Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School
Lourdes Letter
Week of December 4, 2024
Educating in Mind, Body and Spirit.
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Volunteer Opportunities
Thank You for sharing your time and talents with our school.
Enter your TSF Volunteer Hours here.
(An email confirmation is sent for each TSF submission for your tracking purposes).
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Lunch & Playground Volunteers
Thur Dec 5 - Katie Hurth, Katie Roberts, Dianna Lee
Fri, Dec 6 - Britney Choppen, Jenna Johnson, Kim Thill
Mon, Dec 9 - Fran Larson, Allison Harper, Shaun Johnson
Tues, Dec 10 - Katie Roberts, Cheryl Veasie, Mellissa Little
Wed, Dec 11 - Laura Behling, Jon and Heather Dretzka, Portia Asiamah
December Lunchroom Volunteer Schedule
If you are interested in lunch/playground TSF volunteer opportunity, please review the link below.
More Information & Signup Form
If you have questions, please contact the school office or Julie VanDenHeuvel
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Please submit your volunteer hours here.
Going on now ...
Packer Parking at Green Bay Distillery
You park vehicles & the school earns $$.
Sign up link below.
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From the Desk of Principal Young | | |
Dear OLOL Families,
I hope that you all had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break and were able to connect as a family and do family activities. Those moments are just as important as the learning we do in school.
For new families and a reminder to existing school families, we follow West De Pere School District with cancellations and delays caused by winter weather. We will be monitoring those decisions and share the information with you as soon as I hear about delays or closings. This would be a good time to make sure that you have your Powerschool contact information correct. See information below.
We also keep students inside in the morning and for recess if the “feels like” temperature is at zero or below.
If your child is going to be absent or leave early for an appointment, we ask that in addition to emailing the classroom teacher that you also send the email to olloffice@gracesystem.org to ensure we are all on the same page.
Tonight is the Faith, Family, and Fun event at 6:00PM with OLOL Faith Formation. We hope you can come and kick off Advent in a fun way. Thank you to Mrs. Traci LaCrosse, Ms. Jessica Johnson and the elementary teachers for putting this event together.
Next week, the Christmas Concerts begin. The K-8 program Christmas Concert is Thursday, December 12th (see details below). We are having separate Christmas Concerts for our preschool programs this year. Mrs. Thorn's 4 year-old program is Friday, December 13th at 2:00PM. Ms. Feuerstein’s Christmas Concert is Friday morning, December 20th. These concerts will surely get you in the Christmas spirit.
“It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us the memories of goodness and thrust open the doors of hope.” - Pope Benedict XVI
Educating Mind, Body and Spirit,
Jeffrey Young - Principal
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REMINDER: In the event winter weather impacts our school hours, we will be communicating with you using BrightArrow. These communications are sent via email and text.
If you do not receive the email, please logon to your PowerSchool acccount and verify the email(s) listed.
- If you do not receive the text, you need to OPT IN. You can opt in to text messaging at any time by sending the word Yes or Si to 79041.
NOTE: If you receive the Lourdes Letter on Wednesday in your INBOX and via text, your PowerSchool is OK!
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Our Lady of Lourdes
Christmas Concert
The Our Lady of Lourdes Christmas Concert, Christmas Joy will be Thursday, December 12. The concert will be held in the Church and will begin at 6:30 P.M. Kindergarten through 8th grade students are participating in the concert. The concert is a mandatory performance for all students - every voice and instrument matters - their classmates are counting on them! Everyone should also plan to stay for the entire concert. All students are participating in the final numbers!
Students should dress nicely for the concert. Boys should wear nice pants (no blue jeans, no sweat pants, no shorts) and a nice shirt (button down or polo shirt). Sweaters, suit coats, ties, etc. are all fine, but not required. Girls can wear nice pants and a nice shirt, a skirt and a nice shirt, or a dress. Skirts or dresses should reach the knee or should have leggings worn underneath. Leggings should only be worn under a skirt or tunic-legth top.
All band students should arrive at school and meet in the cafeteria by 6:00 PM.
New this year: All Middle School Choir students should arrive at school and meet in the music room by 6:05 P.M. After warming up, they will proceed up to the church. All other students should arrive in church by 6:15 P.M. All students should plan on staying for the entire concert as we will be performing as a whole school at the close of the concert.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail Mrs. Lewis at mlewis@gracesystem.org.
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Bake Sale after Christmas Concert
The 8th grade class is having a bake sale after the Christmas concert on Thursday, December 12th.
They are looking for donations of baked goods to help make their sale a success! The money they raise will help support their 8th grade class trip.
Some of the items they sell are cookies, bars, cakes, or pastry treats of any kind. If able to donate, the items need to be dropped off in the office on Thursday the 12th by 2:30PM.
If you have any questions, please text Heather Willems at 404-932-5952.
Thank you in advance from the
OLOL 8th grade class!
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Please order early for the holidays!
Gifting SCRIP for Christmas? Your order for physical cards will need to be received by Monday, December 16 (8:30 a.m.), our last ordering date before Christmas.
Scheduled distribution/pick-up is 12 noon on Thursday, December 19.
There will be no orders processed December 17 through January 5. However, you can still order e-certificates throughout this time. Our on-hand inventory gets depleted quickly this time of year and so ordering is strongly recommended.
There will be no sales after the weekend masses December 21-22 and 28-29.
Thank you so much for your support of the Scrip Program!
Any questions regarding the SCRIP program can be directed to scrip@lourdesdepere.org
Additional information regarding the Scrip program is available on our
school website at https://lourdesschooldepere.org/family-involvement/scrip/
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TSF Opportunity
Park cars for HOME Packer Games &
NFL Draft
at Green Bay Distillery
The 2024 - 2025 Packer parking schedule includes an extra regular season home game and the NFL Draft in April.
Choose the dates/times that work for you and plan for your 2024-2025 TSF Hours.
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Cavalier Athletics
Additional information is available on our athletics website (link)
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Basketball -
7th & 8th grades
The basketball game schedule is available here.
5th & 6th grades
The basketball game schedule is available here.
If you have questions regarding OLOL Athletics, please view our website here or contact our OLOL Athletic Director, Neil Basten at ololathletics@gracesystem.org.
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Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE)
Additional information is available on the GRACE website (link)
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Loving and Living Life at Lourdes
Checkout what is happening!
There is something for everyone!
Please join us for weekend mass.
Saturday: 4:30PM
Sunday: 8:15AM, 10:15AM & 6:00PM
If you are unable to join us for school or weekend masses, please visit our parish YouTube channel. The Sunday (8:15AM) and Wednesday School Masses (9:00AM) are livestreamed.
Visit our parish website and our parish bulletin
for additional information.
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OLOL Alleluia Attitude Choir
Make an exciting difference in the music on Christmas Eve!
Singers and musicians needed for the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Family Mass
Experienced musicians are also welcome.
Singers from preschool age through great grandparents are
welcome. No previous experience is required.
Rehearsals are in the St. Michael of the Saints Chapel. We practice on
Monday nights 5:00 to 6:30 - December 9 and 16.
On Monday, December 23rd there will be a special practice in the church
5:00PM to 7:00PM. On Christmas Eve, music begins at 3:00PM. with a
2:30PM rehearsal for musicians and 2:45PM for singers. You must
participate in practices in order to sing for Christmas Eve Mass.
To RSVP and for more information contact Miss Susan at AlleluiaAttitude@gmail.com or 920-265-5210.
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