Debbie Skinner

Debbie has been a part of the Skin Center team for 14 years. Although she has worn many hats Debbie is known for the check-out position. Patients love Debbie and they are never happy when she is out of the office. Most weekends you can find her on the dog show circuit were her BEST FRIEND, Molly is showing as a grand champion.
The normal amount of hair loss is around 100-250 hairs daily. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Hair loss can be due to hair thinning, hair shedding or poor quality of hair. Each hair follicle has its own life cycle which is composed of three phases anagen, catagen and telogen. Anagen is the actively growing phase, which most hair follicles are in. Catagen or the transitional phase lasts for 2-3 weeks during this time the hair growth stops and the follicle shrinks only one to three percent of all hairs are in the catagen phase at a given time. Telogen or resting phase is when the follicle remains dormant for 1-4 months until the hairs are shed, this affects 10% of hair at a given time. There are several different types of hair loss the most common being androgenetic alopecia also known as male or female pattern hair loss. This hair loss is due to a combination of hormones (androgens) and genetic predisposition. For males this hair loss is characterized by a receding hair line and hair loss at the front and top of the head. Female pattern hair loss presents most commonly as hair loss at the mid frontal scalp and widening of the hair part. Telogen effluvium is a temporary hair loss caused by a large numbers of hairs being in the telogen phase. When the body goes through a stress the shock sends more of the hair into the resting phase which then causes hair shedding. The stressor usually occurs months prior to the hair loss. Some of the most common precipitants are illness, surgery, childbirth, accident, weight loss, certain medications, and personal stress. The hair will come back but it may take 6-9 months. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the body attacks its own hair follicles causing sudden round patches of hair loss on the scalp or body.
PRP for Hair Restoration
Plasma rich protein (PRP) is rich in platelets and growth factors which help heal and grow new cells. These growth factors may stimulate the hair follicle activity while promoting new hair growth. Certain studies show that PRP may increase the thickness of hair, lengthen the growth phase of the hair cycle and increase hair count. A small sample of blood is taken from the individuals arm and spun to separate the PRP from the blood. The first step of the procedure is to use a microneedling device over the affected portion of the scalp which creates tiny wounds. A portion of the PRP is then applied directly to that area to allow good penetration. The second step is a series of injections of PRP directly into the scalp. This procedure is recommended once monthly for a series of at least three treatments.
SkinCenter Hair Regrowth 3 Step System
SkinCenter Hair Regrowth 3 Step System includes a purifying shampoo, strengthening conditioner, and a hair growth serum. This system helps you obtain thicker, healthier, stronger, fuller hair. It also stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. This system works by blocking the production of DHT (dihydrotestosterone which causes hair loss) stimulating collagen production, and decreasing inflammation allowing you to stop hair loss and get thicker stronger regrowth.
The Bizarre Hair Loss Treatment You've Probably Never...

By now you're probably familiar with, or at least have heard of the " vampire facial," a skin treatment that essentially uses your own blood to help facilitate a glowing, youthful complexion. What you probably haven't heard of is that there's a...

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