This new monthly series features Barb, a Loveland participant, as she explores the journalism field and interviews different staff and community members about Loveland Center.
This first month features an interview with Loveland Center's new
President and CEO, Patrick Guerin III.
Barb: Why did you accept Loveland as your next job assignment?
Patrick: Loveland had the family feeling.
Barb: How did you hear about Loveland Center?
Patrick: My family wanted to move to Florida.
Barb: Why did you want to move to Florida?
Patrick: Great weather!
Barb: Now that you have the job, do you like working here?
Patrick: Yes I do!
Barb: What are your plans for Loveland in the future?
Patrick: To help others in and around Southwest Florida.
Barb: What are your funding sources for the upcoming year?
Patrick: Our funding comes from a lot of places: VR (Vocational Rehabilitation), GR (General Revenue), grants, CDC Plus, and of course, donations!