Volume 12 | Number 8
Luvk9s August monthly newsletter
Today is NATIONAL SPOIL YOUR DOG DAY - as if we dog lovers need a special day for that! The website nationaltoday.com jokingly suggests we "buy that $25 indestructible toy that we've been swearing up and down we would never buy" but then goes on to say our dogs "can be a little needy but during times when it seems nobody loves us - they always do." Hear, hear!

Quick Clicks

Puppy Socialization Bingo
Bingo card courtesy of Hanne Grice
Socializing - or keeping your dog's social skills sharp - can be challenging during a pandemic.
The socialization process uses classical conditioning to teach our dogs that "stuff" isn't scary. By pairing sightings of people and dogs with food, for example, dogs learn when a human or dog appears, good things happen. It is best to start this process from a distance and gradually move closer over time. Social distancing, in this case, is actually a good thing.
This bingo card is geared towards puppies but there are lots of activities your adult dog will enjoy as well. How many squares can you "cover" this month? Be creative and have fun.
Grinding to a halt
The approach of fall signals the return of outdoor activities that are challenging in the heat of summer - like walking your dog! Walking the dog is an activity most dog owners enjoy. Not only is it an opportunity to socialize - it's also a great form of exercise.

But what if your dog decides he is not going to walk? What should you do to get your dog moving if he stops and grounds?

Upcoming educational opportunities
Classes in BIg Canoe
Basic class, starts Aug. 13 at 8:15 AM
Canine Good Citizen, starts Aug.13 at 9:30 AM

Classes in Ball Ground
Puppy class, starts Aug. 22 at 8 AM
Basic class, starts Aug. 22 at 9:15 AM

Luvk9s is again offering in-home
private consults.
Contact us for more information.

YIPPEE!!!! Classes are starting soon!

Photo by Ron Fung on Unsplash