Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School

Week of January 3, 2024

Educating in Mind, Body and Spirit.


See what's happening this month.

Lunch Menus

(click month to view)


Weekly Newsletter

The Lourdes Letter is published on Wednesday. If you have items to be included in the newsletter, please drop off or email to olloffice@gracesystem.org by 3:00 PM on Monday.

Thank You

*NEW* BrightArrow

We are utilizing a new program to send school communications and texts.

Not receiving texts?

To receive text messages through BrightArrow, you need to opt in. You can opt in to text messaging at any time by sending the word Yes or Sí to the short code 79041. Once you opt in, BrightArrow will send you a confirmation that your phone number is opted in.

If you have questions regarding these changes or are not receiving school communications, please contact the school office. Thank You


We're here to guide you through all that is happening at Lourdes.

Sunday, January 7

Epiphany of the Lord

The 12th Day of Christmas

January 8 - 19

STAR Assessment Testing K-8

(Reading & Math)

Tuesday, January 9

Site Advisory Council (SAC) meeting


All are welcome! All are needed!

See more info below.

Wednesday, January 10

School Mass 9:00AM

Mass led by our third graders

Monday, January 15

No School

Teacher In-Service

Friday, January 19

Dress Down Day

Friday, January 19

Deadline for purchasing tickets for

OLOL Night at Green Bay Gamblers

See info below to purchase

Saturday, January 27 - 7:05PM

OLOL Night at Green Bay Gamblers

January 28 - February 3

Catholic Schools Week

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank You for sharing your time and talents with our school.

Enter your TSF Volunteer Hours here.

(An email confirmation is sent for each TSF submission for your tracking purposes).

Lunch & Playground Volunteers


Jan 4 - Jon D & Heather D

Jan 5 - Rachel J, Caitie V, & Liz G

Jan 8 - Katie V, Megan W. & Whitney H

Jan 9 - Tammy A, Shaun J. & Liz V

Jan 10 - Deb C & Allisa T

January Playground Schedule (view)

If you are interested in lunch/playground TSF volunteer opportunity, please review the link below.

More Information & Signup Form

Packer Parking

At Green Bay DIstillery - Go Pack Go!

Benefits Our Lady of Lourdes School

Please submit your volunteer hours here.

Click on the event heading for the

signup genius link.

Site Advisory Council

Are you interested in learning more about OLOL’s Site Advisory Council (SAC)? Do you want to get more involved or see what is happening behind the scenes to benefit our students and school?

We invite you to join us January 9 at 6:30pm in a middle school classroom (second floor).

Earn ONE TSF hour for your attendance and see if joining SAC would be a good fit for you!

Cavalier Card Winners

Students who make good choices at school are awarded Cavalier Cards. Each week we have a drawing where some lucky students win a prize. 

Kindergarten - Lucille Weyenberg &

Cora Godfryt

1st Grade - Josie Day & Teresa Forack

2nd Grade - Annabelle Jenkins &

Rae VerHagen

3rd Grade - Elijah O'Hearn & Rebecca Lewis

4th Grade - Aseda Asiamah & Anthony Destree

Letter from Principal Young

Dear OLOL families,

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and were able to connect with family and friends.  I know I feel refreshed and ready to get back to work on creating a successful learning environment in which students and families can thrive.  

The highlight of January is always Catholic Schools Week.  Our committee has already begun working on activities for the week.  Some highlights will be an all-school field trip and school Mass that week being held at St. Norbert Abbey.  More details will be coming out in the next couple of weeks.

Prior to break, the staff and administration were given many gifts from school families.  On behalf of the entire staff, thank you for your generosity during the Christmas season.  During our staff meetings, our teachers usually always comment on what wonderful support we have from school families.  You are a huge reason why our staff love to come to work at OLOL.  We know that this kind of support isn’t found at every school.  Thank you for being such a wonderful support system for the OLOL Staff.

“It is right that you should begin again every day.  There is no better way to complete the spiritual life than to be ever beginning it over again” - Saint Francis de Sales

Educating in mind, body and spirit,

Jeffrey Young - Principal

Lectio Divina

We pray with all Catholics throughout the Green Bay Diocese

There are different ways to engage in Lectio Divina. If you are a beginner here is a process that will help you get started. 

Step 1: Prepare yourself to read scripture. You will need to find a time and location where you will not be interrupted or disturbed. Ready yourself to read God’s word and see how He wants you to respond.

Step 2: Read the scripture and look for words or phrases that jump out at you.

Step 3: Reflect on those words or phrases and what they mean to you.

Step 4: Reread the scripture and spend a few moments in quiet reflection on what God is calling you to do through these words or phrases.  

Step 5: Reread the scripture a third time and it is time to respond. What actions will you take after your conversation with God?

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Matthew 2:1-12

Daily Readings from USCCB - View here

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea,

in the days of King Herod, 

behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, 

“Where is the newborn king of the Jews?

We saw his star at its rising

and have come to do him homage.”

When King Herod heard this,

he was greatly troubled, 

and all Jerusalem with him.

Assembling all the chief priests and the scribes of the people, 

He inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.

They said to him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, 

for thus it has been written through the prophet:

And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah,

are by no means least among the rulers of Judah;

since from you shall come a ruler,

who is to shepherd my people Israel.”

Then Herod called the magi secretly 

and ascertained from them the time of the star’s appearance.

He sent them to Bethlehem and said, 

“Go and search diligently for the child.

