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Find out how we are taking your views about the Power Court/Newlands Park plans forward and see what's in the pipeline for Christmas in Luton town centre ...
Luton BID supports Power Court and Newlands Park plans

We would like to thank those businesses who submitted comments to Luton BID in relation to the  planning applications by Luton Town Football Club for two new developments at Power Court and  Newlands Park (the site off Junction 10, M1). 

The BID has submitted its comments to support the proposals which we believe have the potential to  raise the standards in the town and help improve the overall perception of the town centre and have  raised a number of issues to be addressed.

The issues raised include: 

  • Impact on economic growth 
  • Continuity of parking charges
  • Lack of office space on Power Court
  • Parking provision at Power Court
  • Impact of traffic and crowds
To read more about the proposed developments click  HERE.
American Tattoos - Demi
Last chance - hair, beauty and body art 

We are compiling our directory to promote hair, beauty and body art businesses based in Luton town centre, due for distribution in early November. There is still time so to make sure you are included, so email your business name, address, telephone number and what you do by clicking HERE .
We are also featuring hair, beauty and body art businesses in a special feature, to be published in the Luton on Sunday this month. Please send 100 words and a picture by 4pm on Tuesday 11th October by clicking  HERE  if you haven't already. 
Safer Neighbourhood Days  prove a success

Safer Neighbourhood Day Oct 16
Our BID Ambassadors were recently joined by a Police Officer as they visited town  centre  businesses  to talk about business crime intelligence sharing and offer crime prevention advice.

It was all part of the BID's Safer Neighbourhood Days which took place last week, with over 50  businesses visited over the two days.  

Christmas festivities

We are in the planning stages for our Christmas activities for the BID area. Events planned to date include:  
Golden Ticket
  • Christmas lights switch-on - We are working with Luton Borough Council and the switch on will take place on Saturday 26th November at 6pm.
  • Luton Live events - Christmas-themed events on 10th and 17th December.
  • Golden Ticket - Our festive free prize draw is designed to drive more shoppers into Luton town centre in the lead up to Christmas. £4,000 of shopping vouchers, all to be spent in Luton town centre, will be awarded to eight lucky winners. Entry forms will be included in our Christmas events flyer which will be delivered to businesses in November.
We are in the process of signing contracts so look out for more exciting announcements in the next few weeks.
Luton Live Oct
Luton Live - highlights from the weekend

Talented singer and songwri ter, Chris Fahy took to the stage at our latest Luton Live event on Saturday. Chris, along with a host of other entertainers, performed in St George's Square throughout the afternoon. More live entertainment is being planned for Christmas.
How to Get Involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. You can also follow us on Twitter @LutonBID or like us on Facebook Luton BID, or click on the links below.

Look out for our ebulletin next week with details of some of our new projects.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the

Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 

or partner interested in BID activity

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK) 


Luton BID 01582 510657  [email protected]

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