264 - 23rd March  2020
Events - postponements and cancellations
In light of Coronavirus (COVID-19), the decision has been made to cancel this month's Luton Business Forum, which was set to take place on 26 March.

In addition, the BID's Tidy Day, which had been lined up in April, has been postponed - we hope to run this later in the year and will keep you updated about new dates and other events planned in Luton town centre as the current situation develops.

In the meantime, we will be holding events - virtual style - over the coming weeks (and possibly months). These may be in the style of webinars, Skype or via Zoom video communications.

If you have any topics you would like us to cover, please get in touch and email Fergus McLardy: [email protected].
Coronavirus - stay updated
With the severity of coronavirus (COVID-19) rapidly growing, we would like to reassure all BID businesses that we are here to offer advice and support.

We are keeping the BID's coronavirus resources page up to date - you can it find  HERE.
Supporting BID businesses
The BID team is wholly committed to supporting Luton town centre businesses - our BID levy-payers - during this unprecedented time.

Share your business continuity plans
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any specific concerns affecting your business - the BID team will be on hand to help.

Our BID team is also liaising with businesses to find out their current status, news and updates, or if they are making changes to the ways of working to remain open, operate at reduced hours, or close.

We will compile regular updates and share this information with other businesses and the general public via our website and social media channels. Please do let us know so we can assist with your communications.

Meetings & events
As mentioned, we have postponed any meetings and events with immediate effect, with the promise of delivering these activities when it is declared safe to do so (we will release further information in due course).

Contact with our BID team will continue
Even if our BID manager, Fergus McLardy, or Ambassadors have to work from home, we will still be at the end of the phone or email. In the first instance call the BID office on 01582 510657 or email [email protected].

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   [email protected]

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)