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Upcoming Dates

Aug 23rd Volunteer Training

Sep 4th Holiday (No School)

Sept 14th Curriculum Night

Sept 15th Kinder & 1st Grade Coffee with the Headmaster

Sep 20-21st The Big Give 2023

Sep 21st Room Parent Training

Oct 9-13th Parent Teacher Conferences and Fall Break

New Calendars Available Now! Click the links below to add our campus event calendar to your personal calendars:

Click to Subscribe (Or Paste this URL to Subscribe)

Covered in this Newsletter

  1. Address from LS Leadership
  2. Community Investment & Donors
  3. Carline Reminder
  4. LS Specials Team
  5. Curriculum Night
  6. Free or Reduced Lunch Application
  7. Volunteer Training
  8. Intramurals
  9. Volunteer Opportunities

Please remember to scroll to the bottom of the newsletter to see all of this week's content.

Quick Links

Lower School Family Handbook

Uniform Guideline, K-5th

Academic Calendar 2023-24

School Supply Information

Classics to Keep K-10th

Athletics Website

Community Investment Information

Bonus: Click here to join the GHWH PSO Facebook Group


Dear Spartan Parents,

We want to take this moment to kindly remind everyone of our traffic policies and procedures. These measures have been established for the sole purpose of ensuring the safety of all members of the school community - including our beloved students, dedicated parents, and hardworking staff.

Our top priority is always the well-being of our students. Therefore, it's crucial that each person respects and follows these policies to guarantee a secure and efficient environment during drop-off and pick-up periods. We understand that mornings can be hectic and rushed, but we kindly ask everyone to remember that being late to work should never jeopardize the safety of our school community.

In summary, we would like to emphasize the following essential points:

Car Line and Crosswalks: Parents are kindly requested not to walk through the car line, and they should not attempt to cross the street with their child outside of designated crosswalks. These guidelines are in place to prevent accidents and ensure the smooth flow of traffic.

Parking: It's essential that parents do not park in unauthorized areas, including other private property lots. By respecting these boundaries, we maintain positive relationships with our neighbors and avoid disruptions to their properties.

Getting out of the vehicle: Parents are kindly requested to remain in their vehicles during the carline process, as exiting the vehicle during carline puts you at risk and interrupts the overall procedure. To ensure a smooth flow, we encourage students to be prepared to exit the vehicle promptly when it comes to a stop. Additionally, it's important to note that students should only exit from the designated exit points near the lower school area and not pass through the traffic flow. This practice helps maintain order and safety during the carline process.

It has come to our attention that there have been instances of families not complying with these guidelines. While we understand that occasional lapses can happen, any repeated disregard for safety is concerning. Moving forward we will continue to utilize our campus SAPD officers to correct traffic violations and welcome parents to report violations to us.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in making our school a safe and welcoming place! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our administrative office.


Kyla Absher and Lower School Leadership Team

Great Hearts Western Hills

Did you know the 2023-2024 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT CAMPAIGN goal is $150,000?

We are building a legacy at Western Hills. Please consider financially partnering with us through the Community Investment campaign. No gift is too large or too small.

Click Here for More Info on Donating

Thank you to our current monthly donors!

Aguilar Family

Aguilar Family

Bass-Pineda Family

Caballegan Family

Cantu Family

Diaz de Herrera Family

Downing Family

Eller Family

Eng Family

Garcia  Family

Gonzalez Family

Guzman Family

Gyamera-Anquandah Family

Hinojosa Family

Hjorth Family

Hogue Family

Hunter Family

Jones Family

Luna Family

Mares Family

Martinez Family

Mascorro Family

Menjivar Family

Miccarelli Family

Miller Family

Navarro Family

Nitschke Family

Perez Family

Quiroz Family

Rincon Family

Roberson Family

Rodriguez Family

Sandoval Family

Springstead Family

Travis Family

Trujillo Family

Underdown Family

Uriegas Family

Valverde Family

Wendorff Family

Did you pledge to give this year on a monthly basis? Click here to start today! 
Blue and Red Classic Maximalist Sports Football Banner.jpg

Advertise your Business Here! 

Connect with the people who shape our community and directly support our scholars and teachers through the Community Investment Campaign as a Spartan Business Partner.

  • 3×4 ft Physical Signage on campus fencelines facing carline or the roles.
  • Campus Newsletter Highlights twice an academic school year
  • and more!
Click here for more info on becoming a Spartan Business Partner!
carline updates.png
Click here to view the CURB app document


If you have Lower School students only, please drop off your scholar(s) at the Lower School parking lot. If you have both Lower and Upper School students, you may drop them off in either parking lot.

