90 21/03/17
Find out about how our glutton machine has been making an impact and 
the St Patrick's Day celebrations in Luton town centre ...
St Patrick's Day celebrations

As expected thousands of people flocked to the town centre on Sunday to celebrate St Patrick's Day.

Organised by Luton Irish Forum, this year's festivities included a festival parade through the streets with Irish dancers and traditional music. 

The event showcased the very best of Irish song and dance, and we were delighted to support this  popular celebration.

Click  HERE to see some photos by our Ambassadors .
tidy days
Tidy Day 

We have another Tidy Day coming up - do you want to get involved?

Our popular  Tidy Days involve volunteers from town centre businesses, litter-picking and tidying up streets within the BID area.
The next Tidy Day will be on Friday 31st March, 8am - 10am.  

If you would like your business to get involved, please register by emailing us HERE or calling 01582 510657.

Glutton machine cleaned up in Feb

Our glutton machine continues to make a difference in Luton town centre by targeting the  hard-to-reach litter like cigarette butts and chewing gum.

In February alone the machine collected 30 giant refuse sacks - that's 7,200 litres of rubbish in the 177 hours it was in operation.

Our glutton machine is part of our commitment to provide additional cleaning services to complement  and improve those provided by Luton Borough Council. 

Read more  HERE .
Dates for your diary
  • Luton BID Update - Thursday 30th March
  • Tidy Day - Friday 31st March
  • St George's Day celebration - Saturday 22nd April
How to Get Involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. 

Find us on social media
We want to hear from you on  Twitter  and  Facebook  too, so don't forget to follow us or tag @LutonBID in any relevant tweets and like our Luton BID Facebook page. Let's all help promote #Luton town centre on social media, together.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK) 


Luton BID 01582 510657  [email protected]

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