Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Our sister Kathleen has a gift, an account of an open vision she recently had, I believe I can share with you. As the Lord leads, it's for sharing with others as His Gift to all of us during this time of struggle. It has a great ending: Love wins! YHVH is sovereign !

Today, on this Shabbat morning, I was awakening and preparing to get out of bed, when I sudden dropped into a deep open vision. It was like a dream, except that I was actually there in the scene … feeling, touching, hearing and being fully part of the experience, as if it was happening in real time.  Here is what I experienced:

My husband and I were walking through the darkness of night along a city street, lit by street lamps. We were heading toward a dark forest, located just across the road from where we were walking. As we stepped off the curb to cross the street, I became aware that that I was carrying a number of objects in my arms. Those objects appeared to be fabric, bean-filled, bags, approximately 12 inches by 4 inches in size. There were a few smaller bean bags being gripped in my hands as well. I don’t know the number of bean bags that I was carrying, but the fabric used to create them was like satin.  It became obvious very quickly that these objects were difficult to hold, as they proved to be very slippery. As I reached the middle of the street, a few of the bags fell on the road, as they slipped out of my arms. I had to stop briefly to gather them up again.  

The moment that we walked into the dark forest, these weighty, slippery, bean bags seemed to disappear. Perhaps they were dropped in the darkness without me realizing it. The moment I realized that they were gone, I had a sense of peace that they were of no consequence. I wasn’t concerned that I no longer carried them, but actually felt a bit relieved to have my hands and arms free to maneuver through the woods. The focus now was to get to the other side of the forest.  The foliage and trees were thick, and not visible in the almost total darkness. There were rocks, indentations, and roots under food as well. As a result, it was important for us to be able to use our hands to carefully feel, and to support, ourselves in this trek in the darkness … as we traveled throughout this very unfamiliar, and uncomfortable, forest, 

The deep sense of an urgent need to press on, and to make it through to the other side, eventually made it seem less distressing to be surrounded by this darkness, and subjected to this rough terrain. There was purpose it … an unknown purpose. For some reason, going through this dark forest was part of an important process. I could feel that in my heart. The situation was intense, but I didn’t feel frightened by the journey. 

As my husband and I made our way through the wooded darkness, I became aware that were other people making the journey with us. At first, we could sense each other, even though we couldn’t really hear or see each other. After a while, I could hear the footsteps of fellow travelers making their way through these deep woods. From the first sound, I didn’t sense that they were enemies or dangerous in any way. We began to talk and encourage each other in the nearly total darkness. We were all headed in the same direction, with the same goal of making it through the forest to the other side.

Suddenly, we broke through. The light was very bright on our eyes, as we emerged from the darkness. I stopped and looked around to view the landscape before walking ahead. The scenery consisted of open terrain, which was free of trees, buildings, and obstacles. It appeared to be a gently ascending, broad, plain. There was only the single, well-paved, road upon which we were walking. That road was gradually leading us upward toward a city far ahead of us in the distance. When I looked behind and beside me, I found that a group of fellow travelers had broken through the forest as well. Everyone in the group seemed strong, peaceful, and very happy. It felt wonderful to be out in the light and away from the deep darkness that had surrounded us. Without anyone giving instructions, the group began to walk up the road together. While we were looking toward the city in the distance, there was a sudden bright flash of light that was the color of brilliant, golden red fire. Someone suggested that this bright light was the result of an explosion from a terror attack, or perhaps from a missile attack in war.

While we were considered the possibilities, we all noticed that the fire was not merely a flash. It persisted as a very tall, compact, brilliantly bright, structure. In that moment a revelation came to me. I shouted, “NO! This is not an attack! This, is marvelous! This is a sign!”  I, and another woman, who had been walking next to me, became filled with tremendous joy. We began to run toward the city; moving ahead of the standing group. In an instant, the two of us, were no longer running. We were flying in complete elation. Soon we left the group that was still walking on the road, as we flew quite far distance ahead of them. The woman flying next to me, told me that I was to continue up to Jerusalem, while she was being called to another city. She suddenly veered off to fly toward that unseen, unnamed, city. I continued to soar straight ahead, toward the city where the fire was now burning like a stationary pillar of glorious fire.

As a drew near to the city, I recognized it as present-day Jerusalem. I have been there so many times in my life, that everything was very familiar to me. In that moment, there was much activity going on. People were scrambling into the alleys and streets; showing signs of fear and confusion. I flew just above their heads and shouted down for them to be calm. They looked up in disbelief as they heard my voice and saw me in flight. I shouted, “Come! Get up to the high mountain! Adonai, El Elohey Israel BO!” (My Lord, the mighty God of Israel, COMES!). When I said that, the faces of the people below filled with joy. They instantly began to move through the street with a directed purpose, rather than with fear or confusion.  I kept flying over the alleys and streets of the old city, as well as over the streets of the modern city of Jerusalem; continually shouting out the announcement. After a short while, I also began to declare in Hebrew what translates out to: “Yeshua is Yehovah!” … “The Deliverer of Israel is Yeshua!” “Israel’s God is GOD … He is Yehovah!” My heart was literally bursting with joy at bringing the news to Israel in this way. It would be impossible to describe the feeling of such total elation.

At times, I flew easily into homes and into gatherings being held within buildings. Each time, I shouted out the good news that the God of Israel is coming to dwell among us in the Land. To the fearful, I declared: “The fire is good!  It is a sign of His presence.”  At one moment of flight, I flew into an apartment, and hovered, where a fragile old lady was sitting alone; hunched over in her chair. She didn’t respond to my announcement, and seemed so very sad. My heart was moved with deep compassion. I put my feet on the floor, and knelt to ask her why she was not arising to celebrate the good news, and to see the wonder that was happening in the city. She quietly said that she was too tired, and that she couldn’t find her cat. She would never leave without him. Immediately, I started hunting around for a flurry, medium-gray, cat and found him in a closet. He looked like an Egyptian breed of cat in the way his face, ears and body were shaped; but he had a longer coat of fur than those of the breed I had seen before.

