253 - 28th January  2020
Luton Council begging consultation - have your say

Luton Borough Council is seeking the public's views as it considers toughening up begging restrictions in the town centre.

The current Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) was implemented in Luton town centre in July 2018 and bans seven specific behaviours in and around George Street and Bute Street.

These include begging, street drinking, dogs off leads, leaving dog mess, spitting, urinating and defecating.

Now, the council seeks to toughen up the begging ban as well as extend it to the Galaxy Centre area. The current PSPO in relation to begging means that a person only breaches the rule if they do not stop begging when asked by an authorised officer.

The new proposals would also allow the council to issue fixed penalty notices to beggars, but there will be other options available including issuing warnings, using restorative justice measures and referring individuals to support services.

To view the proposed changes to the PSPO and complete the survey, visit www.luton.gov.uk/consult.

The survey deadline is next Wednesday, 5 February.
Business rates discount for pubs

Pub owners will be pulling a celebratory pint this week after the Chancellor announced he would be cutting their bills by £1,000. 

Sajid Javid confirmed the new Pubs Relief would be introduced in April.

The Pubs Relief is part of a package of measures that is being introduced by the government to support local high streets. From April this year:

• Small shops and cafes will see their bills halved as the retail discount, currently a third off, is extended to 50%
• Music venues and cinemas will become eligible for the retail discount
• A £1,500 discount for local newspapers office space will be extended for a further five years

Read the full story HERE.
Meet our BID Project Manager

If you work in Luton town centre then why not pop in and see our BID Project Manager Fergus McLardy.

Fergus is hosting his first drop in event of the year this Thursday,
(30 January).

Simply pop in to the BID's new offices any time between 9.30am and 11am - Studio 3, West Wing Studios,Unit 166 The Mall, Luton LU1 2TL.

You can register your interest by calling 01582 510657 or emailing [email protected].
Today's Panama launch - your invitation

The Culture Trust and Panama Hat Company jointly invite you to celebrate Panama’s launch of their new collection and opening of their new premises at the iconic Hat House.  

Hat House is a former hat factory, built in the late 1880s and part of a magnificent cluster of regenerated buildings designed to bring creative people and businesses together in the heart of Luton’s cultural quarter.  

Today, (Tuesday 28 January) you are invited to pop along for an evening of hats, music and drinks, from 4pm-8pm.

Location: Hat House, 32 Guildford Street, Luton LU1 2NR.

Please send RSVP’s to [email protected] 

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   [email protected]

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)