Robyn's head shot
       On Sunday, September 7th, 2014, Luke's Wings, a non-profit dedicated to reuniting Wounded Warriors with their families during recovery, will be hosting their first annual Heroes Walk to Fly Event in Bethesda, MD.  This is a great, family-friendly event to raise money for the support of service members who have been wounded during battle.  All the information regarding the event is listed below.  We look forward to seeing you there!  

Best,  Robyn    


Heroes Walk to Fly benefits Luke's Wings, a 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to providing families with the means to visit during a Wounded Warrior's hospitalization and rehabilitation.

A 1.5-mile family friendly scenic community walk passing Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, through downtown Bethesda, followed by a Community Block Party featuring food, games and activities.



Start: Stone Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, 9101 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD, across the street from the Medical Center Metro Stop.  


Finish and Community Block Party: Euro Motorcars Bethesda 7020 Arlington Road, Bethesda, MD  



September 7, 2014  10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Registration begins at 10:00 AM,  Walk begins at 11:00 AM


How You Can Help:

Register Online at
$30 for adults, $15 for kids under 12, Free for kids under 3


Sponsor Heroes Walk to Fly:    

Luke's Wings is always looking for sponsors and partners. Visit for more information on sponsorship types and levels.



Every dollar counts! For $350, you can send a Wounded Warrior home or bring their family to them.


For More Information:   

Visit or contact Emily Neufeld at 202-735-5381 or