Our Heart, Our Community

"In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father who is in Heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
A Note From
Laurie Bourbonais
Executive Director
Finally, all of you, be like- minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.
1 Peter 3:8
I am so very thankful to the faithfulness shown by this community! What a blessing to have a front row seat, experiencing churches serving our neighbors in ways that truly impact lives. The mission of Love INC, gives hope to families, those who need it the most through ministries that offer tangible help:
children's clothing, diapers, paper products, laundry help, furniture, kitchen and cleaning supplies, delivering essentials, volunteer rides, car repairs, oil changes and church food drives that are shared with other church pantries.
Observing volunteers who share their
passion for teaching, mentoring to encourage and restore lives.
In such a time as this, with the heavy burden of rising costs it is those who are already at risk that will have the biggest challenges. Yet, Gods word rings out loud and clear! Be like-minded, with our eye and heart on HIM. Be compassionate and tender,
loving one another, because He first loved us.
Be humble, in a ready state of service to others.
I experience gratefulness and hope in His word,
His Church, and in His people.
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5
New Creation Program
Meets people right where they are offering:
one on one mentoring,
life-skill courses,
and basic essentials.
With these tools lives are restored

One on One Budget Counseling
A New Creation participant shared how through the one on one budget mentorship process,
in just four weeks she has not only taken back control of her finances,
but is also actively making strides towards her goals.

Special THANK YOU to Grace Lutheran Church
for hosting weekly program.


A Love INC program
offering a path of hope
that fosters life change
wrapping around
individuals and families
seeking to move forward.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, 
the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!"
2 Corinthians 5:17
Thank you to Trinity Lutheran Church for providing a meal for New Creation.

54 individuals
have participated in the
New Creation Program
in the last year.
Interested In Volunteering?

Weekly one on one mentorship
includes accountability as well as personal, financial and spiritual goal setting.

Course Leader
Step into the opportunity to lead a group as participants share and grow together.

Child Care Leader
While participants of the New Creation Program are involved in their classes,
their children are enjoying a fun, loving environment where they are nurtured.

Provide a Meal for the New Creation Evening
A big piece of our New Creation program is the fellowship provided from beginning the evening in a shared meal.
If you are interested in helping support this program,
we are looking for people to provide a meals.

And so much more!

If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering or participating in the program, please give us a call.
(517) 552-3620
Clearinghouse Care Center
On average, we receive 100 care calls
a week from our neighbors
who inquire about assistance.
Their situation may be great or small.

Our staff and volunteers are equipped and ready to help!

Every call is filled with compassion, encouragement, direction,
tangible help and prayer.

As costs have been on the rise this year,
it is those who are already at risk that have
the biggest challenge ahead.

If you or someone you know needs assistance
please call our Clearinghouse Care Call Center (517) 552-3620

Interested in Volunteering?

Prayer Volunteer
Spend a few hours a week praying with those that have specifically requested prayer.

Phone Volunteer
Be the first point of contact for people calling for assistance to listen, empathize with others, record information, and offer prayer .

We are looking for caring, compassionate volunteers to answer phone calls and take messages.

And more!
Partner Churches
THANK YOU to Our Churches!

NorthRidge Church Brighton amazed us with their generosity during a food drive which they donated to the Love INC mission.
This church has such a heart for giving, which will impact lives.
Thank you NorthRidge Church Brighton!

This donation was distributed to a few of our local church food pantries:

-St. Mary Catholic Church
-St. Paul Lutheran Church
-Arise United Methodist
-Sonrise Church
-Salvation Army

Churches living out the two great commandments,
love God and love their neighbor.

Salvation Army
for hosting the
Love INC Partner Church Gathering.

The lunch was wonderful and the information we shared about how we love and care for our neighbors was
meaningful and invaluable.

Thank you to the many churches who attended!!!
Grumlaw - Howell
Seventh Day Adventist Church - Brighton
Salvation Army - Howell
St. John the Baptist - Howell
Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Brighton
St. George Lutheran Church - ELCA - Brighton
Marr Community Bible Church - Howell
First United Methodist Church - Brighton
First Baptist Church - Howell
Chilson Hills Church- Howell
Oak Grove United Methodist Church - Howell
Community Congregational United Church - Pinckney

Gap Ministry Highlight
Seventh Day Adventist Brighton
Centerpointe Church Howell

Centerpointe Church Howell


For your partnership and service!
We are so grateful for everything that you do to help our community.
These ministries
help our neighbors
care for their families
and provide assistance
for their children.
They throw their heart
into these ministries,
making sure that
each family receives
what they need.