Without hesitation, the cat came to my hands when I extended them out to him. Taking the cat to the old woman, I place him in her arms, and immediately picked them both up; carrying them with ne as I flew. The old, tired, woman now looked as if her youth and strength had been restored. Was it the joy that she felt for being reunited with her favorite cat … was it the news I was declaring … or was it the anointing, that the truth transferred to her, through my embrace? Whatever it was, I flew with her in my arms until I put her, and her cat, on the street to join the others, who were going up to the mountain in the midst of the city to see the pillar of fire. After I set her down on the street, I began to fly upward in a swirling pattern. The vision ended as I was flying, totally consumed in joy, over the city while continuing to shout: Adonai, El Elohey Israel BO!”.

The experience in the Spirit ended, and I realized that I was wide awake in my bed. The images of the vision, and the feelings of elation, remained within me. They still remain to this moment. As I meditated on what I had just experience … something that was so sharply detailed and so real … these words kept repeating in my spirit: “Get thee up to a high mountain, Zion … Bearer of good tiding. Get thee up and say to the cities of Judah, ‘YOUR GOD REIGNS!’.”

When I could gather myself and get out of bed, I shared the open vision experience with my Doug. He said: “That’s Isaiah 40! You are describing Isaiah 40”. He pulled out his bible and read the text.  Here are some portions of that chapter. They clearly fit with what I just experienced.

1“Comfort, O comfort My people,” says your God.
      2“Speak kindly to Jerusalem;
            And call out to her, that her warfare has ended,
            That her iniquity has been removed,
            That she has received of the LORD’S hand
            Double for all her sins.”

      3A voice is calling,
            “Clear the way for the LORD in the wilderness;
            Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God.

      4“Let every valley be lifted up,
            And every mountain and hill be made low;
            And let the rough ground become a plain,
            And the rugged terrain a broad valley;

      5Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed,
            And all flesh will see it together;
            For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

Get yourself up on a high mountain,
            O Zion, bearer of good news,
            Lift up your voice mightily,
            O Jerusalem, bearer of good news;
            Lift it up, do not fear.
            Say to the cities of Judah,
            “Here is your God!”

      10 Behold, the Lord GOD will come with might,
            With His arm ruling for Him.
            Behold, His reward is with Him
            And His recompense before Him.

      11 Like a shepherd He will tend His flock,
            In His arm He will gather the lambs
            And carry them in His bosom;
            He will gently lead the nursing ewes.

  27 Why do you say, O Jacob, and assert, O Israel,
            “My way is hidden from the LORD,
            And the justice due me escapes the notice of my God”?

      28 Do you not know? Have you not heard?
            The Everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth
            Does not become weary or tired.
            His understanding is inscrutable.

      29 He gives strength to the weary,
            And to him who lacks might He increases power.

      30 Though youths grow weary and tired,
            And vigorous young men stumble badly,

      31 Yet those who wait for the LORD
            Will gain new strength;
            They will mount up with wings like eagles,
            They will run and not get tired,
            They will walk and not become weary.


There is so much that could be said about this open vision that I have described to you. It truly is a gift from the Lord … a precious gift. How precious that at a season when Handel’s Messiah is being performed … and when Isaiah 40 is being sung … the Lord gave this open vision to confirm His word.  

We have entered into a very dark portion of life on the earth right now. The elusive, carnal, temporal, things that we have tried to carry, or juggle to retain, have fallen away. We might feel that we are alone in this dark forest; but we are actually in the company of other believers, who are likewise feeling their way through the challenges against threats that we cannot fully see. We will come through to the other side. The Lord WILL appear … His presence WILL come to His people. The challenges willmake us stronger and more focused on the Kingdom goals. The light of truth will be brilliant when we break through. The road we journey, will take us upward toward YHVH’s glory. His presence will abide with us. Those, who are confused and frightened, because they don’t know what is happening to them, will need us to give them the exciting good news. We will need to have compassion in order to give comfort to Zion, as well as our declarations. We WILL mount us WITH WINGS like eagles. We will not become tired or weary when the anointing of His presence and glory comes. The joy is real and it is overwhelmingly wonderful.


This is pure TRUTH! He is real! His word WILL BE FULFILLED! Keep making your way through this dark forest. Know that this is a time of preparation and refinement … it’s part of the process. Be ready for the breakthrough. There will be assignments on the other side of this dark forest that will require us to be ready to bring good news and comfort to the multitudes. AND THERE WILL BE JOY! Consuming joy in the spirit is nothing like the joy of the soul. The joy in the Spirit is totally consuming and transforming. The joy that awaits us … the joy that is becoming available even now, is explosive. We will see the impossible become the possible. We will rejoice with every fiber of our entire being, when we enter into His time of glory at the set time. As Yeshua said, “When these things happen (the dark and wickedly painful things), look up and rejoice, for your redemption is drawing near.” 

Yeshua’s coming! He’s with us! GLORY TO YEHOVAH IN THE HIGHEST!

Have a blessed Christmas!  Be strengthened for whatever the New Year brings. Always remember that light destroys the darkness. Love wins! YHVH is sovereign!
Enjoy this song:
ALL IS WELL … Michael W. Smith and Carrie Underwoord



Speaking of JOY, NDR has written a new repentance resource, JOY in our wicked world, now on Amazon kindle. As a Christmas gift, as a thank you for your prayers and support this year, I'd be honored to send you the text.

God bless you!

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com