Chancellor's 'Plan for Jobs' to help the UK's recovery

The Chancellor Rishi Sunak has set out a ‘Plan for Jobs’ designed to spur on the UK’s recovery from the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Chancellor announced a package of measures to support jobs in every part of the country, give businesses the confidence to retain and hire, and provide people with the tools they need to get better jobs.

Jobs Retention Bonus
Businesses which bring back furloughed employees and keep them on until January, doing meaningful work, will receive £1,000 per employee. This applies to all furloughed employees, who when brought back from furlough leave, receive a minimum of £520 on average per month.

Kickstart Scheme
The government will pay the wages of young people (16-24) in newly created jobs – 25 hours a week, National Minimum Wage, for 6 months. Employers can apply to be part of the scheme next month. Employers will be able to top up the scheme.

£1,000 to take on trainees
The government will pay employers £1,000 to take on trainees.

New Apprenticeships
The government will pay employers to create new Apprenticeships – £2,000 per apprentice. Businesses will also receive a bonus of £1,500 for Apprentices over 25 years old.

Two measures to support the hospitality sector:

  1. VAT on food, accommodation and attractions will be cut from 20% to 5%, and this will apply from next Wednesday until 12th January 2021.
  2. During August, everyone will be able to receive an ‘Eat out to help out discount’. At any participating business, customers will receive a 50% discount up to £10 per head, Monday to Wednesday. 

Businesses can register to take part from next Monday, and will be able to claim the discounted money back. For further information please click HERE .
A 'Plan for Jobs': Documents

The Chancellor of the Exchequer set out a 'Plan for Jobs' to Parliament on 8 July 2020.

To view the Plan for Jobs and supporting documents please click HERE
Thousands of business advisers to offer free services to small firms

Thousands of expert professional and business services advisers have signed up to offer free online advice to help small businesses bounce back from coronavirus (COVID-19).

Advice offered will include bespoke, specialist assistance from accountancy, legal, and advertising to marketing, recruitment and digital to help businesses adapt to difficult circumstances and to bounce back as the UK economy recovers. 

For further information please click HERE .
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)