Issue 21 - May 21, 2017
Editors Note...

Like Swami often reminds us, each one of us has a role in the divine drama. It is up to us to realise this, surrender to His will and simply play our part well. 

Swami's message to the Sai Youth around the world this week: 

"Everybody has a role to play in this cosmic drama. Everybody must enact their role well. It is only to that extent that you can offer your services, that you play the role that God has given to you, to the best of your abilities. Wherever you are, whichever part of the world, whatever be your profession, whatever be your assignments, whatever be your engagements, all you have to do is take it as God's work and offer it back to God. That is spirituality. Everything for God's sake. Everything for the love of God. Dedicating all the fruits of all actions which have been done, with love for God, back to God. Whatever you do, do it for love of God and whatever you achieve out of it, offer it back to God. If you do this in everything that you do, life will be very very spiritual. You don't have to really read too many scriptures, go to too many pilgrimages or chant great Mantras or do all kinds of penance. Just simple steps you follow. That is spirituality. Nothing more is required!"

Yours in His Service,

Bhuvana Santhanam
 Service Updates
Breakfast Program 
On the last Sunday in April, volunteers in Perth, Western Australia made sandwiches for the breakfast programme and also made different varieties of soups for the Food for Families programme.  The service was done at Minnawarra House for the families of Armadale and surrounding suburbs. Armadale is a low socio-economic area in Perth and is home to many children who come from broken homes and poor families. Swami has blessed the group to work in conjunction with Minnawarra House which is a community house in Armadale where needy residents in the area come for food, therapeutic and social support. 

Health on Wheels – Medical Camp

On Saturday April 22, 2017, the youth of Sai Prema Foundation (Fiji) teamed up with the Health on Wheels wing of the Foundation and joined them in volunteering and serving at the medical camp organised in conjunction with Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Fiji.

This Free Medical Camp was held at Wailotua Primary School in the interior villages of Naitasiri, which is a densely populated area in the highlands of Viti Levu some 1.5 hours drive from Suva.

The day started as early as 5.30AM for some youth who took charge of loading the Health on Wheels truck with supplies and equipment to be used at the camp. The team for the day consisted of volunteer doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, medical students and personnel from the Foundation.

Pizza Party for “Children of God”

On May 6, 2017, the auspicious occasion of Easwaramma Day, the youth members of the Sai Prema Foundation Fiji organised a lunch outing for the children of the Dilkusha Home (Orphanage) under the auspices of the “Children of God” project. This project began under the direct command of our dear Swami who had urged the youth to adopt this home and to look into the needs of the children. A few weeks prior, when a needs assessment was conducted at the home by a few youth, it was decided that their “needs” would be categorised into three broad areas – Medicare, Educare and Sociocare.

Indonesia Youth Service Activities
On the April 30, 2017 Sai Pooja youth conducted a Seva activity. This Seva was conducted in their traditional local market, Pasar Badung. The market is located around five kilometres from the Ashram . Pasar Badung is one of the main markets in Denpasar, the capital city of the Indonesian province of Bali. It houses plenty of traditional shops. The market is usually crowded with labour workers and homeless people.

The aim of this Seva was to provide food and water for labour workers and homeless people in Pasar Badung. Most labour workers are old men and women who work tirelessly, carrying market items for their employer. 
Medical And Dental Camp at Sarawak
The youth volunteers of the Sathya Sai Health and Wellness Centre, conducted one of their regular medical and dental care camps for the residents of six longhouses at Sarawak, a Malaysian state on Borneo which stretches along the island’s northwest coast. Longhouses are tribal communal houses which are built on stilts and houses many families under one roof. The challenging journey required hours of off-road driving, good navigational skills and even trekking by foot to the village longhouses. 
 Satsang and News Updates
Osaka Japan Satsang 

Japanese youth are spread all over Japan and cannot gather at one location at one time, so the organiser decided to go around the country and schedule Sai activities. On May 13, 2017 Satsang was held at one of the devotee’s residence in Osaka which is located in west part of Japan. Several youth, along with some regular devotees, gathered for the first time...

Satsang  at The Botanical Gardens

For the month of May 2017, the Sai youth of Singapore decided to have their monthly Satsang at The Botanic Gardens. The 150 year old Garden possesses an array of botanical and horticultural attractions with a rich history and a wonderful plant collection of worldwide significance. The gardens was recently honoured as a UNESCO World Heritage site

The Satsang was kicked-off with Pranayama (breathing exercises). The need to breathe in and out deeply through the diaphragm slowly was emphasised. This, in-turn, helps to increase one’s aura and feel energised. With auras energised through the breathing exercises, stomachs felt even stronger after munching on the delicious tofu sandwiches and vegetarian nuggets that were prepared.