282b - 27th May 2020
Government issues updated guidance and timeline for retail reopening

The Government has issued renewed guidance and set out a timeline for when retail can reopen in June. 

Shops will need to demonstrate that they have undertaken a COVID-19 risk assessment and taken steps to ensure that they are COVID-19 secure.

Outdoor markets and car showrooms will be allowed to reopen from 1 June whilst all other non-essential retail will be able to reopen from 15 June, subject to the Government’s five tests being met.

Read the Government's 'Working safely during COVID-19 in shops and branches' guidance HERE
Government announce ‘Reopening High Streets Safely’ fund

On Sunday 24 May, the Government announced a ‘Reopening High Streets Safely’ fund designed to help councils in England introduce a range of safety measures for the reopening of high streets and other retail spaces.

The £50million fund will support a range of practical safety measures such as new signs, street markings and temporary barriers.

Luton BID is working with Luton Council to identify priorities to lead Luton's economic recovery from the effects of the coronavirus crisis. We will keep you updated.

More details are HERE.
Business COVID-19 Recovery Starter Packs

COVID-19 has brought unprecedented changes to towns and cities across the UK and beyond.

We recognise that this has been an extremely difficult time for businesses and wish to support you wherever possible to enable you to continue to operate successfully moving forward.

As such, Luton BID has put together this Business COVID-19 Recovery Starter Pack for your business

Within the pack you will find the following items:

• 3 x social distancing floor graphics
• 3 x washable face coverings
• 1 x social distancing window vinyl
• 1 x social distancing poster
• 1 x handwashing guideline poster
• 1 x business compliance poster
• 1 x roll of social distancing tape
• 1 x 500ml bottle of hand sanitiser

Everyone needs to assess and manage the risks of COVID-19. As a business, you also have a legal responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety.

This means you need to think about these risks carefully and do everything reasonably practicable to minimise them, recognising you cannot completely eliminate the risk of COVID-19.

This pack is designed to help your business to manage the risk associated with COVID-19. It does not provide an exhaustive list of contents; each business is different, and you will need to plan for your business accordingly.

We therefore recommend you follow the latest guidance issued by the UK Government. For the latest information on COVID-19, including links to the Government guidance documents, please visit the Luton BID website HERE.

We hope that you will find this pack useful. Should you require any further information on BID activities please do not hesitate to contact the Luton BID office, the details of which are shown below.

Please request your packs by emailing info@lutonbid.org - and include your business name, business address, contact name and telephone number.
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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If you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)