Issue 47 - December 03, 2017
In Malaysia this year, a devotee asked Swami for guidance on youth and elders working together saying that the youth sometimes have great ideas to contribute to the community, but often they do not bring them up because they are afraid of what the elders will say. Swami gave this guidance:
See, elders are saying youth are not getting involved, whist youth are saying elders are not helping! Whatever others may think, you must decide to do what your heart says. If you have faith in the voice of your heart, whether somebody praises you or blames you, supports you or discourages you, do not worry. You must march forward. Above all, for every selfless thought, the biggest strength that you have is that God Himself will look after what is required.
At the same time, when you are working in a group where there are elders, youngsters, and children, it is your duty to inform everyone and seek the blessings and experience of the elders so that they can help you do what you want to do better. They have already walked this path, and they know where the twists are, where the turns are, where the bends are, where the potholes are, and they can guide you so that you do not have to suffer.
You should also encourage younger ones to come along with you. Seva is not to be done in compartments and fragments; everybody should come along. Take the blessings and experience of the elders, and take the help, energy and enthusiasm of the younger ones, and with that you should go ahead. It is not necessary that youth alone should do everything, but youth should lead the way, because they have strong body, sharp intellect and pure heart. They are the best to lead, like an engine pulls a train. Nevertheless, there is a role for elders to guide and encourage them and give them the right advice.
You have to develop such good relations with all your elders. Many youths do not like this path. They do not want any elders to come here, they do not want to be told anything, they just want to do what they want to do. That is when the problem starts. You must all be involved.
Medical Service in Australia
Divine Mother and Child Service
Youth from the Health in Kind Foundation conducted Divine Mother and Child Free health screenings and health education sessions in three locations across Australia:
- Tweed, New South Wales
- Melbourne, Victoria
- Perth, Western Australia
In Tweed, New South Wales, Health in kind youth were invited to provide health checks at the Family Fun Day on Saturday, October 28, 2017. Free health checks were provided to mothers and children on that day. The following week on November 6, 2017 Health in Kind was invited to Healthy Jarjums Day. This session was held for the mums and bubs of the Guyahyn Aboriginal Playgroup.
Blood Drive in Fiji (Suva)
Be a Hero, Save Three Lives!
As part of their “Be a Hero Campaign” which involves facilitating the collection of blood at various locations around Fiji, the youth of Sai Prema Foundation embarked on yet another journey to collect some much needed “liquid love” - blood. The youth teamed up with the Fiji National Blood Services Department from the Ministry of Health and conducted a day long blood drive on Saturday October 28, 2017 at Tappoocity Centre, in the heart of Suva, Fiji.
Medical Service in Singapore
Divine Mother and Child Service
Youth have been organising medical camps on the first Saturday of every month to cater to the health needs of children from underprivileged backgrounds. The inaugural camp took place in September 2017 at Chai Chee (Singapore). The second medical camp took place at Marsiling (Singapore), and the most recent medical camp was held at Hougang (Singapore) in November 2017.
For the Marsiling camp, two main events were organised for the children and their families: a medical check-up and a health carnival. The health carnival consisted of educational games to teach children healthcare habits that focused on basic hygiene, exercise, and eye care. A food station was also set up for both the children and their families, so that no one went hungry during the camp. In addition, an arts and crafts station was set up to allow the children to paint, draw, and simply have fun.
Selfless Love and Selfless Service
I offer my deepest and most reverential gratitude at the Lotus Feet of my Master for allowing me the opportunity to transform and to share this with all of you.
Having been born in to a Sai family, Swami was a personality I was ‘forced’ to worship. However, I really enjoyed
– singing and playing tabla/dholak. Growing up in Australia, in the western society, worship of a ‘human’ was deemed as absurd. So naturally in my teenage years, I had totally forsaken Swami. I was still going to the centre, singing
and playing instruments, but not out of love or devotion...