Volume 32 | May 2, 2021
Lower School News
Students are enjoying their outside recess time and have collaboratively started a miniature world of towns and homes throughout the park.
Happy Sunday Lower School Families!

What a week! It started with shorts and t-shirts and ended with raincoats, boots, and heavy coats. Chicago weather always keeps us on our toes. No matter what the weather is, I find that our lower school students are always able to find creative ways to play and engage with one another. If you remember in the beginning of the year, the elementary students had created a currency and were bartering for sticks. This spring, as a collective group for those involved, they are creating miniature towns made with sticks, leaves, and pine cones, and are using the entire park to create different lands. Each recess, I see more homes popping up, with care and detail. There are even daisy parks and landmarks scattered around. The thing I love about this type of play is the innocence, creativity, and bonding that takes place. When I ask about their lands, I am taken to magical places and love seeing the joy in their eyes. Our teachers support this creative growth and I can’t wait for a special week to show our appreciation for them!

In partnership,

Darcy Aksamitowski
Lower School Division Head
Key Points for the Week
Teacher Appreciation Week

  • Our teachers are exceptional at what they do and I could not be more proud to work with such a committed team, who always put the students and their learning first. If you have time this week, please do something special for our fantastic teachers!
  • The RFA has scheduled some fun events, but please feel free to show your support in a way that works for you.
ALL School Pajama Day!: Wednesday, May 5th
  • Alice, a 3rd grade student, will have the opportunity to act as Head of School on Wednesday, May 5th! Alice has already called an all school pajama day!
  • Everyone should wear pajamas to school on Wednesday.
  • This is one of the many items that will be up for auction at our annual event on the 22nd. If you would like your child to shadow with Ms. Finley Odell next year make sure to attend and bid!
Reminder: School Hours for the Remainder of the Year
  • Early Childhood:
  • Monday - Wednesday: 8:45 am - 3:30 pm
  • Students enter the classroom at 8:30 am
  • Thursday: 8:45 am - 1:55 pm
  • Friday (Half Day): 8:45 am - 12:15 pm
  • *Unless you are an 11:45 am or 1:00 pm pick-up in PK or JK (Please walk into the table at these times)

  • Grades 1-4:
  • Monday - Wednesday: 8:15 am - 3:00 pm
  • Students enter the classroom at 8:00 am
  • Thursday: 8:15 am - 2:05 pm
  • Friday (Half Day): 8:15 am - 12:00 pm

  • Morning Room is available starting and 7:30 am.
  • Please make sure to wear your mask during drop-off and pick-up. The faculty and staff thank you for your support.
  • Please use the garage for drop off and pick-up, unless you are walking or your vehicle is too large. The main entrance is assigned to Upper School students unless for the reasons stated.
Extended Day Program (EDP) resumes Monday -Thursday
  • EDP runs from the time school ends until 6:00 pm
  • EDP is free of charge up until 3:45 pm. At that time it is a flat fee of $35. You can also sign up for the semester with our business office.
  • You can always sign up the day of by emailing: daksamitowski@roycemoreschool.org
  • There is NO EDP on Fridays.
Upcoming Events
Roycemore Community Book Discussion
May 16th @ 3 pm

The Roycemore parents' Social Justice, Equity and Inclusion (SEI) committee, invites you to join in! The Family Action Network (FAN) has generously provided Roycemore with 23 copies of Heather McGhee's The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together. If you are interested in receiving a copy and/or joining the discussion, please reach out to the committee here: seiroycemore@gmail.com

Here is the link to view the Heather McGhee/Elizabeth Warren conversation:  Link to Fan Event

Ms. McGhee’s Aug. 20, 2016 C-SPAN exchange with a caller, “What can I do to change? You know? To be a better American?”: Link to C-SPAN Event
On May 22, the curtain goes up and Roycemore's Scholarship Fund is center stage for this annual event!

Join the cast of thousands who have supported economic diversity at Roycemore since its beginnings. Don't miss riveting performances by our students and faculty, games for the family, and much more!

We invite you to be our guest! Be our guest! Be our guest!
If you have items you would like to donate to our silent auction including goods, services, artwork, vacation stays, and more, please contact:
Lower School Community Book Read:
Date to Be Scheduled Soon in May

This event was postponed last week. Members wanted to wait so that we can hold it outside as a live event when the weather is warmer. Please sign up if interested.