When you have found him, bring me word, 

that I too may go and do him homage.”

After their audience with the king they set out.

And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them, 

until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.

They were overjoyed at seeing the star, 

and on entering the house

they saw the child with Mary his mother.

They prostrated themselves and did him homage.

Then they opened their treasures 

and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, 

they departed for their country by another way.


It is a worldwide tradition in the Catholic Church to use blessed chalk on the Epiphany or during the Christmas season to bless one’s home for the New Year. Epiphany falls 12 days after Christmas Day, on January 7th.

You can bless those who come and go from your home by inscribing above the door in chalk: 20+C+M+B+24.  

2024 is for the year and tradition tells us that C,M,B is for each of the three Magi; Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar and Christus Mansionem Benedicat, which is Latin for “Christ, Bless this house.”

Blessing Ceremony

With chalk inscribe on the top of the door: 20+C+M+B+24

Leader: Peace be to this house and all who enter.

All: Amen

Leader: May our home, signed with this holy chalk, be overflowing with God’s kindness, mercy, and love. Bless all those we welcome into our home this year. May they rejoice to find the light of Christ shining within us. May this year be full of bountiful blessings for all those who enter this home. 

All: Amen

While marking the inscription:

Leader: Three wise men (c) Caspar. (M) Melchoier, and (B) Balthasar followed the star to Bethlehem and the child, Jesus (20) two thousand (24) twenty four years ago. (++) May Christ bless our home (++) and remain with us throughout this new year. 

All: Amen, then recite the Lord’s Prayer

Cavalier Athletics

Additional information is available on our athletics website (link)

Go Cavaliers!

7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball

Year-end Tournament begins week of January 2, 2024

5th/6th Grade Girls Basketball

Thursday, January 4

vs St. Bernards at OLOL - 5:00PM

5th/6th Grade Boys Basketball

Thursday, January 4

vs St. Bernards Red at OLOL - 6:00PM

Back by popular demand, OLOL Athletics is excited to announce we will be holding a

Little Dribblers Winter Session

The clinic will be run in the same format as our fall clinic for our K-2 grade day school students.  

The Saturday dates and times are as follows:

Girls - January 20 & 27, February 3 & 10 @ 9:00 - 10:15 am

Boys - January 20 & 27. February 3 & 10 @ 10:15 - 11:30 am

Please see the attached flyer for additional details.

For those interested, please click LITTLE DRIBBLERS to register.

Green Bay Area Catholic Education (GRACE)

Additional information is available on the GRACE website (link)

Please join us for an engaging and informative presentation on "Raising Resilient and Self-Reliant Children" with International Formation and Education Consultant, Sister Pat McCormack, IHM, EDD. 

This adult event is FREE of charge. Wine and cheese will be served. Please follow the event on Facebook for more specific details. 

NDA News - January

Notre Dame Academy announces its 2024 Musical: "Annie"

Save the Date! NDA’s Musical Thursday, January 25th -Sunday, January 28th. Tickets for “Annie” go on sale on Sunday, December 17th. 

NDA Future Girls Soccer

Be part of the kickoff to the NDA Girls Soccer Futures Program! For more information, please fill out this form or email nbrowne56@yahoo.com

NDA Girls Lacrosse Assistant Lacrosse Coach Position 

The NDA Girls Lacrosse team is looking for an assistant coach for this upcoming spring season. The position is linked here. If you are interested please reach out to Head Coach, Hailey Anderson at handerson@notredameacademy.com 

Save the Date: Spring Middle School Dance 

Our next middle school dance for all 7th and 8th grade students is Friday, April 5th

Loving and Living Life at Lourdes

Checkout what is happening!

There is something for everyone!

Please join us for weekend mass.

Saturday: 4:30PM

Sunday: 8:15AM, 10:15AM & 6:00PM

If you are unable to join us for school or weekend masses, please visit our parish YouTube channel. The Sunday (8:15AM) and Wednesday School Masses (9:00AM) are livestreamed.

Visit our parish website and our parish bulletin

 for additional information.

January 1 - Solemnity of Mary

The Holy Mother of God

we taWWe take a moment, as we start our new year to honor our Blessed Mother, who in her “yes” to God brought our Savior into the world to redeem us.

Body of Christ, from Mary's Body;

Blood of Christ, from Mary's blood.

Jesus, the bread, Mary the yeast;

Mary the kitchen, Jesus the feast.

Mary the mother, by whom He was fed;

Mary the oven, Jesus the bread.

Mary the soil, Jesus the vine;

Mary the wine-maker, Jesus the wine.

Jesus the tree of life, Mary the sod;

Mary our God-bearer, Jesus our God.

Mary the silkworm, Jesus the silk;

Mary the nurse, Jesus our milk.

Mary the stem, Jesus the flower;

Mary the stairway, Jesus the tower.

Mary and Jesus, our castle entire;

Mary the fireplace, Jesus the fire.

Mary God's ink, Jesus God's name;

Mary the burning bush, Jesus the flame.

Mary the paper, Jesus the Word,

Mary the nest, Jesus the bird.

Mary the artery, Jesus the blood;

Mary the floodgate, Jesus the flood.

Mary and Jesus, our riches untold;

Mary the gold mine, Jesus the gold!

redeem us.

Community Events

OLOL Night at the Green Bay Gamblers

Purchase your tickets by Friday, January 19.

Return your $$ to the school office.

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