Dear OLOL Families,
Thank you for all that attended Light Up Lourdes on Saturday. By all accounts we had a successful evening fundraising. More importantly I hope that you all had a blessed evening with members of Our Lady of Lourdes Community.
I would like to personally thank two staff members that put in extra time in their work days to help the committee. They were Sue LaLuzerne and Lynn Fink. Thank you Sue and Lynn!
The four main chairs of Light Up Lourdes did an outstanding job with the event. All students, staff, and families should thank them for their dedication. I’m sure their lives were put on hold for a few months getting ready for Saturday. I wish to thank Rebecca Van Den Heuvel, Liz Gale, Nate Tackaberry, and Christina Spierings. Great job!!
As you know, TWO of your volunteer hours are designated to be completed for Light Up Lourdes. Could you please enter those hours before we leave for Thanksgiving break, Tuesday, November 26th? Thank you in advance for doing that.
At last week’s school Mass, we recognized Christina Spierings as our Volunteer of the Year. Thank you to Christina and Craig, you are well deserving of this award. As I said at Mass, the entire OLOL community is blessed to have them as members of our learning community. Thank you Christina and Craig for all that you do.
Please mark your calendars for the OLOL Christmas Concert which is Thursday, December 12th in the church at 6:30pm. We are doing something a little different this year in regards to our preschool program. They will be doing their own concerts and not participating in the OLOL Christmas Concert. The preschool teachers will be informing you of those dates and times.
“The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost” - G.K. Chesterton
Educating Mind, Body and Spirit,
Jeffrey Young - Principal