We’d like to take a moment to declare our heart-felt gratitude towards our incredibly dedicated and passionate family of educators as they prepare for yet another major transition at school. Those of us who’ve been around for awhile know that COVID is just the latest in a string of challenges our staff has overcome. Over the past 4 years our teachers physically packed their classrooms to move out of the school building and then back again. They navigated several labor strikes. They've experienced several challenging leadership transitions. They experienced the tragic and untimely passing of a dear colleague and friend, Ms. Andrea Wilson. And then, just as things were finally settling under new leadership and calming to a normal stride, COVID hit.
One could look at the past 4 years and assume all this hardship could result in loss of morale or even high turnover. Fortunately, that is not the case. Instead, we witnessed a professional family strengthened in the challenge, not broken by it. We admire their support, collaboration and sacrifice to go above and beyond to serve our students. It is truly a remarkable thing. As past and present PTA presidents, we want to publicly commend them. Please take a moment to join us in your thanks. As your family navigates yet another transition, take it in stride, give grace and just do your best. You are doing great!
Katrina Hupp, Stephanie Gardner, Natalie Ward, Sarah Mann
PTA Presidents 2018-21
Stand Against Anti-Asian Racism
In light of the increase in anti-Asian hate crimes this past year and the horrific murders in Atlanta this past week, let us stand up as a community against anti-Asian racism and attacks. No matter where it occurs, racist violence and harassment harms our entire community. But we are not powerless against this and we must not be silent! We can learn about the history of such racism and pay attention to what is happening today. We can make space and listen to the experiences and concerns of people of Asian ancestry. We can empower ourselves to be allies and upstanders if we witness such hate.
Wow, what an amazing Move-A-Thon we had! We have CRUSHED our goal of $25,000 and have raised over $28,000! There is still time to get your pledges in by April 3rd. Also we would like to remind everyone to either send their minutes to us via email or record them on the google doc.
Watch the Student Equity Panel
Last month our PTA, Parent Equity Group, and Theater Arts Group (TAG) hosted a listen-and-learn event where students of color who grew up attending predominantly white schools shared their experiences with our school community. The students provided valuable insight on how we can make our school community even more equitable and inclusive for all. If you were unable to attend the live event, we encourage you to spend some time listening to the wisdom, passion, and authenticity of these student voices. You can watch the video recording here.
Please note that for security purposes the video is only viewable within the Seattle Public Schools network; this means you will need to be logged into a Seattle Schools account in order to view it.
Contribute to the LHE Multicultural Cookbook
There's still time to send in your family recipes for the Multicultural Cookbook! Please complete this google form to share your recipe. A free PDF version will be available to everyone and a limited number of printed copies will be available for purchase as a fundraiser for the LHE PTA.
The first 10 to submit a recipe will receive a FREE printed cookbook!
It's Auction Time!
The auction team is hard at work and is looking for donations for our Live Program. We need your help! Stretch your funds and get together with friends to purchase something great from a local business. Click for ideas.
Anyone who donates an item(s) to the auction before April 9th will be entered to win a delicious charcuterie board, to be enjoyed the evening of the auction.
Urgent need: Auction Item Procurement Help!
Can you spare a few minutes to make follow up phone calls to prospective donors? Donor list, numbers, and short script will be provided. Contact Mara Lim for details.
Please continue to put books on hold from the Library!
Even though next M-W are asynchronous we will still have Library book pick-up on Wednesday 3/31 from 1:00-1:40pm, for books that are put on hold by the end of Tuesday. Students who have Library M-W will get their asynchronous lesson on Seesaw or Schoology at their usual day/time. Keep reading!
Please note, there will be NO Wednesday pick-up on 4/7 due to the Global Reading Challenge event. That means if you are putting books on HOLD to have over the break they can only be picked up on Friday 4/9. All books put on HOLD by 2:30 PM Thursday 4/8 will be on the self-serve cart in the office vestibule on Friday.
The Library HOLD system and pick-up schedule will change following Spring Break. Check the library website for details after break!
Coming soon to LHE classrooms: STG Presents the Black Violin – Impossible Tour!
