Mossy Cleft

Perish the Thought  

Furthermore, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, He gave them up to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.
~Romans 1:28 (Berean Study Bible) 
Dear Christian Warriors:

In our continuing series on exposing false "Marian apparitions" entitled:  "Mary, Mary?...Quite Contary!" we wish to remind our readers once again that it is not our intent to disparage Catholics nor dishonor the REAL Mary.  It is our obligation, as the Body of Christ, to warn people of seducing spirits and gently correct those who may be ensnared by devilish deception.  

Holy Scripture calls us "with all lowliness and gentleness, with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring [really working at] to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." 
~Ephesians 4:2-3

Really working at---endeavoring---to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace includes loving, humble correction so that there might be repentance.  

And the servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition if God will perhaps grant them repentance, so that they may know the Truth, and they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will." 
~2 Timothy 2:24-26

As we have begun to do in-depth studies on "Marian apparitions," it is clear that the devil has been working overtime in this arena while much of the Churchian world remains asleep and ripe for a powerful delusion. Our recent detailed posts on the false apparitions of Fatima, Guadalupe and Medjugorje can be found here.  We urge you to study them.

If we pray and ask God for wisdom and discernment, the scripture clearly states that He will answer our prayer.  I pray that you examine all of this information along with Holy Scripture so that you may "be a Berean" to see if it is so.  

But if any one of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all freely and reproaches not, and it shall be given to him. 
~James 1:5

ALL heresies and pagan religions have one thing in common...they attempt to MINIMALIZE Jesus Christ and DRAW ATTENTION to a counterfeit.  Even if a a particular denomination labels itself "Christian," we must still be responsible for examining if its beliefs stack up with what God's Holy Word says.  

Another common trait found in heresies and apostates is the exaltation of SELF.  Despite what practices such as self-flagellation, doing penance, walking on bloody knees, may APPEAR to be like ("humble")---in essence, they try to teach us that WE can save ourselves.  Unlike Obama's "Yes we can" slogan...when it comes to SELF SALVATION, the answer is clearly NO WE CAN'T.  

We at NDR are keenly aware of this also and pray that we don't fall to this powerful delusion ourselves!  While repentance is a necessary component of Salvation, it is not our repentance that atones for our sin but the shed Blood of Jesus Christ.  When we humble ourselves by looking at our OWN SIN, then we pray that God may grant us the ability to REPENT.  We must be lovers of Truth in evaluating ourselves as well as in assisting others in avoiding the pitfalls of false teachings.  

"You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
~ Matthew 7:5 (NASB)

With that Truth firmly embedded in our minds, let's examine another so-called "Marian apparition" known as "Our Lady of Lourdes" in the South of France. 

The devil hides in plain sight.  What we mean by this, is that, if we apply God's Holy wisdom, we will no longer be deluded by Satan.  Once you "see" what he is up to (sneaky snake), you won't be able to "unsee" it.  It is with this boldness that we present the following information on "Lourdes."  

#1)  Fails Biblical Witness Test:  Despite numerous admonitions in scripture that two to three witnesses are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL to establish the Truth, this apparition has only been "seen" by one person.

A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. 
~Deuteronomy 19:15(b)

While this biblical measure is quite helpful, it does not automatically cancel out the potential for deceptions that can also come from a group of people.  It simply helps us immediately cancel out any that come from ONE INDIVIDUAL as the scripture clearly warns us about this.  

The apparition at Lourdes is a very clear example.  The only "witness" was a young girl named Bernadette Soubirous.  Thus, this can truly be described as a "lone wolf" attack, if ever there was one.  

Bernadette's first family home is now also a tourist attraction known as "Boly Mill."  Boly, in the Greek, means "that which is thrown, sent into, put into"

Bernadette's second family home is known as "La Cachot"
In French, "la cachot" is "the prison."  


Can the symbolism get any more disturbing here?  

#2)  Other unsettling symbolism.  The grotto, prior to the reported "appearings" was the location of a garbage dump, a necropolis (place of the dead), a pig-feed area (pigs are unclean/apostates) and a former pagan worship site.  It is also located near the "prime meridian," a place where "East meets West."  In fact, it's description sounds very much like the Gehenna of Jesus' unpleasant, smelly place with a reputation as a smoking pit for everything foul.   

