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Luton BID News & Updates
We have an exciting 2 weeks ahead with the Luton Live Street Entertainment planned to celebrate National Independent Retailer's day just round the corner as well as 3 Street Ambassadors joining the Luton BID team in July.
New Luton BID Recruits

Watch out for the new Ambassadors that will join the team in mid July. After completing  an intensive induction training programme, our three recruits, will walk the street of the town centre, visit your business and update you on latest projects whilst helping visitors.


They will also be linked to the CCTV and police radio system and contribute to a more secure town centre.


Welcome them into your premises! They are there to help! 


In the meantime, if you would like to chat with  our BID Project Manager, Fabiana Panetta, about how to get more involved, please contact us on 01582 510657


Branding Workshop

The Luton BID logo has already evolved with a new strapline which reads
'Our town- Our Future' (formerly 'Your choice-Our future')and a face for the public events which will simply state 'Luton' (please see image to the right)


Now is your opportunity to get engaged in the evolution of the branding and the marketing of Luton BID!


The workshop will take place at 10:00 am on the 15th of July. Venue to be confirmed.


To book your place please email info@lutonbid.org or call 01582 510657. 

Anti-Terrorism Training (Free)

Watch this space as Anti-terrorism Training by the Police is being considered for the 9th or 10th July.


If anyone is interested in getting staff trained in
anti-terrorism best practices then please contact us at info@lutonbid.org or call us on 01582 510657.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity


Luton BID 01582 510657  info@lutonbid.org

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