The LHE PTA and Equity Group are excited to bring an incredible musical experience to LHE students. Black Violin is led by classically trained string players Wil B. (viola) and Kev Marcus (violin). Joining them onstage are DJ SPS and drummer Nat Stokes. The band uses their unique blend of classical and hip-hop music, often described as "classical boom" to overcome stereotypes and encourage people of all ages, races, and economic backgrounds to join together to break down cultural barriers.
Save the Date: On The Links For Loyal Heights
Save the date for our new Golf Benefit: On the Links for Loyal Heights on Saturday, June 5th, at the Interbay Golf Course.
We are currently searching for sponsors, please contact fundraising for more information. More details coming soon!
Yearbook News
The Yearbook Cover Art Contest is Back! All students are invited to submit their art for consideration for the Yearbook Cover by Friday, April 9th. More details can be found here.
We need your help to fill our yearbook with great photos of your students and teachers (this includes Teams screenshot photos as well)! Email us your print-resolution photos.Please include the following details with your photos: names of kids, grade, teacher, any detail about the event. Questions? Contact theyearbook committee.
Virtual Book Fair
Mark your calendars for April 19-30 for our Virtual Book Fair, in partnership with our local vendor, Phinney Books! While this year’s fair will be held online, it will include many of the same elements as in the past–including 25% profit sharing so that we can stock the library with new books, the ability to contribute books to your teacher’s classroom, and Books for All Beavers (BFAB) which ensures that every student is able to get a book or two from the book fair.
We’ll be sending more details in the coming weeks, but our first order of business is to raise funds for BFAB. It’s easier than ever to make a donation to ensure every Loyal Heights student can receive new books: Just donate to the PTA PayPal Account by sending funds totreasurer@loyalheightspta.org, and be sure to note it’s for BFAB. If you would prefer to donate by check, please contact us to coordinate.
Click on the Bitmoji for birthday shout outs from the office!
We have several volunteer needs and would love your help! Here's what we are looking for:
Come join the PTA Board next year!
Raise your hand if you're excited for the next school year! We will come back together, renew our school traditions, and build on the new ones that we've created this past year.
If this makes you smile just thinking about it, please consider joining the PTA board. This parent and staff leadership group makes so much magic happen at LHE. It advocates for our children and supports our teachers. You don't need a special skill set to serve on the board. In fact, all you need is an interest in and commitment to seeing our students and staff thrive!
There are many open roles and all can be split to share the work. Open positions include: President, Vice President, Volunteer Coordinator, Fundraising, and Technology! Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator if you are interested.
If you would like to be added to our volunteer database, fill out this form to indicate your areas of interest, and you will be contacted as needs arise.
Support Our PTA by Participating in These Programs!
Ballard Market Receipts
Ballard Market will accept physical receipts and provide a % cash donation to our PTA. There is now a collection bin in the school foyer to drop off receipts every Friday. This has been a very successful program for our PTA. Please contact Jan with any questions.
Fred Meyer Rewards
Support the school by connecting your Fred Meyer card to "Loyal Heights PTA Seattle Council". Under the Community Rewards program, a portion of all purchases are donated back to the school. You can attach your card to our school on the community rewards website.
Amazon Smile
Link your Amazon Smile Account to Loyal Heights Elementary PTA. Remember to click on amazon smile when ordering. Eligible purchases will generate 0.5% for our school!
Box Tops for Education
Now that Box Tops is going digital, get to know the new mobile app so you can keep earning at your school. It scans your store receipt, automatically finds participating products and instantly adds Box Tops to your school's earnings online. No clipping required! Check out this video or click here to learn about the program and create your account.
LHPTA 2020-2021 Business Sponsors
About LHPTA News
The Loyal Heights Parent-Teacher Association (LHPTA) provides information on our organization's activities as well as school-related news on a regular basis via email. Please contact Amy Goldstein, LHPTA Communications Director, with any questions.
About Loyal Heights Parent-Teacher Association
The Loyal Heights PTA is proud of our ongoing commitment to our learning community and our support of Loyal Heights Elementary. We are vital to Loyal Heights' strong tradition of family involvement. As PTA members, we are part of an active local, state and national organization: the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation. For more information, see loyalheightspta.organdwww.wastatepta.org