Volume 14 | Number 02
Luvk9s February monthly newsletter
Sunday is National Love Your Pet Day. What better way is there to show our food focused four-legged friends we care than with a special treat? Bully sticks are a favorite treat in our household, but I've always been concerned about that last section becoming a choking hazard. What's the solution? A bully stick holder! These devices are designed to make the bully stick last longer and keep your dog from swallowing that last section whole! Click here to learn more about this innovative product!

Enrichment activity - game #7
Photo by notesfromadogwalker.com
This month's enrichment activity is the flirt pole, which you can easily make yourself or purchase online. The flirt pole is basically a fishing pole for dogs except there's a toy attached to the end of the line (instead of a worm!) Swing the pole back and forth, up and down and watch the fun begin! This is a great way to engage your dog and work off some excess energy.

Search amazon for "flirt pole for dogs" or make it yourself with just three items: a 4-to-6-foot piece of PVC pipe, 10-15 feet of rope and a dog toy.

Click here for more details on how to construct your own flirt pole! Enjoy!
On leash dog introductions
What is the best way to introduce two dogs? The best method is probably the scariest - off leash in an outdoor neutral location. Start with two (exercised) tired dogs. Let the dogs drag their leashes in case a quick intervention is required. Keep the initial interactions short (five seconds or so). Each handler should call his dog to come and praise/reward before releasing the dogs to interact again for another brief period of time.

On leash introductions can be tricky because often one owner “initiates” the meet and greet (without permission) by allowing their dog to drag them towards you while yelling “don’t worry, he’s friendly.”

What can you do if you find yourself in a situation where an on-leash introduction is unavoidable?
Upcoming educational opportunities
Photo courtesy of brgfx at freepik
Thursday classes in Big Canoe - starting March 24
Basic obedience class starts at 11 AM
Canine Good Citizen (obedience level II) starts at 1 PM

Friday classes in Ball Ground starting March 11
AKC STAR Puppy class starts at 11 AM
Basic obedience class starts at 1 PM
Combo class starts at 3 PM

Saturday classes in Ball Ground starting March 12
AKC STAR Puppy class starts at 11 AM
Basic obedience class starts at 1 PM
Canine Good Citizen (obedience level II) starts at 3 PM

Luvk9s also offers private, in-home consultations.
Contact us for more information!

COMBO CLASS - a little of everything!

Do something different each week:
  • Basic obedience review
  • Intro to agility
  • Noseworks 101
  • Tricks
  • Week #5 - students choice