267 - 6th April 2020
Sign up for our business support webinars tomorrow

Two webinars to help businesses during the COVID-19 crisis have been organised by the BID for TOMORROW, Tuesday 7 April.

12noon– 1pm: Government Support Packages

Led by Bina Briggs, Plain Talking HR & Ian Luckett, Innovate to Success.
Bina will discuss:

  • Job Retention Scheme, SSP and Maternity, Paternity/ Parental leave for business owners.
  • Support for self employed
  • Job Retention Scheme, SSP for employees

Ian Luckett will then cover five steps to Businesses Surviving the Coronavirus crisis.

Register your attendance HERE.

3pm-4pm: COVID-19 support for businesses

Led by Nasser Amin of KBM accountants, who will discuss:

  • Job retention Scheme
  • VAT and Tax payment Deferment and impact on the business
  • Statutory Sick Pay relief for employees and employers
  • HMRC time to pay scheme

Register your attendance HERE.
Support for BID businesses

Luton BID has put together a comprehensive guide to assist all businesses with the help that is currently available to them during the COVID-19 crisis.

Click on the link below to download information about grants, loans, tax relief, business support and much more.
Tackling social gathering

Luton BID have been working in partnership with Bedfordshire Police, Luton Borough Council and businesses to reduce the amount of social gathering in our town centre and assist with social distancing.

In order to do this pagodas/ multiple bench areas have been cordoned off. In addition markings have been placed on the pavement to encourage responsible queuing outside banks on George Street.
Free car parking in Luton town centre

Parking is now free on Luton town centre roads, council-owned car parks and The Mall's multi-storey car park.

This is to assist keyworkers to get to their places of work with greater ease and to ensure hassle-free parking for volunteers helping people who are self isolating and in need of assistance.

Time limits will continue to be in place for on-street parking bays and the council has asked drivers to respect these.

Luton's The Mall has also announced it will temporarily adopt free parking at its multi-storey car park to help people through the coronavirus crisis.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)