Ebulletin no : 38 23/03/2016

Investing in Luton
Learn more about the Luton Investment Programme and our hot spot cleaning plans.
Luton Investment Programme

Luton BID is delighted to have supported the council's successful application for over £1 million worth of funding from the Arts Council.

The Luton Investment Programme aims to enhance the arts and cultural infrastructure in Luton and ensure that the town has a cultural offer with something for everyone.

Read more about this fantastic news on our website HERE.

Making our streets sparkle: name your hot spot

Luton BID has targeted street cleaning planned for Saturday 26th March, helping to make our town centre clean and tidy. We are also in the process of buying additional bins with safe bait boxes included to help control vermin.
If you know a 'hot spot' area of town that would benefit from targeted cleaning, an additional bin or assistance with vermin control, please email  [email protected].
Spring Programme update

Our Spring Programme of business workshops and presentations continues this week - all absolutely FREE for businesses in Luton town centre.

Business growth advice: business and strategic planning
Another chance to learn from ASA Business Growth Consultancy - all about business planning and the need for a Strategic & Marketing Plan.
Thursday 24th March, 1pm to 4pm, Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce
Managing innovation: protecting your product
A practical session giving guidance on innovation, intellectual property, patent protection, grants and investors.
Saturday 26th March, 10:30am to 12:30pm, Santander
Business clinic: managing cash flow
A drop-in session on business planning and cash flow management, delivered by experts from Santander and WENTA, the leading enterprise agency in Bedfordshire.
Saturday 26th March, 1:30pm to 3:30pm, Santander

Take advantage of this free programme of events organised by Luton BID and book your place by contacting Eve Taylor at Luton BID on 01582 510657 or emailing [email protected].
To read more about the Spring Programme, visits the events page on our website HERE.
Best bar none: our support

Luton BID is this year supporting the Best Bar None programme in Luton.
Best Bar None is a National Award Scheme supported by the Home Office and aimed at promoting responsible management and operation of alcohol licensed premises. For more details please visit the Best Bar None website HERE,  or if you are interested in joining the Luton programme please email [email protected].
How to get involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. You can also follow us on Twitter @LutonBID or like us on Facebook Luton BID, or click on the links below.

Look out for our ebulletin next week with details of some of our new projects.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the
Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 
or partner interested in BID activity.

The BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbbUK).

Luton BID 01582 510657  [email protected]

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