160: 15/05/18
Purple Flag status for Luton
Luton town centre was awarded ‘Purple Flag’ status on Friday – a sought after accreditation for towns and cities which is comparable to the ‘Blue Flag’ for beaches.

Luton is now one of over 70 town and city centres in the UK and Ireland with the award from the Association of Town and City Management (ATCM), complemented by judges for providing a vibrant mix of dining, entertainment and culture , while promoting the safety and wellbeing of visitors and residents.

Gabi McKeown BID director, Chair of Luton SAFE and landlord of the Brewery Tap said: “As a pub landlord I am overjoyed and immensely proud of this achievement. Luton town centre at night time is not as bad as people might think, and being accredited with Purple Flag is a chance to highlight all of the great projects and developments that are going on so that Luton has a safe night time economy.” Read more HERE .
Luton Live
We are delighted to have hosted our second Luton Live event which took place on Saturday.

Shoppers and families gathered to see  Emma Petkovic's incredible circus acts , Rebecca Crookes with her dance and tap performances, singer, Jessica Pain and Luton's talented BIG Hat Factory Community Choir.

The event added to the town centre atmosphere, despite the rain.
Check out pictures from the event on our Facebook page HERE .
Love Your Local Market
The BID is supporting the Love Your Local Market campaign and two events being run by Luton Indoor Market.

THIS WEEKEND, Saturday 19th May - there will be a treasure hunt, face painting, balloons and a pop-up market .
Saturday 26th May - Peppa Pig will be visiting the market to meet and greet shoppers.
There is currently an opportunity to have a stall at the market at a promotional rate - please email Laura Edwards HERE .
Mystery Shopping Awards
Take part in the Luton BID Mystery Shopping Awards 2018 and promote your fantastic customer service.
Let us know that you want to take part and you will be visited by a mystery shopper in June/July then invited to a prestigious awards event in the autumn.
Why get involved?
This is a great opportunity to promote your customer service on social media and via the BID's communication channels with pictures and snippets from the report and awards ceremony.
More information click HERE . To take part please email HERE or call 07494 566299. 
Luton BID Linked - change of date
The date of our next Luton BID Linked event has changed - it will now take place on Thursday 21st June, 8.30 - 10.30am at Tokko Youth Centre, Gordon Street with the theme: 'Making the most of your BID '.

All Luton town centre businesses are invited to attend at no cost to hear from our PR Consultant, Pilkington Communications talking about the various promotional opportunities, communications channels and other PR activities open to BID businesses.

You will also be able to find out more and have a say on Luton BID activities and projects. Email us to register: HERE .
Dates for your diary
  • Luton Mela Talent Quest heats - Tuesday 22nd May

  • Luton Indoor Market 'Love Your Local Market' events - Saturday 19th & 26th May

  • Luton BID Linked - Thursday 21st June

  • Imagine Luton - Saturday 23 & Sunday 24th June

More details on all these events and more can be found on our Luton BID website HERE
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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK) 
Luton BID 01582 510657   [email protected]