August 2023
Navigating Educational Options for Preschoolers With Autism: Finding the Best Fit for Your Child
Parents of preschool-age children with ASD often want to know which educational setting is best for their child. Should they enroll their child in a specialized center? Approach the public school? Keep their child at home for as long as possible? It is not uncommon for parents to feel overwhelmed, and sometimes confused, by this decision. In this article, we describe some factors to consider when weighing the options. Remember, the “best” option is not one size-fits-all, but the setting that is most matched to your child’s current strengths and needs. Read the full article.
Summer Interns Come to the Lurie Center
This summer the Lurie Center welcomed seven undergraduate students into our summer internship program. The students worked with Lurie Center faculty on research projects, shadowed physicians and other providers, and attended seminars on clinical and research topics. The students, who were from colleges and universities across the country, are all aspiring clinicians and researchers with an interest in contributing to the field of ASD. We enjoyed having them with us and wish them luck in their career journeys!
Coffee Convo Presentation Series
The Lurie Center for Autism is committed to providing ongoing evidence-based learning and training opportunities for patients, families, and professionals. Our popular Coffee Convo presentation series kicks off its 2023-2024 schedule in September. Coffee Convo events are presented virtually on Wednesday evenings from 6:30pm – 7:30pm. All events are free and open to the public. Registration opens four weeks prior to each event. To receive registration email reminders, subscribe here.

“Tapping” Into Care: An Interview With Dr. Michelle Palumbo
Dr. Michelle Palumbo has been a fixture at the Lurie Center for almost a decade. As a practicing pediatrician and psychiatrist, she has helped many families navigate behavioral challenges and psychiatric care. In addition, she has an active research program – and a passion for dance and musical theater! 
Ask a Lurie Researcher: How is ASD Different in Females Than in Males?
Autism affects individuals of all genders. In general, the ways in which autism presents in girls and women may look different from autism in their male counterparts. Females may appear more socially motivated and confident, have stronger language skills, and their restricted interests may align more closely with those of neurotypical peers, such as animals and books. For these reasons, their ASD may go unrecognized. Learning to recognize and understand these differences helps ensure accurate diagnosis and tailored support for females on the spectrum. Read the full article.

Do you have a question for our Lurie Center research team? Submit your question here.
Featured Research Study: Are You or Your Partner Pregnant or Have an Infant Under 6 Months? Do You Also Have a Child Diagnosed With Autism?
MassGeneral for Children is seeking participants for a research study that is looking to discover what factors contribute to the development of autism spectrum disorder. This study explores how genes, the environment, gut bacteria, and the digestion of food may be related to the development of ASD. All infant participants will receive early developmental assessments from Lurie Center staff, as well as provide periodic biological samples. For more information, please contact Dr. Kadzielski’s research team at 617-643-6918 or

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Lurie Center for Autism is an integrated and multidisciplinary clinical, research, training and advocacy program dedicated to treating individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Our mission
is to treat individuals and support their families across the lifespan.
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