Businesses urged to prepare for NHS COVID-19 app
Businesses across England and Wales - including pubs, restaurants, hairdressers and cinemas - are being urged to ensure they have NHS QR code posters visible on entry so customers who have downloaded the new NHS COVID-19 app can use their smartphones to easily check-in.

  • The NHS COVID-19 app is currently being trialled and will launch on Thursday 24 September in England and Wales, including QR check-in at venues
  • QR codes will be an important way for NHS Test and Trace in England and NHS Test, Trace, Protect in Wales to contact multiple people if coronavirus outbreaks are identified in venues

Following the launch of the new COVID-19 app, customers and visitors in England will be able to use their phone instead of filling out a check-in book or tool specific to a business. This will allow NHS Test and Trace to contact customers with public health advice should there be a COVID-19 outbreak. 

For further information please click HERE.
Business Rates Review Survey
The government committed to conduct a fundamental review of business rates and published the terms of reference for the review at the Spring Budget. There is an initial closing date of 18th September (this Friday).

This call for evidence seeks views on how the business rates system currently works, issues to be addressed, ideas for change and a number of alternative taxes.

The government is aware that many businesses and stakeholders may need extra time to engage fully with all of the issues in the call for evidence and so is seeking responses in two phases.
  • They welcome views on the multiplier and reliefs sections, by 18 September, to inform an interim report in the Autumn.
  • Responses on all other sections are invited by 31 October, ahead of the review’s conclusion in Spring 2021.

The document and the online survey can be found HERE.
Become a 'Community Champion' and help beat COVID-19 in Luton
Luton Council is recruiting an army of volunteers to take on the important role of community champions - helping to spread key public health messages in order to help protect the town from Covid-19.

Each champion will receive regular updates from Luton Council to communicate with their friends, families and wider communities - the council is looking for people from all walks of life to volunteer, including town centre business owners and workers.

For more information and to sign up click HERE.
Workshop and free consultation by Clearhead
Our Luton BID Chair, Gavin O'Brien - Co-Director of town centre business, Clearhead - is running a virtual roundtable this Wednesday, 16th September at 3pm, specifically for business owners and marketing/communications directors.

The hour-long session will be recorded, with the intention of creating an in-depth report or white paper about cost, pricing strategies and the different approaches taken by Luton businesses during these exceptional circumstances.  

Each participant will also be offered a valuable 20-minute consultation on anything marketing or content related for free.

Please email Gavin direct for more information: [email protected].
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657  [email protected]

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)