Our synod is on a journey of learning, repenting, and repairing our relationship with our siblings of color. The sin of racism must be understood before it can be addressed. These “zoom lunches” are designed to be spaces of learning together. We will pray, watch a short video, talk together about how it applies to our lives, and commit to the work together. All are invited! You don’t need to be part of a Lutheran church to join us (you can invite your friends!).

Each video lunch is stand alone. You can join whenever it works for you. However, the best impact will happen when we connect as a community which requires us to attend as many as is possible. This work will begin when the church year renews in Advent.

So, make a sandwich and join us on the following dates. To get the zoom link you will need to email Carol Youngman at [email protected]. All sessions will begin promptly at 12noon.

Date                               Topic                                            Presentation                        
Monday, Nov.28 - Removing the fear of talking about racism - Jay Smooth
Monday, Dec. 5 - Why “I’m not a racist” is only half the story - Robin DiAngelo
Monday, Dec. 12 - Allegories on race and racism - Camara Jones
Monday, Dec. 19 - How to deconstruct racism - Baratunde Thurston
Monday, Jan. 16 - The mental construct of race - Rabbi Buchdahl
Monday, Jan. 23 - The Alliance of White Anti-racists - Awarela.org
Monday, Jan. 30 - Right relationship with the future - Michael Dowd
Monday, Feb.6 - Right relationship with each other - Valerie Kaur

Whether you are a well-read student of anti-racism or completely new to the subject, this series of lunches is for you! We will honor where each of us are on this journey. We will also encourage one another to move forward both individually and socially in this vital work.