135 06/02/18
Love in Luton

Is your business planning something special for Valentine's Day? If so Luton BID could help promote it.

Let us know what you have in mind in the run-up to 14th February - you might be stocking special gifts, offering a romantic night out at your venue or running a Valentine's menu. 

We'll visit you, take some pictures and help promote your business across our social media platforms. To get involved email us HERE or call us on 01582 510 657.
Tidy Morning

The first of this year's award-winning Tidy Mornings is on Friday 2nd March, 8.30-10.30am.

Join the BID and other businesses as we help clean-up Luton town centre.

Our Tidy Mornings won a Luton's Best Award in 2017, so to celebrate we will be adding additional activities to this event. 

As well as our litter pick, businesses taking part can claim a free window clean for their property too, and, if you cannot make the Tidy Morning we ask that you clean around your building so we can come and take pictures to promote your efforts.
Our Luton BID Tidy Morning will also kick start a town centre wide clean-up as part of the Great British Spring Clean - more information on this will follow soon.
If you would like to take part in any of the above please email us  HERE or call the Luton BID office on 01582 510657.
Dates for your diary

This year's AGM will take place on Wednesday 26th September, 5pm and is open to all Luton BID Ltd members (venue to be confirmed). Find out how to become a member HERE.
Luton BID Linked 
Our Luton BID Linked networking events in 2018 will all take place on Thursday mornings, 8.30-10.30am  at Tokko Youth Centre, Gordon Street on the following dates:
  • 22 February
  • 26 April
  • 28 June
  • 27 September
  • 29 November
Luton BID Linked Updates
Our Luton BID Linked Updates provide chance to meet our BID project manager. They will take place on Thursday mornings, 9am at Tokko Youth Centre, Gordon Street on the following dates:
  • 29 March
  • 24 May
  • 26 July
  • 25 October
More Tidy Morning dates
Our popular and award-winning Tidy Mornings will take place on the following  Fridays from 8.30am:
  • 2 March
  • 29 June
  • 31 August
  • 26 October

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK) 


Luton BID 01582 510657  [email protected]

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