
I hope you are enjoying this holiday season. This is the best time of year to make romantic memories and special traditions. 

At Midwest Matchmaking, we seem to get bombarded with success stories, "couples" photos, and of course holiday cards from the couples we've introduced. 

For this reason, I had a really difficult time choosing which Love Story to share with you this month.  

I decided to choose a story that warmed my heart and that I felt was a great example of how long-distance dating really can work.

Since the pandemic started, we have seen a large increase in the number of singles who are willing to give long-distance dating a chance. As a professional Matchmaker, I have loved this change! It truly allows my amazing team of Midwest Matchmakers to match based on compatibility rather than proximity.

Needless to say, we've seen an increase in the number of happy couples we are matching. Couples are just making distance work! 

No one said relationships were easy, and when you add an extra dynamic like distance in, it certainly doesn't help. However, our clients have shown us that it can work as long as you're willing to put in a little extra effort.

This month's Love Story is the story of Sammie and Tom. 

Sammie reached out to me in March 2020 from Topeka, Kansas. Sammie is in her mid 40's, divorced, and has no kids. She is a busy physician who was not running into the kind of men she was seeking on her own. 

Sammie was looking for someone in her age range, with similar views on religion and politics, who was ultimately seeking what she was: marriage and a lasting love story. 

I would describe Sammie as a classy woman who enjoys the finer things in life like the arts, traveling, fine dining, and nice wine. While those were her interests, she told me she didn't need to have someone similar. You see, Sammie had grown up on a farm. 

She was used to getting her hands dirty as she helped her family daily with farm chores. 

To Sammie, it was more about the person than common interests. As a Matchmaker, this is music to my ears! I couldn't agree with Sammie more. 

So many people emphasize wanting to find a partner who is "just like them." Where is the fun in that? Aren't relationships about helping your partner grow, learning new things from each other, and trying new adventures that you wouldn't have done on your own? I think so, and Sammie did too.

Sammie was also very open to location. She realized that her "person" may live hours away, and she was okay with that. She was willing to do whatever was necessary to find her person, and she figured all the other things would fall into place once she found him.

I decided to make Sammie's first match a farmer from Cedar Rapids, IA. There was certainly some distance involved between the two, and interest-wise, the two of them didn't have much in common at all. 

However, Tom was everything she was seeking. He was a hard-working man who would give the shirt off his back to a stranger. He was kind, loyal, and a man of integrity. They also shared the same traditional values. Tom had children, and while Sammie couldn't have kids of her own, she dreamed of being a part of someone else's kids' lives.  

I had a very strong feeling that this would be a one-and-done for Sammie.  

Tom and Sammie had their first date virtually. This was a bit of a challenge for Tom as he wasn't really into technology. 

Sammie was patient with Tom and walked him through setting things up on his end so they were able to proceed with having their virtual date. The date turned into a 4-hour event!

Sammie the following feedback with her matchmaker after the date:

"I enjoyed every second of this date. I have never felt such a strong connection with anyone so quickly after meeting. I am shocked that you were able to match me with someone I connected with so quickly. We are going to be meeting one another in person next weekend. I am so nervous and excited. Thank you!"

Tom shared similar thoughts with his matchmaker:

"Wow. I was blown away by this lady. She is way out of my league, but apparently, she doesn't think so! I had the best four hours I have had in years last night with her. I cannot wait to meet her in person. Thank you for this introduction."

Tom and Sammie were able to meet in person the next week. It was no surprise that their connection was even better in person.

They both chatted with their matchmakers about how to successfully try to navigate a long-distance relationship. 

With the help of our team's guidance, Sammie and Tom spent the next several months "distance dating." It wasn't an easy task, but the two were able to do it by putting the necessary work into it.

Tom and Sammie informed our Midwest Matchmakers that they got engaged over Thanksgiving. Tom is pretty glued to his land so Sammie has decided to relocate and find a job in Iowa. So far she has several interviews set up and is excited to start a life where her roots began, on a farm.  

Whether you're attached or single, there is so much beauty this time of year. I hope you take some time off to enjoy your loved ones while making new traditions and continuing old ones. Happy Holidays!

Reach out to me anytime at [email protected].

Courtney Quinlan, Owner and Matchmaker