Grottos are well known pagan worship sites.  Satanists use grottos for ritual worship practices and the Church of Satan was known for some time as "Central Grotto."  The most famous pagan grotto is that of "Pan" the god of fertility.  Pan also means "all inclusive" such as a "One World Pan-Religion."    

Lourdes' location in the foothills of the Great Pyrenees Mountains is steeped in mystical roots.  Ancient Greeks believed that the daughter of Herakles was buried in this mountain range.  

The outcropping of rock, where the grotto is located, is known as "Massabielle" or "old mass" in French.  It got that name from the many ancient rituals that had taken place there.  

#3)  Mammon-makingTourist Trap:  Secular France is well aware of the financial tourism draw of Lourdes.  Around SIX MILLION tourists visit Lourdes every year from all over the globe.  In France, it is second only to Paris! Forbes Magazine wrote an article recently to address the economic strain that the Covid-virus had placed on French tourism and Lourdes was greatly affected by the lockdown.  

Here is a VERY TELLING excerpt of what spiritual fruit is produced at Lourdes (from the article entitled "France Travel" Lourdes Holds First Online Pilgrimage As City Fights To Save Tourism Forbes Magazine, July 16th 2020):  

"attract more general tourists while also moving ever so slightly away from its Catholic image to promote a more general sense of spiritualism and the meditative aspects of visiting the holy site."  

#4) Last, but certainly not least, the pornographic female genitalia imagery here is truly alarming: 

In our Guadalupe message, we pointed out the female genitalia symbolism.  Lourdes is no different.  The cave grotto, when seen from a few steps away to regain clarity, is the very image of a woman's private parts including what looks like "hair" surrounding the cave. 

Truly, the devil is laughing out loud in his deception at Lourdes.    

However, what people may not know, is that this imagery is also found in ISLAM as well,  The Mecca Stone, similar to the Lourdes rock (see photo shape above and compare), is revered and touched by the many acolytes who make a pilgrimage there.  

Here are quotes describing both stones:

"The Stone is a dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims." ~ Mecca Stone

"you can walk through the grotto and touch the rocks directly under the statue (so many people have done so that the stones have become polished)." ~ Lourdes grotto

Being located at a prime meridian area, this is literally "where East meets West."  

What does God say about "spiritual rocks?"

Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.
~Isaiah 44:8(b) (NKJV)

Bottom line:  All of this is demonically-inspired and rooted in the pagan concept of goddess worship.  It is relegating The Woman of scripture (The Church) into a goddess idol instead of a submissive help-mate for the second Adam, Christ.  

This is spiritual porn.  Don't worship at this portal.  

We hope that this info has given you "eyes to see and ears to hear" and that you share it so that others may avoid this powerful delusion.  We look UPWARD (not on Earth) for the Glorious Appearing:  

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.
~ Titus 2:13 (KJV)
These demons will be exposed.

Pray for those who are becoming ensnared by these powerful delusions:  that they would be convicted by the Teacher, the Holy Spirit, and that they would repent to find the Lord's true purpose for their lives in His Kingdom.  

NEXT UP:  Lourdes: ~ Part 2 Pagan Porneia 
"Caught Dead-Handed

God Bless you, 
~Pastor Jeffrey Daly
National Day of Repentance

Our initial book:  "River & Streams in the Desert ~ The Forty Forties of Scripture: A 40 Day Repentance Devotional" was extremely well received and, in retrospect, it contained highly prophetic information.  We encourage all of our supporters to read this book and distribute the message to key influencers in their individual nations.  

Download our first Devotional for FREE with this link. 

We humbly request that you do not simply download this FREE book solely for your own reading enjoyment, but that you would kindly DISTRIBUTE it (for FREE) to at least one other person or ministry that would find it helpful.  

Those who have read our 40-day Devotional book tell us there are powerful experiences of repentance awaiting a reader of River & Streams in the Desert!  This is a 40-day repentance devotional based on the 40/40's of Scripture.  If you would like to order a hard copy of our devotional, please do so here:  

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

"River & Streams in the Desert" ~ Pastor Jeffrey Daly
Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661863
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661856
E-Book | 200 pages | ISBN 9781973661870
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

The information from our Second Repentance Devotional is also available for FREE in the links listed below.  The Book Version is due to be published shortly with God's help. 

We welcome comments, feedback and insights from all of our participants. Please send them via email to for consideration.

LINKS: (Free Chapters of our 50 Day Devotional Book)

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