Meet our new Business Hero - Monstera Canteen

This vegan, plant-based business in Luton’s Cheapside has been tirelessly fundraising, delivering meals and making a difference in recent months.

Owner Gregory Owen has been raising funds for the Black Lives Matter campaign, has provided meals to doctors and nurses at Luton and Dunstable Hospital and is offering free meals to children this half term.

Read all about Gregory and his business HERE.
Luton Days of Action

On Friday, 30 October Luton BID will be joining the all-new Luton COVID-19 Days of Action.

On this day the BID team, along with partners including Bedfordshire Police, Luton Borough Council and The Mall, will visit businesses and talk to the public about COVID-19 safety measures.

If you would like a visit from members of the team so that you can find out more about the support that is available to your business please email us at [email protected]. We will then contact you to set up a safe visit. Pictured: new road sign on George Street.
Preparing for Christmas: share your special offers to boost business
Throughout November, Luton BID will be encouraging people to start their shopping early.

Our key message will be: 'Shop Local, Eat Local, Stay Safe in Luton town centre'.

Here is how you can get involved:
Share your offers and promotions with us so we can help promote your business and increase your custom.

Please send us all your special offers and promotions, which could include: 

  • Buy One Get One Half Price 
  • Buy an item and get another item free 
  • Discounts off purchases (perhaps over a set time period) 
  • Money off if you spend a certain amount.
  • Loyalty schemes
To get involved please provide the following information to [email protected] as soon as possible. 
  • Your business name and address
  • Details of the offer
  • When the offer is valid from and to
  • Any other conditions you are placing on the redemption of the offer
  • Your contact name, email and phone number (this is for office use only) 
  • Please also send us a copy of your business logo or an image

How we will promote your offer
Your offer will be showcased on the BID website and via the BID's social media channels. 
Shoppers will be able to click on a link to view and display your voucher on their mobile device when they visit your store/venue. You can then ask to see the voucher - so please ensure you have briefed your staff.
All participating stores/venues will be given a window vinyl to display to show that they are part of the Luton BID Christmas offers and promotions campaign. 
Exiting the EU - time to plan

Businesses are encouraged to start planning for Britain’s exit from the EU, which will take place on Sunday, 1 November.

To help you plan Bedfordshire Chamber of Commerce have provided a useful guide which you can find HERE.

Additionally Luton Council have a webpage to support local people through the transition HERE and Central Government guidance can be found HERE.
Winter Support Schemes update
The government has announced it is set to increase its winter support schemes - a measure designed to ensure livelihoods and jobs across the UK continue to be protected in the difficult months to come.
Here are some of the highlights:
  • Open businesses which are experiencing considerable difficulty will be given extra help to keep staff on as the government increases its wage costs contribution under the Job Support Scheme, and business contributions drop to 5%.

  • Business grants are expanded to cover businesses in particularly affected sectors in high-alert level areas, designed to help them stay afloat and protect jobs.

  • Grants for the self-employed will be doubled to 40% of previous earnings.
For further information please click HERE.
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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If you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657  [email protected]

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)