If you are dropping off in the Lower School parking lot if you are in the right lane, your students need to get out on the passenger side of your vehicle; if you are entering in the left lane students need to get out on the drivers side of your vehicle. 

Your Lower School Specials Team

Left to Right: Brietske, Smith, Ybarra, Castro-Gonzalez, Looney, Huerta, Manta


The purpose of education is to give to the body and to the soul all the beauty and all the perfection of which they are capable. - Plato


If you have any questions regarding Specials classes, please contact your scholar's corresponding Specials teacher(s) via email.


Music K - 2: Mrs. Kiana Ybarra


Art K - 2: Ms. Breanna Brietske


Spanish K - 2: Mrs. Elidia Huerta


Music 3 - 5: Ms. Stephanie Smith


Art 3 - 5: Mrs. Annie Looney


Spanish 3 - 5: Ms. Evangelina Castro-Gonzalez


P.E. Coach Mihai Manta


Curriculum Night

Thursday, September 14th from 6-8 PM

Each day, the Great Hearts Western Hills community is blessed to offer a rich, classical liberal arts curriculum to your scholars. On Curriculum Night, we are excited to share that curriculum with you! This night is dedicated to engaging parents in what we do daily- sharing our love of our curriculum. 

You will have the opportunity to sit in your scholar’s seat, learn about Spalding, handwriting, Singapore math, History, and science, hear from your students’ special teams, buy school swag, and visit with our PSO leadership. We look forward to seeing you on this night and are excited to share our love of learning with you! 

*This is a parent-only event, so please arrange for childcare. 

Apply for Free & Reduced Lunch!

Great Hearts participates in the Free & Reduced Lunch (FRL) Program. Your family may qualify for breakfast and lunch meals at a minimal or no cost. You can submit an application at

This state application is still required even if you applied and qualified for preliminary assistance with the campus over the summer. 

If you have any questions, please email

Volunteer Training

Become a Volunteer! Attend training on August 23rd

  1. Complete the Volunteer Interest Form so we know where to plug you in
  2. Sign and Return the Confidentiality Form by emailing
  3. Complete an Online Background Check 
  4. Then attend either the in-person Volunteer Training on August 23rd from 8:15-9:00 AM in the LS Multi-Purpose Room (MPR).

*Please note: even if you have completed it before, you must submit another Background Check and Confidentiality Form to volunteer for the 2023-24 School Year.

*You can find details and volunteer opportunities on the Official PSO Website or email the PSO leadership directly with your questions at



We are just one week away from our fall intramural season start date! As a reminder we are having Volleyball for our 5th-6th grade girls and flag football for our 5th-6th grade boys. So, if you are a 6th grader that tried out for the middle school team but did not make come get some extra practice in on the intramural team! 



Registration is OPEN to sign-up your scholar for Intramural Flag Football and/or Volleyball.  

Registration is through Aktivate:

As a reminder: Intramural is only for 5th and 6th graders

Registration will CLOSE on August 28th, and practices will begin on August 28th.

*note, all students will have been sorted into a House by August 28th - which will determine their practice schedule



Make your payments here: 

2023 Intramural Fall Sports – Layaway:


2023 Intramural Fall Sports:


Flag Football

Flag football practice schedule (tentative):

Middle Earth and Narnia will practice on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:15-5:15. 



Volleyball practice schedule (tentative):

Middle Earth will practice on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:15-5:15.

Narnia will practice on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 4:15-5:15 


Requirements for All Intramurals

  1. Students must be academically eligible to compete. This is determined by receiving a 70% or above in all classes.
  2. A medical physical completed by a physician clearing the student for physical activity must be on file before students can participate.
  3. Registration through Aktivate ( including a preparticipation form, medical physical, and signed athletic handbook).
  4. Parents must read and understand that by signing up for intramural sports, you have accepted and acknowledged the sports club disclaimer at checkout).


If you have any questions, please email our Intramural Director, Hannah Cavazos, at


Parent Service Organization

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The transformative education offered at Great Hearts Western Hills will only be possible through the generous and passionate commitment of a Parent Service Organization (PSO).

Upcoming Events

August 23rd - PSO Volunteer Training for Upper and Lower School Volunteers, Lower School MPR at 8:15 am

August 31st - PSO General Meeting for Upper and Lower School Families, Lower School MPR at 6 pm

September 12th - Spirit Night - Raising Canes, 8915 Potranco Rd, from 12 pm - 8 pm

Daily School Lunch Volunteers

It takes many hands to make sure our students are fed quickly every day. Email us if you are interested in joining our team of lunch volunteers.

Email PSO to Volunteer
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