Funding & Partnerships
The Government of Canada is investing over $16.5 million in funding through Infrastructure Canada’s Green and Inclusive Community Buildings program (GICB) to retrofit the W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre.
At the July 11, 2022, Session of Council, $669,596 of funding was approved from Loyalist Township’s Renewable Energy Fund to support the development of schematic and detailed designs for Phase 1 of the Community Hub.
In March 2023, the Township was notified that they were successful in a grant application for the Enabling Accessibility Fund, in the amount of $80,108.25. This funding supports planned accessibility upgrades within the Community Hub.
On Sept. 5, 2023, Kingston City Council voted to contribute $6.5 million to help build the new aquatics facility, as part of a partnership with Loyalist Township to provide expanded programming access to Kingston residents.
In addition to the funding and partnerships detailed above, the Township opened up an Expression of Interest (EOI) and connected with local organizations and businesses to gauge interest in potential naming and sponsorship rights for facilities within the new W.J. Henderson Recreation Centre. Naming rights being explored include:
- The new proposed aquatics area of the facility
- The existing arena area of the facility
- The new proposed accessible "sky box" viewing areas
- Multi-purpose rooms
- The "Social Heart" gathering area of the facility
- And more
Additional sources of funding and community fundraising opportunities will be explored should the project move forward.