Vibe Juice Bar say their win last year boosted their reputation
Bedfordshire Business Awards - last chance to enter
The closing date to enter the 'Luton Town Centre Business of the Year' category in the Bedfordshire Business Awards is fast approaching - you only have until 1st October.
Luton BID is sponsoring this category - one of 13 categories which will be celebrated at an exclusive ceremony on Thursday 23rd November.
All BID levy paying businesses can submit a 'Luton Town Centre Business of the Year'nomination and those shortlisted will be entitled to two free places at the prestigious event.
The awards aim to recognise and celebrate excellence, innovation and development and fit perfectly with the BID's commitment to promoting town centre businesses.
Watch our
short video for more reasons on why you should enter OR enter direct via the Bedfordshire Business Awards website
Professional services working group
Our next Luton BID working group will be aimed at town centre based professional services.
Businesses in the sector will have the chance to get together, network and discuss how they can improve the town centre, together.
This meeting will take place on Wednesday 27th September at Pictons Solicitors, Dunstable Road.
Confirm your attendance by emailing or calling 01582 510 657.
Luton BID Linked - your invitation
Marketing and advertising will be the topics of discussion at our Luton BID Linked event - this
Thursday 28th September at Tokko Youth Centre in Gordon Street.
All Luton town centre businesses are invited to attend at no cost, with speakers lined up from local businesses Clearhead and Mail Boxes Etc (MBE).
8.30am: Arrival and networking. Pastries and tea/coffee will be served
9am: Presentations
9.40am: Questions and further networking
10.30am: Close
At this Luton BID Linked bi-monthly event businesses will also be able to find out more and have their say about Luton town centre BID planned activities and priorities. To register your attendance simply email the BID office:
Tidy Day
Watch our short video and for reasons why you may want to take part in our Tidy Day -
It is Luton BID's third Tidy Day of this year and all BID businesses can get involved.
The two-hour clean-up will take place on
Friday 29th September from 8.30am to 10.30am as part of our wider street cleaning programme designed to improve the appearance and overall feel of the town centre.
Over 40 volunteers from a range of Luton town centre businesses took part in our tidy days earlier this year, together collecting a total of 42 bags of litter.
Luton Borough Council will be supporting the event by providing an operative to pick up sharp objects where necessary and collect the waste at the end of the event.
To be involved please call 01582 510657 or email and we will be in touch with more details.
Dates for your diary
26th September: Fresher's Fair, University of Bedfordshire, Park Street - Luton BID will launch its Evening Economy Guide
27th September: Professional services working group
28th September: Luton BID Linked, Tokko, Gordon Street
29th September: Tidy Day, meet outside The Hat Factory, Bute Street
This email is sent to you as a business located in the
Luton Business Improvement District (BID)
or partner interested in BID activity
Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)