Email Darcy Aksamitowski (daksamitowski@roycemoreschool.org) with any questions.

Roycemore Summer Camps

Looking for something fun and engaging for your children to do this summer? Look no further! Roycemore has amazing summer camp options for all ages. Please click the link below to check out all the descriptions.

Spread the word and share with anyone you know! All are welcome!

Camp Highlight: Orienteering
Are you curious about maps? Do you love scavenger hunts? Well, this is the class for you! Students will learn about maps, how to read them and create them, and how to navigate using a compass. They will put their orienteering skills to practice in epic scavenger hunts based on geographic cardinal directions! There will also be opportunities for students to guide the learning process, and to study other topics of their choosing. Places are filling, so visit the school’s website to learn more and to sign up today!

The Orienteering classes run from June 14th-18th (Grades 3-4), and from June 21st-25th (Grades 1-2), from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm each day. 
 Picture Copyright Creative Commons CC0
Mr. Matt, LS art, has an art show in Evanston!

"For Burma, with Love"

The show will be up at 1100 Florence Gallery for the month of May. Due to COVID, all the work will be displayed in the front windows of the gallery and be able to be viewed from the sidewalk. 

The paintings and drawings in this show are inspired by my experiences living, teaching and travelling in India, Nepal and Myanmar. I will be donating 20% of all proceeds from the sales of these paintings to Mutual Aid Myanmar. 
Gardening Griffins
Lower School students all seem to be enjoying the sunshine and working to have a green thumb. From our littlest learners who are growing from seeds, to our fourth grader students who are collaborating and planning the Roycemore Garden this year, all have been busy.

I want to send a special thank you to Mr. Ziggy, with the help of Mr. Matt and Mr. Braband, who have created class gardens for our Pre-K, JK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade classes! I can't wait to see what they grow!
Building the EC Playground garden has been a fun project the last two weeks. The gardens are placed and Kindergarten has added their first colorful addition with a STEAM project: pinwheels.
JK growing plants from seeds and doing daily measurements as part of their math learning.
4th grade getting their starter vegetables ready. I believe this year our garden will have tomatoes, squash, collard greens, beans, lettuce of different varieties, peppers, and more.
2nd grade enjoyed the warm weather on Tuesday and took their learning outside. They are also getting ready to start their animal research project for their Rainforest integrated unit.
3rd grade is learning about the solar system. This past week they did a project that allowed them to see what constellations are visible during different times of the year.
More Information or Events
You can make an impact while you shop.

AmazonSmile will donate to Roycemore School, at no cost to you.

Please visit our online store at:

You can find clothing and all sorts of accessories to start the new year. Every Friday is spirit day where all students and faculty can show their Roycemore pride!

Roycemore Lower School is a nut/peanut-free environment. 

Please remember this when you send in any lunches, snacks, or birthday treats this year. There are many other allergies, specific to individual children, so please check with your classroom teacher before sending in treats.  Thank you in advance for caring about all of our children.

More Information
When you need more information, such as lunch menus, the weekly bulletin, and reminders of upcoming special events, go to the Parents' Page of our website at http://www.roycemoreschool.org/parents

IMPORTANT: Travel & Return to School Guidelines
If you travel, you MUST follow the Chicago Emergency Travel Guidance to return to school. 

  1. Prior to arrival, Orange list travelers must receive a negative COVID-19 test result no longer than 72 hours prior to arrival and have proof of negative results OR plan to quarantine for 10 days upon arrival.
  2. Upon arrival in Chicago, Orange list travelers should maintain a copy of negative test result with them while in Chicago or quarantine for 10 days if they chose not to take a test.
  3. If you were unable to obtain a negative COVID test prior to returning to Chicago, you must quarantine upon arrival back into our area until you obtain a negative COVID test. Families will be expected to present results of the negative COVID tests for their students to return to on campus instruction.

Technology Concerns
Trouble with your student’s school-issued Chromebook? Please use the Chromebook repair form below to get in touch with the technology department.

I am here for you, so please reach out, if you have any questions or comments.