Escambia County

Mid-Month Blast

April 2023

Lunch and Learn

Focus on Dementia

Presented by VITAS Healthcare

Tuesday, April 25

11 AM to 1 PM

The Blake at Pensacola

428 Airport Boulevard

Dementia is a common disease that impacted an estimated 7 million people ages 65 and older in 2020. Dementia is a general term for loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia.


  • Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with dementia?
  • Would you like to have a better understanding of the behaviors and needs of people living with this disease?
  • Do you want to learn the signs of dementia?


If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, please join us for the next Lunch and Learn event at The Blake at Pensacola. Staff from VITAS Healthcare will provide information on dementia.


In addition to an educational presentation, participants will discover what it is like to live with dementia via a hands-on “Virtual Dementia Tour.” Special shoe inserts, gloves, and glasses will be used to demonstrate the impact of dementia on everyday life.


This event is free for RSVP AmeriCorps members and their guests. The 55 and better age requirement has been waived for this program given the importance of the topic. Please encourage those impacted by this disease to attend. Pre-registration is requested.


Celebrating National Volunteer Week

April 16 - 22, 2023

Summer Volunteer Opportunity

Kids College at PSC

RSVP has a new partnership with Continuing Education at Pensacola State College.

RSVP volunteers can be a friendly face and supportive adult who helps children succeed at Kids College at their Pensacola main campus. To build continuity with the kids, a minimum commitment of mornings or afternoons for one week is required.

Volunteers will be able to select:

  • Week/s they serve: May 24 to Aug. 9
  • Time they serve: mornings or afternoons
  • Age group: elementary or middle school

Program offerings include but are not limited to:

  • The Arts--writing, music, painting, theatre
  • Language and Social Sciences--reading, grammar, history, and languages
  • Sports and Games--golf, swimming, tennis, and inside/outside games
  • STEM--science, technology, engineering, and math

Click here for the schedule and course catalog.

"So many exciting programs are being offered. Volunteers can share what they already know or they can learn new knowledge and skills along with the kids," said RSVP Manager Janet McCoy.

This opportunity is posted as a need on the "Get Connected" volunteer platform. Click below or email Janet McCoy for more information.

I want to volunteer for Kids College!

Thank You Quarterly Sponsor


The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program is an AmeriCorps Seniors initiative for folks who are 55 and better. Volunteers are matched with non-profit organizations to share their time and talent with neighbors needing support.

More Information

Contact the RSVP Manager at