute FREE gun locks.

Members in the Spotlight

Nancy Price, a WV advocacy co-chair, presented a statewide webinar for voters with disabilities in conjunction with the League of Women Voters to ensure ALL voters can access the polls. 

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Harriet Kopolow recently received the Ageless Remarkable Saint Louisan award from the St. Andrew's Charitable Foundation. Kopolow is past co-chair of the Women's Voices Campaign for Commons Sense Gun Solutions and continues to serve as a Lock It for Love volunteer, primarily servings as liaison to our library partners who distribute FREE gun locks in the community.

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Cynthia Bauer, WV member, Liz Sondhaus, WV past president and Michele Steinberg, WV membership chair staffed our booth at “Dance the Vote” on September 14 in front of the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. They provided postcards for participants to send thanks to poll workers who will be doing demanding public service jobs this election. Also, they were able to network with other voting rights advocates, hear Saint Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones, address the crowd and enjoy the fun!

Women's Voices Members Respond to Injustice!

Nancy Cooksey, in her letter to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, writes that Missouri’s abortion ban is widely impacting women’s health care. 

Have something to submit for Loud & Clear?

Loud & Clear is the official monthly e-newsletter of Women's Voices Raised for Social Justice and is usually distributed on the first Monday or Tuesday of the month. The general deadline for article submission is the Wednesday prior to publication. Click here to contact editor Laura Rose.

Membership Info

Even if you can’t come to meetings or become personally involved, your membership is important…and greatly appreciated.

Benefits of Membership

When you join Women’s Voices you:

  • Make our voice stronger when we advocate with elected officials.
  • Provide support to the organization by adding your name to our advocacy efforts.
  • Provide ideas and suggestions to help determine how to define our positions and choose our causes.
  • Participate in advocacy activities in any way that you want or is possible for you.
  • Take pride in your affiliation with a strong, progressive group of women working for social justice.
  • Help cover our administrative and outreach costs through your dues.

Annual Dues:

$60 (Regular Membership)

$100 (Silver Level)

$150 (Gold Level)

$20 (Student Membership)

New members join here

Renewing members renew here or

Send a check (payable to Women's Voices) to: 

Women's Voices

698 W. Lockwood Ave.

Saint Louis, MO 63119

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