Volume 3 | September 8, 2019
Lower School News

It was so nice to see so many of you at Miniature School. This is one of my favorite evenings at Roycemore where you meet our fabulous faculty and hear about our challenging, progressive and differentiated curriculum, plus all the specials your children enjoy and the Leader in Me and Calm Classroom Programs. It is a perfect way to meet your children's teachers and learn how you and the school can partner to help your children excel. Please remember that we are always available to talk with you for your children. 
Whenever your child is ill or you know your son or daughter will be absent on an upcoming day due to a medical appointment or other needed reason, please be sure to email your teacher and  attendance@roycemoreschool.org .
ROYCEMORE SWAG/GEAR :  Please visit our online store at    www.roycemoreschool.org/schoolstore    to get   wonderful items to wear and use. I know you will all love what the RFA has chosen.  There are new items available that you will love!!

 Monday, September 9

You may still register for enrichment activities that have room. Please let me know a.s.a.p. if your child wants to join one. Please register directly with Chicago School of Musical Arts on their website. All others register with me. 

Each week I will list all the activities that we offer, but do know that sometimes, some of them will not go. Please check them to see which ones are going that week.

Lego Club  will meet Monday, September 9 in the First Grade Classroom from 3:15-4:00.
Drama  will  meet Monday, September 9 in the LS Music Room from 3:15-4:00.
Martial Arts  will meet Tuesday, September 10 in the Multi Purpose Room from 3:15-4:00.
Ukulele will meet Tuesday, September 10 in the LS Music Room from 3:15-4:00 
Sprout  will meet Tuesday September 10 in the LS Art Room 118 from 3:15-5:15.
Cross Country  will meet Wednesday, September 11 in the Grade 3 Classroom from 3:15-4:00.
Drama will meet Wednesday, September 11 in the LS Music Room. from 3:15-4:00.
Sprout  will meet Wednesday, September 11 in the LS Art Room 118 from 3:15-5:15.
Math Club will meet Thursday, September 12 in Room 230 from 2:00-3:00
Fencing will meet Thursday, September 12 in the Multi Purpose Room from 2:00-3:00.
Chess Club  will meet Thursday, September 12 in the Grade 4 classroom from 3:00-4:00

Fitness Fun Friday  will meet Friday, September 13 in the Gym from 3:15-4:00.
  1. Our preschool program is so enriched. Every week our Pre-Kindergarteners and Junior Kindergarteners have specials with experts in their fields. They have music two days a week, plus an opportunity to learn Suzuki violin, art one day a week, French one day a week, a library class where they get to take out books to go home, and Physical education with our Athletics Director, who loves them.
2. When you come in the yellow doors from the garage. Be sure to look at the blue wall where you will see pictures of all the exciting activities that are happening in the elementary part of Lower School, Grades 1-4. I know you will love to see what they are doing.
3 , The Fourth Graders are in charge of the Roycemore Garden. Students even give up part of their recess to attend to it. The bounty this year is amazing, and the tomatoes are especially delicious. .
Most of these are pictures what you have read above.


  Please remember that Roycemore Lower School is a nut/peanut-free environment.  Please remember this when you send in birthday treats and snacks for your children.  There are many other allergies, specific to individual children, so please check with your classroom teacher before sending in treats.   Thank you in advance for caring about all of our children.

Please remember when you need more information, such as lunch menus, the weekly bulletin, and reminders of upcoming special events, go to the Parents' Page on our web site at  http://www.roycemoreschool.org/parents

As usual, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to call or e-mail me.