Seventh Day Adventist Brighton

Community Support

Thank You!
J.Mills Plumbing
for your support!

These funds will help us continue the work of transforming lives.

Together we are making a difference in our community.
Resale Store
1225 E. Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843
(517) 225-5064

Store Hours: Tues. - Fri. (11:00am – 5:00pm) & Sat. (10:00am – 4:00pm)
Donation Hours: Thurs. & Sat. (noon – 3pm)

All funds that are received through the store
stay in Livingston County
to be used in the
transformation of lives in our communities.

When you shop & donate here, you are helping us
 assist our neighbors.

A Love Story
Kim, the Resale Store store manager, noticed a woman shopping one day,
with the weight of the world on her face.
As she came closer to the counter, Kim noticed just how very
discouraged she looked.
When asked how she was doing,
the woman shared what was on her heart that day.
Her sister had just been given unthinkable news from her doctor,
and this woman was consumed with the thought of having to
say goodbye to her forever.
Kim asked if she could cover this woman in prayer
right there before she left,
to which the woman gladly excepted.
As prayer of healing from this pain covered
the woman and her sister,
everyone in the room was moved to tears.
After this prayer, the woman turned looking at Kim and said,
“I already know, I can feel she is better. I felt God.”
When the woman was next in the store, she revealed
her sister had beaten all odds and was doing just fine.
She shared, “I know in my heart, it was because we were praying
and God heard our prayers.” 

Interested in Volunteering?
Volunteer Highlight!
Sally - Love INC Volunteer

What does volunteering for Love INC mean to you?- I am happy to feel like I am contributing to the organization and mostly I feel like I am helping. I do a little bit of everything and I learn so much in each role.
Has Love INC impacted your personal
life? - It has given me more compassion for people and has helped me to recognize the hard work that everyone does. I have also learned about different places around me to help others.
What has made you stay for as long as you have? - I have been here for around 12-14 yrs and each time I come in, I feel like people need my help, and I'm happy to do it because it is very rewarding.

New Staff
Sandy H. - Love INC Clearing House Coordinator

Sandy first became familiar with Love INC
in the late 1990's when approached by her pastor.
Fast forward to 2021 following God's plan, she moved from
Georgia to Howell, MI. While driving and checking out the
new city she saw a Love INC sign in front of a building on
Grand River Ave. She was working for a local non-profit, helping disabled adults merge into the working world,
when she finally joined Love INC.
"I believe wholeheartedly that our community neighbors need a hand up to better their lives. That if we speak to the spirit within we can form a relationship and from there teach them to grow into all who God has intended them to be. That is what Love INC means to me. ...A ladder to our highest potential." - Sandy H.
Kass O. - Love INC Developer

Kass started her Love INC journey only a couple of months ago, and through that time has been able to step into so many amazing opportunities to support the mission.
She is a senior at Cleary University this year, studying Digital Marketing and has been able to use this knowledge in our new rebranding.
We are thankful to have her on our team!

"Everyday is a new opportunity to show love in transformative ways. And to me, nothing is more beautiful than that."
- Kass O.
8th Annual Golf Outing

This years golf outing was so much fun.
We had a great turnout, with great weather,
and we thank all who participated for making it truly a hole in one!
Thank you to all of our Sponsors
Your support makes such a difference!
Upcoming Events
Love INC 101 Open House
January 26th (12pm-2pm)

Have you ever wondered, "What is Love INC?"
Come learn how our mission impacts the
community around us.
Meet our staff, tour our office and go behind the scenes.
Redemptive Compassion Workshop

This training challenges current and common
ways of addressing need
and considers
a compassion that is redemptive.
Cheerful Heart for Giving
February 24th, 2023

Save the date
and come celebrate with us.
We will be sharing
dinner, music and love stories!

Love One Another,
Serve One Another,
Encourage One Another.